
Friday, September 6, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Red

“Writing is an act of faith, not a trick of grammar.” ~E. B. White
1. Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
Here’s how.
3. Be generous and leave an encouraging comment for the person who linked up before you. That’s the best part about this community.
And if you don’t have a blog, feel free to leave your five minutes of writing as a comment. And we’ll love on you there.
Today’s prompt is:


Red is one of my favorite colors.  On the color pallette of life it is in the top five....I love red because.....

I have seen the red poppies in fields in Italy.  I must have taken a hundred different pictures.  I loved to feel the breezes and watch the beautiful red flowers dance for me..........
Of red orchids that my best friends mom grew in her yard where I grew up.  One of my favorite happy places was sitting in her back yard and enjoying the colorful, dainty orchids.  One of the saddest places it became when the neigborhood disappeared and FAU took it over to be a sports practice field.  Gone are all the red orchids. They live on only in my memories.

Of the red in the roses that Charles W. gave me on my 18th birthday.  I had 18 red first....they meant he cared for me.  I adored him.  I have often wondered where and how he is.  My next door neighbor painted those 18 roses for me.  The flower itself is gone....but the painting still reminds me of when I was young....and in love.

Of the red in the tomatoes that I canned.  I have to remember the red in my hands where they were scalded too.  Canning tomatoes is NOT one of my favorite things to do.  I love to eat them....but forget canning them.  Yet, they are so beautiful and red in the clear jars.  Beckoning me to eat them.

Of the red that borders the sun as it sets over the Mackinaw Bridge in Michigan.

Of the red hibiscus in Mrs. Betty Jeans yard that draws me to that happy place often.

Of the red of the leaves in the fall.  They are beginning to change here and I cannot wait for the colors to arrive and delight me.

Of the red of the Rock Mills new rescue truck.  It is so pretty and shiney.  The guys are all very happy to have it.
Of the red in the hair of my precious daughter and the red on her lips.  I love running my fingers through her hair.  She is one of the things I have been blessed with. of my favorite colors for many reasons. 



  1. What a blessing "Red" has been for you! It's in my top two favorite colors!! I vacillate back and forth between red (scarlet) and deep royal blue :-)

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend! Glad I stopped over from Five Minute Friday!

  2. loved your list of all the red you love... read like a gratitude list!



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