
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pageant Dress Gone Wild!

I am not a pageant mom.  I really don't even like the concept of pageants....but I have several friends who are all about them....and I love my I have been to a few in my lifetime.  When the girls are little....the dress is usually a fru fru kind of dress...with crinoline petticoats and loads of lace, glitter, and glam.  As pageant girls age....the dresses are typically known for their sparkles and frills, but this year’s Miss Alabama decided to show some school pride with her parade dress for the 2013 Miss America competition.  I bow to her for her school pride....but I have some issues with her dress.  She is Miss Alabama....and that means she represents the STATE....Not just the School!  There are quite a few colleges and universities in this state that are getting slammed with her choice of dresses. 
Miss Alabama is a student at Alabama.  When I saw the dress she showed ahead of this year’s competition,  I wanted to gag.  I sat in awe of this custom-made University of Alabama gown. The dress, made by Ann Northington, consists of a black jumpsuit with a houndstooth skirt that spells out “Roll Tide” on the front and has a Crimson Tide 2012 National Champions emblem on the back. 

If the dress is not enough.....there are the shoes.  I am a crafter.....and these shoes look like a novice with a whole bunch of crafting leftovers and a glue gun going wild. 
The South gets a bad enough rap as it is....with Honey Boo-Boo, cops like Jackie Gleason, the Redneck shows, Bama Gold,  etc....does it have to bleed over into pageants now?   I think I am going to start saying I am from Kansas.  At least there the shoes were just ruby, they could take you back home, and there was always something to be found "Somewhere Over the Rainbow."  I am signing out before I get myself in trouble.  Happy Trails!


  1. She must be quite proud of Alabama or someone paid her to dress like this. Interesting.

  2. You make me smile! At least from the picture it looks modest. :)


  3. Well, I looked again - maybe I should have said more modest than some. :)


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