
Friday, October 11, 2013

Five Minute Friday - Ordinary

It is really Saturday here.  I was out of town this week and to be honest was not in the mood to blog.  I was in the mood to spend time with my loving husband and my dear friends Chuck and Susan.  We had planned to take in the Smokey's....which thanks to our government we did not get to do like we had planned.  We still spent time together and drove less driven roads and experienced all of God's glories.  Want to know how Five Minute Friday got started and how to participate? All the details are here.
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.

3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community..

OK, are you ready? Please give us your best five minutes on the word:::



I am just an ordinary girl.  There is nothing that stands out about me that makes someone stop dead in their tracks and say, "Whoa!"  While I may be ordinary on the outside I am far from ordinary on the inside.  I have a huge heart, I hate to see people hurting, I love to help others, I love to laugh, smile. commune with God.  I am a Christian and that makes me extra-ordinary.  You see my God gave his only Son so that I am forgiven of my sins. extraordinary is that?  I love exquisite orchids.....and ordinary flowers like daisies.  I am not a stunning dresser.  I wear ordinary "teacher" clothes.  I used to laugh at my SAHM when she would wear her ordinary "going to the grocery store" dress and here I am following suit in my "teacher" attire.  I dress professional for my profession....except on Friday's when we get to wear jeans and sport our Wildcat shirts.  I love ordinary days.  You know...the kind where you get up, go to work, do your job, come home and nothing out of the ordinary occurs.  Those days are so restful.  I also love a few of those days when things are chaotic and not on schedule.  I am an ordinary cook.  I love to mess around in the kitchen but have no desire to make fancy cakes and such.  I have an out of the ordinary sense of humor and speak in sarcasm from time to time.  My home is comfortable....but ordinary.  I am not an art lover, yet I love things on my walls....mostly pictures I have made of my family.  Ordinary...yep that pretty much describes me to a tee....but I would not have it any other way.  I am just an ordinary girl.  Back in the day when Miley Cyrus was Hannah Montana she did a song about being an Ordinary Girl.  I have it on my Ipad and play it from time to time just to remind myself that I am ok just like I am.  I wish she still believed this about herself.  I think she is far from ordinary now....kind of out of the ball park.  The lyrics go like this:

Don't get me wrong, I love who I am
I don't want to be ungrateful, it probably sounds strange
I really love the role I play
The songs I sing, but with all the fame

The things that seem so simple
Are suddenly so far out of reach
Wish that they could see that underneath
I'm just an ordinary girl

Sometimes I'm lazy, I get bored
I get scared, I feel ignored
I feel happy, I get silly
I choke on my own words

I make wishes, I have dreams
And I still want to believe
Anything could happen in this world
For an ordinary girl

Like you, like me
For an ordinary girl
Like you, like me

How are you? Hello, goodbye
One day here, one day there, and again it's time to go
Ms. Popular, always on the roll
Put my best foot forward, gotta get on with the show

Strike a pose for the front cover of a magazine
Everywhere I arrive, I get high-fives
They pay me larger than life [YEAH!]
I'm just an ordinary girl

Sometimes I'm lazy, I get bored
I get scared, I feel ignored
I feel happy, I get silly
I choke on my own words

I make wishes, I have dreams
And I still want to believe
Anything could happen in this world
For an ordinary girl

So give it everything
Or nothing at all
Get back on your feet
When you stumble and fall

A little luck can go a long way
So don't you worry 'bout what people say
Who knows where the wind may blow
For an ordinary girl [Mmmm]

I'm just an ordinary girl

Sometimes I'm lazy, I get bored
I get scared, I feel ignored [Yeah!]
I feel happy, I get silly
I choke on my own words

I make wishes, I have dreams
And I still want to believe
Anything could happen in this world
For an ordinary girl

Like you, like me
For an ordinary girl
Like you, like me
For an ordinary girl

For an ordinary girl
Like me, like you




  1. There is nothing wrong with being ordinary! :-) Loved your post!

  2. This was great! I love ordinary, but it is fun to have some exciting days mixed in there too. Well said.


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