
Saturday, October 12, 2013

FYI - Babies Update

Well for eleven days people all over the country have been praying for these precious little ones, Kruze and Kash.  There are eleven days old today and still holding their own.  Frank and I went to see them on Monday and they were absolutely adorable.  Little Kruze when we got ready to leave pointed one finger upward and it reminded me of when I was a teenager and Christian youth would hold one finger to the sky signifying One Way.  I loved it. If you are on facebook there is a page for them called Prayers for Kruze and Kash Mccarley.  You can visit it, pray for them, with them, or just keep up with their progress.  Anyways, I thought I would show you their most current pictures.  Please continue to pray for these little ones and their families.

I also had to include one of their big brother.  He is up there this weekend spending time with his tiny little sisters.  Jett is a heartbreaker.  You cannot be around him and not fall in love with him.
Is he not adorable?    Thank you all for your continued prayers.  The little ones are not out of the woods....but they are fighting with everything they have.  They truly are little miracles and evidences that our God reigns! 

1 comment:

  1. I will continue to pray for Kruze and Kash. Also I am now following them on Facebook. ((HUGS))


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