
Friday, October 4, 2013

Home To Heather Creek Series

Book 1 - Before The Dawn

About The Book:  Charlotte Stevenson's world has been turned upside down. What was a pleasant life on a Nebraska farm with her husband has now been rocked by news of her only daughter's death. Now they must take care of Denise's three children Sam, Emily and Christopher. Even though they haven't taken care of children in years, they want to do right by Denise, who left home at an early age after a disagreement. They never saw her again. Will they be able to help out the three struggling city children who feel out of place and alone on the farm or will history repeat itself and they leave just like Denise did?

About the Author:  Carolyne Aarsen is a wife, mother, grandmother farmer, writier who lives in the heart of a Dutch community.  When she is not writing she is scrapbooking and making cards.

My Thoughts On The Book/Series:  I am not usually a big fan of multi author series.  I do not like the change in tone and continuity when authors change.  I have discovered that character personalities that I may have liked in one book don't always show up in every book.  However, the Home to Heather Creek series breaks that mold and I have found it one of the most comforting and engaging set of stories that I have ever read. Charlotte and her husband faithfully represent an older generation who find themselves trying to adapt to their young grandchildren. The setting is a comfortable one and very realistic.  I could actually visualize the farm in Montana. The series is filled with comfort, love, struggles, and a sense of finding their way.  After reading Before The Dawn I could not wait to get started on Sweet September.  I honestly believe that once you start with this series you won't be able to stop. I know I couldn't.

I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.

Book 2 - Sweet Surrender

About The Book:  Harvest time at Heather Creek Farm is an exciting time, but the kids don’t seem to be getting into the spirit. One day while he’s wandering through the fields, Christopher stumbles across an old piece of metal buried in the ground. He doesn’t know what it is, but he hides it in the shed. That night, the garden by the house is uprooted. Who could have done such a thing? Charlotte is determined to find out, but is distracted when she gets news that Sam is failing school. The sullen teen is indifferent and won’t study. He starts spending a lot of time with Pete. Though she loves her son dearly, Pete never finished high school, and Charlotte is afraid he’ll encourage Sam to do the same. How can she help him get back on track? A gripping story that examines the Stevenson family’s history as well as its shaky future, Sweet September will bring you deeper into the loving community of Bedford and the deep ties of love that bind this broken family together. As they forge new connections, you’ll be entertained, inspired, and reminded that God’s grace can make all things new.
My Thoughts On The Book/Series:  I am huge fan of Tricia Goyer.  She is a master wordsmith and delightful at character development.  At the end of  Before the Dawn  we saw some break throughs happening in the relationships between Bob, Charlotte, Pete and Sam, Emily and Christopher. In this sequel the work takes one step forward and two steps back.  I felt as if I was on the farm with the family.  The characters were real and I felt as if I had made some new friends.  I have always been a sucker for a family-on-a-farm story, and this was one of the best ones I've read.Thank you so much Litfuse for my copy!

STATEMENT OF DISCLOSURE: I received an paperback copy of this title from Litfuse and Guidepost as part of their blogger review program . I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC 16 CFR, Part 255 'Guides concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. I was not asked to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are entirely my own. Thanks guys for letting me read this and participate!

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