
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sweet Olive

About The Book: 
Camille Gardner came to small town Louisiana in the name of big business. But will the town of Samford change her before she can change it?  A talented businesswoman in the oil and gas business, Camille Gardner agrees to take on one last assignment for her uncle at the J&S Production Co. She would rather be anywhere than Samford, Louisiana, the small southern town where she once spent the worst month of her life. Most of all, she wants to move on to the art gallery job that is waiting for her in Denver.  To fulfill the obligation she feels to her uncle and get on with the life she dreams of, Camille needs to entice a group of rural landowners to sell their mineral rights—and allow use of their precious water for the drilling of natural gas. Instead, she finds herself drawn to the local folk art created by those same landowners, and attracted to Marsh Cameron, the attorney representing them.
Camille must decide whether family obligation—and her own plans for her future—are more important than the lives and tradition of this small community.

About The Author: 
Judy Christie is an author and consultant who lives
in Northwest Louisiana. 
She writes inspirational fiction and nonfiction.
Her popular Green series chronicles the goings-on in the small Louisiana town of Green and is part of Abingdon Press’s new inspirational fiction line. 
Judy is also the author
of the popular Hurry Less, Worry Less nonfiction series, published by Abingdon Press.

Wreath, published in October 2011, is Judy’s first young adult book. Look for it and a free download on her books page! Judy was a journalist for many years and is a frequent speaker at retreats and workshops.

My Thoughts About The Book:
I  thought this was a really enjoyable book. It was not one that provoked thinking, there was no big mystery to solve, but it was a fun read. This was one of those books you can pick up and read when you want to unwind and not have to think. The characters were believable and life like.   They were well-rounded and before the book was finished they felt like family.  Once I began reading it the book caught my attention and would not let me go until it was over.  This book was a great way to spend the weekend.
I received an paperback copy of this title from Book Sneeze as part of their blogger review program . I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC 16 CFR, Part 255 'Guides concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. I was not asked to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are entirely my own. Thanks guys for letting me read this and participate!

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