
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 First Hodge Podge of the Year

So Long 2013, Hello Hodgepodge!
Happy New Year!  There's no party like a Hodgepodge party! Add the link to your answers and then be sure to go mingle with the other guests...10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-Happy Hodgepodge!  Copy the questions, answer them, and then hurry over and link up with Joyce by clicking here.

1. Times Square is the setting for the infamous ball drop signaling the start of a brand new year....when did you last 'drop the ball' on something?
I am the queen of dropping the ball.  I was going to make a cake for my lunch bunch the last week of school before Christmas break, got out all the ingredients, and realized the I was missing the key ingredient.  It was 10:00 and I certainly was not going to run to Walmart.  I will have to make it for them in 2014.
 2. What is one thing you resolved to do in 2013 that you actually did?
Make time for family and friends.

 3. Jack London is quoted as saying, "You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club." Agree or disagree? Why?
When I am inspired I seem to get the inspiration for something I was not expecting at all.  I have never really gone out and pursued it with a club.  I am thinking that that it does not sound like a bad idea when inspiration is totally lacking to grab a club and go hunting. 

 4. What was the best thing you ate in 2013?
Fresh seafood in Florida.

 5. Share an anti-resolution...that is, something you plan to keep on doing in the new year?
Decluttering my house and getting rid of the clutter at my mom's.  I dropped this ball too in 2013.
 6. The Pantone color of the year for 2014 is radiant orchid. I love orchids the flower....not so much the color.  It might find it's way to my closet as an accessory piece, and you won't find it in my house. 
eh...not really.  

7. In three words or less, sum up your 2013.
It Is Well

 8.  Insert your own random thought here.  Did you know that Auld Lang Syne (The Good Old Days) is a song traditionally sung at midnight when horns are blown, confetti is thrown, and a general party atmosphere is created to ring in the New Year with happiness and hope for a bright and prosperous year. The outgoing year is often represented by an elderly man known as Father Time and the new year is represented by a baby known as Baby New Year. Robert Burns wrote the lyrics to Auld Lang Syne in the 1700's.  
Auld Lang Syne
Robert Burns Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
and days of auld lang syne? For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne,
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne

Happy New Year!


1 comment:

  1. I dropped a big ball on decluttering last year! Hoping to work on that this year. I start out so motivated and then I continue to get caught up in my computer all day.....


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