
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My Words of Wisdom for 2014

I sat down this morning to write my first post for 2014 and I wanted to write something deep and thought provoking about the new year, but as I sat here I kept coming back to simple thoughts.  The thoughts I came up with were that I needed to do more for others, smile at everyone I see, don't let my troubles get in my way, laugh more, sing more, assume nothing, learn something new everyday, take better care of myself and those I love, write more, read more, spend time with family and friends.  I began my new year this way with a wonderful lunch of the Porch People at Sherry and Keith's house.  We all gathered....Tula, Billy Ray, Mike, Sherry, Keith, Celia, Chris, Jess, Steven, us, Marcie, Magen, Keaton, Jett,  Glenda, and Sandra, said grace, and enjoyed a traditional southern New Years lunch of black eyed peas, turnips, roast, chicken, and a whole lot more.  It is a good thing I did not make that "I am going to lose weight" resolution because it would not have happened today.  Of course football was on and about 3:30 I developed the worst headache I had had in a while and was feeling a little testy.  It was time for me to go so I could get home, take some aspirin, and take a quick nap.  I also want to achieve a few more things like loving my job like I did in the beginning, ridding myself of clutter, and most importantly spending time embracing the Word of God.  I don't make resolutions as a habit and this year I am not making them either, I am going to practice what I preach and attempt to live 2014 to the fullest.  No regrets!  I ended up 2013 realizing again that life is fragile.  At the funeral the other night I hugged Kash's grandmother, Marcie and told her I loved her.  She said...."through thick and thin."  That is what I want this give more of myself and expect less from others.  I hope each of you finds what you are looking for in 2014.  Happy New Year - and may this be the best year of your life!!  Remember today is the first page of your 365 page life story.  Write it well my friend, write it well.

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