
Monday, January 6, 2014

It Is Finished!

I am not a big football fan.  In fact I could live my whole life without football ever gracing the screen of my television.  I love my Wildcats (high school team where I teach), but as far as football goes I am just not into it.  The funny thing is I live in Alabama, the state with the biggest rivalry known on the face of the earth.  From the time Auburn and Alabama football begins in the fall I withdraw quietly from Facebook and any other social media.    I grew up in South Florida and just do not remember this kind of rivalry between Florida State and University of Florida.  Even my Florida friends do not post on social media the hateful things that you get out of Alabama.  Last night was the end.  In my household...just the two of us....was an Auburn grad (me) and a Florida State fan (Frank).  It was a quiet night....with an occassional, "Go, Go, Go!" being heard from Franks recliner.  I read a book and glanced at the television from time to time.  I have to admit that deep in my heart I wanted Auburn to pull this one out,....but it was not to be.  Before I could leave my chair and go to bed social media was flooded with nasty comments.  I am sick of it.  I am tired of hearing about the rights and wrongs of  Jameis Winston...I thought we lived in a country where one was innocent until PROVEN guilty. He never was....yet it will haunt him the rest of his life. I thnk it is kind of neat that Florida State lost the very first BCS National Championship against Tennessee and now they have won the very last BCS National Championship against Auburn.  I am proud of the 'Noles.  I am Native Floridian.  I am proud of Auburn.  I am an Auburn grad.  I am glad to have a reprieve from college football for a few months.  I will watch the Super Bowl....but only for the entertainment and the commercials.  In the days leading up to tonight I have heard so many comments being made that I really did not want to go anywhere....I was afraid I would be around someone from a rivalry college and the discussion would get heated.  You know there are so many more....more important things to devote your time and efforts winning souls to Christ.  I wish people would get as excited about going to church on they do about going to a football game and then posting hateful things on social media.  I wish we could look at people and know they are Christians by the shirts they are wearing, the flags they are flying, the license plates they have on their cars.....but you can tell more about what team they support instead. my perfect little and every other sport would be a game that people played for the fun of it and Las Vegas gamblers would not get rich from it.  Oh well, for another is over....It is Finished! we can focus on the Winter Olympics.


  1. I am not a football fan but have watched some of the NFL playoffs with my husband recently trying to share in his joy. He wanted Auburn to win last night and he was yelling at the TV in the other room. He never does that but he was so frustrated by some of their plays.
    I do however always watch Superbowl Sunday!

  2. I was pulling for Auburn since it's an SEC school. Even though I love football, do people really think God cares about which team wins? I have to say this: I had NO idea what FSU's quarterback was saying during his interview. Public speaking definitely isn't his strong point. I guess the Heisman candidates didn't have an interview portion as part of the process! :D


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