
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wednesday Hodge Podge Vol 157

It is that time again and  here are the questions and my answers for this week's Hodgepodge.  Here is what you need to do.  Read my answers, copy the questions, answer on your own blog, then slide over to Joyce's blog and link answers with all your friends and neighbors. See you there. 

1. Every January 1st since 1976 Lake Superior University has published a list of words they'd like to see banished from the Queen's English. Words may be banished due to misuse, overuse or just general uselessness (go here to read more about how the words were chosen). Here are the words/phrases they'd like to see banished in 2014-

selfie, twerk/twerking, hashtag, Twittersphere, Mr. Mom, T-bone, ____on steroids, the suffixes-ageddon, and -pocalypse added to anything and everything, from the world of politics the words-intellectually/morally bankrupt and Obamacare, and from the world of sports the words-adversity and fan base

Which of these words/phrases would you most like to see banished from everyday speech and why? Is there a word not on the list you'd like to add?All of them.....and cray cray is not there....also totes, etc.  I hate cell phone jargon.  I teach English....and this is destroying our languages as we know it.  The Sprint commercial  with  James Earl Jones and Malcolm McDowell makes my skin crawl.

2. What one unfinished project nags at you begging to be completed in this new year?  Cleaning out my mom's house and getting it sold.  It is going to be the death of me.  We have secured an auction firm who is going to yard sale everything for us.  We cannot be there the day of the sale.

3. When did you last have a bowl of soup? What kind? Homemade or from a can? What's your favorite soup?  Sunday night and leftovers on Tuesday for lunch at work.  It was vegetable stew.  My favorite soup is potato...especially if Beth makes it.  I don't like canned soup.  I loved homemade and will eat it a good bit during the winter. 

4. Snowed in, snowed under, snow job...which one most applies to your life in recent days, figuratively speaking.Snowed under....literally I feel as if the world is piling it in on me.  We just returned from Christmas break and I am looking forward to Spring break....can you say "senioritis?"  I knew you could.

5. What's the funniest movie you've ever seen, or at least one of the funniest?  Madea Witness Protection Plan....and there are several others.  I love a good funny movie.

6. In general, would you say you're clumsy?  In general?  My middle name is clumsy.  Who do you know who could trip over a bright yellow speed bump in a parking lot and slip on ice in Panama City Beach, FL?  My husband will tell you that I am an accident looking for a place to happen.

7. Elvis Presley was born on Hodgepodge Day (January 8th) back in 1935. Are you an Elvis fan? What's your favorite Elvis tune? If that's too hard, which Elvis tune do you dislike the least? Click here for a list of his songs.  When I was younger....and so was he.....I loved Elvis.  I loved him back in the day of Roustabout, Blue Hawaii, Girl Happy, etc.  
A dear friend of our family was one of the girls in Girl Happy.  Her name was Chris Noel.  I adored her.  Chris Noel is the girl with the pearls on and the white headband. 
She actually taught me how to twirl a baton before heading off to Hollywood.  My favorite song....Puppet On A String.  From Blue Hawaii it is the Hawaiian Wedding Song....

8. Insert your own random thought here.  Have you ever known anyone really famous?  a little famous?  remotely famous?  I have.  My parents had some wonderful friends, the Botz family.  I adored them.  They had two daughters, Trudy and Chris.  Chris became a strange way.  yep...she was a cover girl, an actress in several films, knew cool people,....but what I remember her most for is her time in Vietnam.  She was dubbed America's Answer to Hanoi Hannah.   Chris Noel traveled a great deal in Vietnam during her 1966 - 1970 helicopter tours.  When Hollywood turned stridently against the war and the men who fought it, Chris Noel stuck with the GIs—and she's still with them.  A model turned actress in the early 1960s, Chris Noel was a young blonde bombshell with a number of movies and TV guest appearances under her belt when she first started entertaining the troops in Vietnam. She received the Distinguished Vietnam Veteran award in 1984 from the Veterans Network for her work during the war. In an interview, Noel recalls her life-altering experiences and her ongoing efforts in support of Vietnam veterans.  She is a writer, singer, and one of her books, “A Matter of Survival” is subtitled “The War Jane Never Saw,” referring to the controversial Jane Fonda.I thought she was something else back when I was younger and still do.  She is an amazing woman and I am proud to have known her.. 


  1. Thank goodness we don't have TV/Cable any more, and I'm happy to say I've not seen the commercial. I agree that the slang is ruining our beautiful language.

    Loved reading your random today Karen.

  2. It's always nice to know a fellow klutz :)

    That's really cool about the friend from your childhood!

  3. An accident waiting to happen-ha! That's good! I can relate a little : )

  4. Wow-amazing friends from your childhood. Glad I am not the only klutz:)

  5. You know I text but text real words. Sometimes I have to ask my nieces and great nieces.....what????? That is an amazing story about Chris Noel.

  6. So cool about Chris Noel!
    I love Madea! So hilarious!


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