
Monday, February 17, 2014

The Choice


About The Book:  With a vibrant, fresh style Suzanne Woods Fisher brings readers into the world of a young Amish woman torn between following the man she loves--or joining the community of faith that sustains her, even as she questions some of the decisions of her elders. Her choice begins a torrent of change for her and her family, including a marriage of convenience to silent Daniel Miller. Both bring broken hearts into their arrangement--and secrets that have been held too long. Filled with gentle romance, The Choice opens the world of the Amish--their strong communities, their simple life, and their willingness to put each other first. Combined with Fisher's exceptional gift for character development, this novel, the first in a series, is a welcome reminder that it is never too late to find your way back to God.

About The Author:  In no particular order, Suzanne Woods Fisher is a wife, mother, writer, lifelong student of the Bible, raiser of puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind, a gardener and a cook...the latter two with sporadic results.  Suzanne has loved to write since she was a young teen. After college, she started to write for magazines and became a contributing editor for Christian Parenting Today magazine. Her family moved to Hong Kong for four years, just as the internet was developing, and she continued to write articles in a 44-story high-rise apartment, sending manuscripts 7,000 miles away with a click of a key.  After returning from Hong Kong, Suzanne decided to give her first novel a try. For four and a half months, she worked on an antediluvian computer in a cramped laundry room. She didn't even tell her husband what she was up to. When the novel was completed, she told her family at dinner one night that she had written a book. "That's why there's no food in this house!" said her slightly insensitive sons.  Undaunted...Suzanne found a small royalty publisher for that book and wrote three more (all earned multiple awards). With help from an agent, she went on to sign contracts with Revell Books for twenty plus books.  Writing, for Suzanne, is a way to express a love of God and His word. With every book or article, she hopes readers get a sense of what faith really looks like in the daily grind. She hopes they realize that life can be hard, but God is good, and never to confuse the two.  Suzanne can be found on-line at:

My Thoughts About The Book:  I am a huge fan of Suzanne Woods Fisher and have read many of her books and must say I have enjoyed them all.  This book is no exception.   This book is the first in a series  so I got to meet the characters from the very beginning.  This was nice.  I was immediately drawn into the book and felt as if I had known Carrie for a long time.  This was my first Amish book that was filled with so many life altering issues.  I could not believe all the problems that just kept popping up.  I felt as if I had been taken through years of Carrie's life, but instead it was just a short period of time when she is touched by multiple deaths of key figures in her life, a real arsonist and another who went to jail for arson, an evil stepmother, a brother and father with hemophilia,  three men that she is attached to,  ex-cons,  an Amish man who leaves his life to become a baseball pro,  and many other things.  It reminded me of a soap opera of sorts.  Even with the overload of tragedies  I can't even begin to say enough good things about this book.  The Choice is set in Lancaster County, PA.   This book was so easy to read, and so hard to put down, ask my husband.  One of Suzanne Woods Fisher's must read books.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book through Paperback Swap.   I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion - which I've done. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.*


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