
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Who Is The Daddy?

I was flipping through my MSN this morning and found an interesting article.  As a teacher I could not help but bring it up and read it.  The article was by Sandra McNeill and I got it off of Channel 6 out of Detroit.  It was a worthy read so I felt I needed to share it with you this morning. Be sure to read the father's comment on the right side of the paper.
 The homework assignment in question (credit: Tipster Dave)
ROMEO, Mich. (WWJ) – The principal of Romeo High School has called an outraged father to apologize about a controversial homework assignment.  The 9th grade biology worksheet sent home with students this week featured questions about a mother trying to determine the identity of her baby’s father.  Possible answers included: the cable guy, the mailman, the cab driver, the bartender and the guy at the club.  “The goal is that the students are understanding blood types and DNA and possibilities based on the makeup of the two parents,” explained Romeo Schools Superintendent Nancy Campbell.“But, again, this painted a picture, I think, that was not appropriate,” she added. “My first thought when I saw it was that it certainly been worded better.”  Unamused, a parent sent the incomplete assignment back, with the note: “We teach our children not to sleep around.”  Campbell said the teacher, who got the worksheet from a teaching website, has apologized.  “Teachers use all kinds of different resources that are available to them,” Campbell said. “[This incident] brings in awareness for all of our staff to, you know, be more thoughtful and reflective about the items they use when they put them on a homework assignment.” According to Campbell, only one parent complained.  Romeo is located in Macomb County, about 30 miles north of Detroit.  When I was in junior high (that is what they called it back then) we did an experiment about eye color/dominant/recessive genes.  I took part in this activity because to be honest it was better than listening to Mr. Baker lecture.  The activity took most of the period and we were to turn in our results for a grade at the end of the period.  When I got my paper back the next day I had a very bad grade and a comment from Mr. Baker saying I must have been adopted.  You see....both of my parents and my little brother had chocolate brown to black eye color.  My eyes are blue/gray.  All three of the other people who lived in my house had jet black hair and mine was strawberry blonde.  Something was not quite right scruffy.  I went home in parents had been lying to me for 13 years.  No wonder there was no photo album of me as a tiny baby.  This explained least it did in my 13 year old mind.  A week past and my mom did something that made me mad.  I stared at her and yelled...."It's ok....go ahead and mistreat me....I know I am adopted."  It was like I threw ice water in my mom's face.  My mom's eyes filled with tears (talk about feeling like a heel), she took my hand and took me to her closet where there were hundreds of family pictures in Whitman chocolate boxes.  There nestled in the boxes were pictures of me and my mom in the hospital, blue eyed grandparents!  Talk about recessive genes baby!  I was full of them.  My parents had the Native American genes...and I was toting those wonderul Scottish/Irish characteristics.  The only thing about me that looks Native American is my high cheek bones....and wrinkles.  My mom went to school with me the next day and refreshed Mr. Baker on the difference between recessive and dominant traits.  I learned then that teachers need to be very very careful with what they say, how they say it, and need to see if there is another safe way to put facts.  You never know who is going to take it to heart.  I did.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your story. I can only imagine how you felt and how awesome your mom was for setting the teacher straight!


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