
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Mothers Day Hodge Podge

Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge! I agree with Joyce, It feels good to be responsible for just one post today, as opposed to the two.  I, like Joyce, was participating in  the April A-Z Blog Challenge.  If you join in then add your link (Hodgepodge posts only please!) at the end of Joyce's post by clicking here, and then hop over and visit some of the other participants.  

Here we go-

 1. Share something you appreciate (or something you appreciated as you were growing up) about your mother.  As a youngster who loved performing my mom was my biggest fan.  She was honest and if it was bad she told me to maybe try something different.  I also appreciated singing with her and watching her dance with my daddy....and anybody else she could grab.  I have a CD of my mom, my aunt Shirley, my cousin Amanda and I performing together at my mom's church for my dad's birthday.  It brings back some tender memories of days gone by.

 2. A quote most commonly ascribed to Plato reads-"Necessity is the mother of invention." When did this last play out in your own experience?  I am the queen of duct tape and have used it in too many ways to count.  Duct tape served as a band aid when I fell and needed to put a bandage on.  I have used it to fix all kinds of craft projects.  I have used to make sure my students stay in their rooms after lights out when traveling with kids.  Yep....duct tape rocks my world.

3. Share one of the earliest memories you have from childhood.  At age three we were visiting my grandmother.  My older cousins were playing hide and seek and I wanted to play.....they would not let me so I cried and they were made to let me play.  We were hiding and one of my older male cousins talked me into hiding in my grandmother's cedar chest.  He closed me in.....and the door slipped and really shut.  He went home.  I was found 2 hours later....terrified lying in the cedar chest.  To this day I hate closed in places.....and the smell of moth balls and cedar.  BTW...older boy cousin got a spanking for this.
 4. When did you last 'hit the mother lode'? What was it?  I hit the mother lode when Kat married Brian.  He is the ultimate SIL and better than a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  He loves my daughter with all his heart.  I hit the mother lode when Eric married Roulain and I inherited two precious granddaughters, Jasmine and Taylor.  I was blessed again with Jenifer and her family Sam and Austen.  Blessings and hitting the mother lode come in all shapes and sizes.  When I married Frank I hit the mother lode with Amy and then she brought Steven and precious Amelia into the mix.  I can say I may never have hit the mother lode financially....but I have with family.
Kat and Brian on their wedding day.
Eric's wife Roulain with Jasmine and Taylor

Jenifer and her husband, Sam, and son, Austen
Amy and her husband Steven and their daughter Amelia.
5. What is/was your favorite dish mom made? Do you make that dish for your family/friends now that you're all grown up?  My favorite mom dish was banana pudding.  She made the best.  My daughter, Kat makes it just like my mom did.  I never had the patience for it.  I love to eat it....but hate the cooking process of it.

 6. Mother May I? was at one time a popular children's game. It required no equipment or parts to play. What was your favorite childhood game to play where you could just turn up and play-no gear needed?  Like Joyce's childhood  our neighbor kids loved freeze tag, TV tag, and statues, none of which required anything in the way of equipment or protective gear. We also played war when Florida cherries were blooming.  All that took were the cherries off someones bush.  The fruit had little pits that stung when they hit and it they were ripe and exploded left red marks on your clothing and body. 

7. Which TV mom (past or present) is your favorite, and why?  June Cleaver was my favorite because I thought she was just like my mom.  I also loved Carol Brady as a young married since I had a blended family.

 8.  Insert your own random thought here.  Do you watch any reality show(s)?  Which is your favorite and why?    I watch Duck Dynasty because I think Si is funny and I love the spiritual aspect of it.  The wives are actually my favorite characters on the show.  I also watch Amazing Race because I enjoy the competition and getting to see the sights. 

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