
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Raising a Princess

About The Book:(Taken from a Shelton Interactive Release) - In his new book, Raising a Princess, John Croyle walks through the importance of raising young women in a biblical, strong and compassionate manner.  Touching on themes of unconditional love, failure and trust, Croyle offers nearly four decades of wisdom in raising a godly woman from a dad's perspective.  "A hundred years from now it will not matter what kind of house we lived in, the kind of car we drove or how much money we had in the bank, " says Croyle.   "But the world may be different because you and I were important in the life of a child."  In Raising a Princess Croyle writes with on womanhood.  The end is a Proverbs 31 woman and Croyle provides parenting techniques to help the reader raise their princess to someday be a queen.  Croyle's specific approach to raising young women is spelled out through he acronym P.R.I.N.C.E.S.S:

Praiseworthiness - A princess understands she is worth of praise simply because she is made in the image of God.
Righteousness - She lives according to God's normal, not the world's normal.
Initiative - A princess makes good things happen.
Nurture - God built into girls and women an instinct to nurture that boys and men simply don't have in the same way.
Character - A girl of character knows what her deepest desires are and chooses accordingly.
Empowerment - Your princess needs to understand life isn't just something that happens to her.  She has the power to choose.
Servant-Heartedness - A princess finds purpose not in being served, but in serving others.
Stability - As stability is provided for daughters, they will grow into the kind of people who help create stability for others.

About The Author:  John Croyle was an All-American defensive end at the University of Alabama during a renowned title run under Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant.  Croyle declined a career in the National Football League and instead went on to found and develop the Big Oak Ranch for boys.  Over the next few decades they worked to start the Girl's Ranch as well as the  Westbrook Christian School.  He and his wife, Tee, together have raised hundreds of young men and women, including their daughter and Big Oak child care director, Reagan Croyle Phillip, as well as their son and former NFL quarterback Brodie Croyle.  For more information, please visit

My Thoughts About The Book:  Even with the tutu-wearing, wand-carrying princess on the cover of the book, I found that this book isn't at all about filling our daughters with a Disney Princess dream come true life.  Croyle focuses on empowering our daughters to be strong, independent, kind and confident. Each chapter is filled with  precious nuggets like: "When your daughter makes a mistake, she needs to know that even if she has to live through painful consequences, that mistake doesn't cancel out  the good things in her life."  He writes as a dad, mostly to dads, with a clear and concise style that touches the hearts of fathers.  As a mom and a single mom I certainly got a strong message and some affirmation that I did some things right when raising my own princes.  His writing is very easy to read, it is extremely enjoyable, and the book moves smoothly from one chapter to next.  I think this is a great gift for a new or young mother....or father.  If they are looking for Biblical advice, help, and practical thoughts on raising daughters to be godly women, then this book is a must read.

Disclaimer:  I received this book free from Shelton Interactive. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”  Thanks guys for allowing me this opportunity.

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