
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

To My Precious Daughter and Son In Law On Leaving For Moldova

When Kat left for college I wrote a poem for her called To My Daugher on Leaving For College.  I actually submitted it to Blue Mountain Arts and they bought it from me for a whopping 50.00.  Many years have gone by and I found myself struggling with words for Kat and Brian as they embarked on their new mission - missionaries to orphans in Moldova with Philip Cameron Ministries.  So I sat down and wrote To My Precious Daughter and Son-In-Law On Leaving For Moldova.  I gave it to Kat last Thursday night at the prayer service with instructions not to open it until the wheels of the plane were up.  They are in Moldova.  They are eight hours ahead of me right now.  I won't see them for a long time.....but my heart is with them. 

Today is Sunday, July 20th and I know the day will be dawning bright and glorious for you.

Yet, there will be a storm brewing in my heart

You and Brian have loaded the last of your life in the suitcases

And will be heading to Atlanta to begin the next journey in your life. A journey that has been three years in the making.

It is one that the two of you will go on with God.

I have watched you both grow from children to adults and am one proud momma

The mother of missionaries is a new role for me, but I know God will train me in it well.

I have done all I was supposed to do as a parent.

To quote you, “Moms are great, moms are grand, moms are everything but a man”.

So here I am now, giving you to God and setting you free again.

Just like when you went to college I was sad.

Today I find myself sad again, but for me.I am glad for you.

I am bursting with pride at the life choice you both have made.

You have amazing life partners in each other.

But then I think I knew that when “B” was just in the 9th grade.

Your new journey is on the other side of the world from me.

You both are destined to do great works in the Lord.

And although you have not lived in my house for a long time

I find myself missing you already.

You are embarking on a spiritual journey of a lifetime.serving God.
A thousand thoughts flood my mind as I sit here writing this for you guys.

Have I told you this? Have I taught you that?

Moldova will love you both.  Stella’s Voice is lucky to have you.  Hug those babies(and teens) real  good.

On my way to do MY calling I know my eyes will fill with tears.

But I promise you they will be happy tears.

You know, the day you were born I knew I was beginning the process of letting you go.

The fact that I am letting you go with God as your pilot is an awesome feeling.

Know that you will always, be in my heart, and will only be as far away as Skype, Facebook , and email.

I want to be part of your be sure you keep your blog updated.

Enjoy this experience, grow with this experience.  Know that I am praying for you both.

With much love and God’s many blessings,
Remember Isaiah 6:8.  It was the verse I thought God had given me about you.that turned out to be specifically for me. 





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