
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wednesday and Hodge Podge

Welcome to the Wednesday Hodgepodge! Grab your coffee or your tea or your ice water with a slice of lemon and settle in for a chat.  Be sure to add the link to your own answers at the end of Joyce's post.  Here we go-

1. When I look at the sky I feel ______________________________________. a child.  I love to lay out in the grass and see what I can find in the clouds.

2. If you had to run for political office, which one would you run for? Do you have any real desire to actually do this?
Right now I am very frustrated with most of the politicians in office.  I truly do believe term limits are a must because it seems the longer they seem to forget why they are there and who they represent.  I would run for State School Board.  I would like to believe that I could make a difference in the lives of our children.
3. What scent makes you think of home?
Freshly cleaned linen (especially when it was dried outside on a sunny day) and the spice smell associated with apple pie and pumpkin pie.

4. How often do you take a step back to think about where you're headed in life? Do you need more or less self-reflection?
I self-reflect for sure every year as the new year begins. I also self-reflect at the end of every school year. I always ask myself these three questions:  Did I accomplish what I wanted to?  Did I make a difference?  Am I doing the right thing?
5. July is National Ice Cream Month...besides a cone, what's your favorite food item to top with ice cream?
Apple pie..  

6. What might your autobiography be called?
I am actually working on one and it is going to be called...right now that is.... "Have I Got A Story For You."

7. Your least favorite mode of transportation? Why?
My least favorite mode is a plane.  Even though you can get where you are going cannot enjoy the trip along the way.  My favorite is a Car - so I can stop, get out and enjoy the scenery when I want to.   Have camera will travel is my motto and in a car I can pull over at any time and drink in the beauty.

 8.  Insert your own random thought here.
Kat and Brian made it to Moldova and hit the ground running.  Keep up with them on their blog.  I know they would love the visits from home.


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