The greatest challenge to learning a foreign language is the challenge of memory; there are just too many words and too many rules. For every new word we learn, we seem to forget two old ones, and as a result, fluency can seem out of reach. Fluent Forever tackles this challenge head-on. With empathy for the language-challenged and abundant humor, Wyner deconstructs the learning process, revealing how to build a foreign language in your mind from the ground up.
Starting with pronunciation, you’ll learn how to rewire your ears and turn foreign sounds into familiar sounds. You'll retrain your tongue to produce those sounds accurately, using tricks from opera singers and actors. Next, you'll begin to tackle words, and connect sounds and spellings to imagery, rather than translations, which will enable you to think in a foreign language. And with the help of sophisticated spaced-repetition techniques, you'll be able to memorize hundreds of words a month in minutes every day. Soon, you'll gain the ability to learn grammar and more difficult abstract words--without the tedious drills and exercises of language classes and grammar books.
This is brain hacking at its most exciting, taking what we know about neuroscience and linguistics and using it to create the most efficient and enjoyable way to learn a foreign language in the spare minutes of your day.
About The Author: Gabriel Wyner is an author, opera singer and polyglot based in Los Angeles, CA. After not getting anywhere in 5 years of high school language classes, he reached fluency in German in 14 weeks with the help of the immersive Middlebury Language Schools. As a result, he fell in love with the process of language learning, going on to spend two months in intensive Italian courses in Perugia, Italy. Searching for ways to bring the immersion experience into the home, he began to develop a system that rapidly builds fluency in short, daily sessions. In 2010, his efforts paid off. He learned French to fluency in 5 months, and then Russian in 10 months.
Born in Los Angeles, Gabriel graduated summa cum laude in 2007 from the University of Southern California with dual degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Vocal Arts Performance, and was awarded the Renaissance Scholar's prize for excellence in unrelated disciplines. He then moved to Vienna to pursue triple Master's degrees at the Konservatorium Wien in Opera, Lieder and Voice, and graduated with honors in 2011.
Currently learning Hungarian, Gabe is looking forward to starting Japanese in mid 2014. His book on language learning - Fluent Forever: How to learn a language fast and never forget it - will be published on August 5, 2014 (Harmony Press/Random House).
My Thoughts On The Book: I am a High School Spanish teacher and grew up speaking Spanglish in South Florida. I loved this book and plan to implement many of the ideas in my classroom. Since reading the book I have found that I am thinking more in the target language....not just speaking it. It is a simple method for learning vocabulary and grammar for the long term via self study. I use flash cards in my class and believe that students need to learn correct pronunciation of words. It instills the idea that practice makes perfect. I would highly recommend this to anyone wanting to learn a foreign language. I am sending it to my daughter and SIL who are missionaries in Moldova and currently in language school to learn Romanian.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Blogging for Books as part of their Book Review Blogger Programs. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
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