Isaiah 6:8

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday Hodge Podge Vol 197

The Hodgepodge is back after a one week hiatus. Why not join the party? Answer on your own blog, then hop back over to Joyce's blog by clicking here to share with the whole wide world.

1. We celebrate Veteran's Day in the US of A on November 11th. When did you last interact with a member of the armed forces (either currently serving or retired)? Have you ever written a letter to a soldier, bought a meal or coffee for a solider, said an unprompted thank you to a soldier you encountered out and about somewhere? If you're not in the US, comment on a similar holiday in your own country.  I interact with a veteran every day.  I am married to a Navy Vet.  Most of the men in both of our churches are vets...and a couple of women.  Most of my neighbors are vets.   If I am ever out and see someone wearing a veterans hat I try and remember to thank them.  Last night we had dinner with a Marine vet and I thanked him for his service.  I blogged about veterans yesterday and even posted a thank you on my facebook page.  I love our veterans and honor their service.

2. You can have fifty pounds of anything at all (except money)...what would you choose?  I would chose food....preferably meat...packaged and ready for the freezer.

3. When did you last receive an invitation in the 'real' mail? What was it for and did you attend? When it comes to RSVP-ing, are you an 'early responder' or a 'last minute, barely-under-the-wire' kind of guest?  I got a save the date invitation last week.  I will attend this wedding because it is for my cousin's precious daughter.  I usually respond as soon as I get the invitation.

4. What's something you really don't like to waste?  I hate wasting anything.  I am sure I can find something to do with scraps.

5. Cheers, Friends, MASH, Seinfeld...of the ones listed, your favorite long-running sitcom?  MASH was my favorite.

6. What decision are you glad you made?  I am glad I decided to say "Yes" to Frank when he asked me to marry him.  That was the best decision I ever made.  I am also glad I said "Yes" to God when he called me into the ministry.

7. In this month of 'Thanksgiving' what is one thing that's different today than it was a year ago that you're grateful for?  I am grateful my daughter and SIL are serving as missionaries in Moldova.  I will miss them terribly at Thanksgiving but am so proud of their willingness to follow God's call.

8.  Insert your own random thought here. Christmas and Thanksgiving....which is your favorite of the two?  Why?  I love Christmas because of what it represents.....but I love Thanksgiving because it is a time when we slow down and are thankful for all of our many blessings.

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