Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Glass Finch and the Purple Boots

Monday, December 14, 2009
In Search of a Star

"That night, in a field near the little town, shepherds were guarding their sheep. Suddenly a bright light, as bright as the sun, shone all around them. The shepherds were afraid and covered their faces. The sheep were afraid and huddled together.
"Don’t be afraid," said a kind, gentle voice. The shepherds uncovered their faces. They saw an angel, all glowing with light. Said the angel, "I bring you good tidings of great joy! Jesus, your Saviour, is born. You will find Him lying in a manger." Then the sky was filled with shining angels singing the glory song -- "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." As the angels went farther and farther away, they looked like a twinkling bright star in the dark night sky above Bethlehem. "Come," said the shepherds, "let us go see." They ran all the way to the stable, and there they found Joseph and Mary and Baby Jesus in His manger bed. In a faraway country, Wise Men saw the angel star. They said, "It is the star of the Baby King. Let us go worship Him, and take Him presents." The Wise Men made ready their gifts. One Wise Man filled a bag with gold. Another filled a jar with frankincense, the perfume of flowers. And another filled a special box with myrrh, the perfume of spices. The Wise Men gathered up their gifts, mounted their camels, and rode toward the star. They crossed rivers and hills and sandy deserts -- sometimes it was hot, sometimes it was cold, but always they rode on, following the star. When I hang my stars on my tree this year I will pause and remember how important that star was...and delight in the fact that the shepherds and wisemen...took heed and followed. As the new year begins I want to remember to take heed and follow. What a star...What a night....Star of Wonder....Shining Bright! I do hope you all have a wonderful week...I know I will!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Kevin's Version of the Christmas Story
Last night the funeral home here in Alex City, Radneys had a memorial service for the families who have lost loved ones this year. I did not want to go....but I went...and I am so glad I did. My associate pastor, Kevin Payne, delivered the following message. He is a very funny man...and at a time when I did not think smiling was possible....I smiled...and because I did I just had to share it with you today. So I hope you enjoy the story. It is based on scripture from the book of Luke 2: 1-20 and entitled, "A Christmas Like No Other."
"For many of us, this Christmas will be a Christmas like no other. This is because this is the first Christmas we are experiencing after having to say goodbye to a loved one. I am going through this, as last Christmas Eve my Granny died. She always made Christmas so special. And this year, to say the least, is different.
There are many in my congregation for whom Christmas is a mixed bag of emotions. There are widows and widowers for whom Christmas is a melancholy experience. There are those who feel as though they are on an emotional rollercoaster, as they have children or grandchildren who makes the season so joyful; yet are also saddened because they no longer have their parents in which to share and celebrate all the glad tidings of Christmas morning.
Christmas is always a time of gathering with family and friends - and when, because of death, they are no with us, it can make us feel as though we might be crushed under the weight of sadness.
Christmas seems to rush in, interrupt our routines, get our schedules all out of order, bring up feelings that cause us to be anything but joyful – BUT, if we stop, just for a moment, look past ourselves, and truly behold the miracle that we call Christmas, we will see that out of the whole world, we have the most reason to celebrate!
Christmas does interrupt. Look at the text in the gospel of Luke – see what happened at the first Christmas.
Here Joseph is carrying his wife, who is, to say the least, “great with child,” to go register in order to pay their taxes to an government that has invaded them. While Joseph is having to deal with the IRS, Mary leans off her donkey and says those three little words every husband who is going to be an earthly father both longs to hear and, at the same time, strikes terror into their very hearts “Honey, it’s time.”
Talk about an interruption! Joseph hasn’t even made reservations, and there is only one hotel – after all, Bethlehem isn’t as big as Alexander City, and they only have the Bob White Motel, and it is already filled to capacity. Everyone who was born in Bethlehem has returned home from all over Judea, Syria, Palestine, the Ancient Near East, and Bethlehem, just is not that big!
Joseph is able to get a place for them in the stable – the garage, the parking deck. But, it is warm; there is clean straw, and a slightly used manger, which will work just fine.
Can you imagine what is going through Joseph’s mind right now? Here he is, the God-chosen, angelic message delivered, earthly father of God (we forget about that. Check out Matthew 1: 18 and following.) and God’s son is about to be born - in a stable. He thought he had time to get there, register, and get back with Mary. But no! It is now, right now, that Jesus, the Christ, the promised Messiah, the Savior of the World – our Savior, is going to be born.
I am sure this was not on Joseph’s time, not the way he planned it, not on his schedule. But it was right on God’s time, right when God decided, where God chose it to be.
The Christ was not coming into the world to be born in comfort, in a home. In fact, later he would be the one to say that foxes have holes, and birds have nest, but the Son of Man has no where to lay his head. He was not coming to be served, but rather to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
As Joseph got Mary in the stable, comfortable, and, maybe with a little help, who knows, the scripture does not say, helps Mary to deliver and Jesus is born. As the Breath of Heaven takes his first breath as a human, another interruption occurs.
There are some shepherds out doing their job – the same way they do every night. They are keeping watch over their flocks. Some are sitting around a little fire; some are standing looking over the heard, when all of a sudden an angel of the Lord appears to them and interrupts their ordinary night with some extraordinary news!
It scares the begebbies out of them! But the angel says Do not be afraid, for I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today, a Savior has been born for you, and he is the Christ, the Lord.
The word that is translated as “good news” is the word euangelion – it is the word we translate “gospel.” This isn’t just any old good news – this is the gospel proclamation – the Savior is born – “Joy to the world, the Lord has come, let earth receive her king!”
But wait – there is more!
Just as the Angel of the Lord finishes describing we can find the baby born – wrapped in cloths, lying in a manger, the gates of heaven swing open wide and the entire angelic chorus with all the heavenly host appear and praise God singing Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, on whom his favor rest.
The shepherds go and see, just as they were told. They find Joseph and Mary, and the Messiah, the Babe of Bethlehem, and tell them all that they had been told. And I imagine Mary, looking tired, but ever so lovingly into her husband Joseph’s eyes, hearing all that the shepherds told, remembering her own journey, from the angelic message to her asking her to be the Mother of God; to Joseph’s telling her about his vision and angelic message, all the way to what has brought them here.
As she and Joseph, as they had been instructed, names the child entrusted by God as God to them, calling him “Jesus,” or also “Emmanuel” which means “God with Us.”
Maybe you have heard this story a thousand times before, but right now, hear the Good News again anew. A savior has been born for you, and for your loved ones who have gone on. Today, a Savior is given for you so that you will never have to say goodbye ever again. Jesus the Christ – Emmanuel – God is with you. And, because of the Great Love of God displayed at Christmas – nothing will EVER be able to separate you or those you love from His great love – not sin, not death, nor the powers of hell, because in the hands of that little baby in a manger in Bethlehem, holds the key to eternity.
We celebrate, and we, as Peter says, do not grieve as those who have no hope because we are reminded, as Christmas interrupts our routines, gets our schedules all out of order, and brings up all manner of feelings, that Today, a Savior has been born for us, and he is the Christ, the Lord.
This Christmas will be a Christmas unlike any other. And we celebrate and give thanks to God because of the gift of life given to us this holiday proclaims. Let us join with the angelic chorus and all the saints of heaven singing Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, on whom his favor rest. As we, with our loved ones who are now a part of the saints, tell the gospel – good news that we have a Savior that destroys death – Jesus Christ is born! Merry Christmas!
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen."
For those of you who are hurting this year...may you have hope in your heart!
"For many of us, this Christmas will be a Christmas like no other. This is because this is the first Christmas we are experiencing after having to say goodbye to a loved one. I am going through this, as last Christmas Eve my Granny died. She always made Christmas so special. And this year, to say the least, is different.
There are many in my congregation for whom Christmas is a mixed bag of emotions. There are widows and widowers for whom Christmas is a melancholy experience. There are those who feel as though they are on an emotional rollercoaster, as they have children or grandchildren who makes the season so joyful; yet are also saddened because they no longer have their parents in which to share and celebrate all the glad tidings of Christmas morning.
Christmas is always a time of gathering with family and friends - and when, because of death, they are no with us, it can make us feel as though we might be crushed under the weight of sadness.
Christmas seems to rush in, interrupt our routines, get our schedules all out of order, bring up feelings that cause us to be anything but joyful – BUT, if we stop, just for a moment, look past ourselves, and truly behold the miracle that we call Christmas, we will see that out of the whole world, we have the most reason to celebrate!
Christmas does interrupt. Look at the text in the gospel of Luke – see what happened at the first Christmas.
Here Joseph is carrying his wife, who is, to say the least, “great with child,” to go register in order to pay their taxes to an government that has invaded them. While Joseph is having to deal with the IRS, Mary leans off her donkey and says those three little words every husband who is going to be an earthly father both longs to hear and, at the same time, strikes terror into their very hearts “Honey, it’s time.”
Talk about an interruption! Joseph hasn’t even made reservations, and there is only one hotel – after all, Bethlehem isn’t as big as Alexander City, and they only have the Bob White Motel, and it is already filled to capacity. Everyone who was born in Bethlehem has returned home from all over Judea, Syria, Palestine, the Ancient Near East, and Bethlehem, just is not that big!
Joseph is able to get a place for them in the stable – the garage, the parking deck. But, it is warm; there is clean straw, and a slightly used manger, which will work just fine.
Can you imagine what is going through Joseph’s mind right now? Here he is, the God-chosen, angelic message delivered, earthly father of God (we forget about that. Check out Matthew 1: 18 and following.) and God’s son is about to be born - in a stable. He thought he had time to get there, register, and get back with Mary. But no! It is now, right now, that Jesus, the Christ, the promised Messiah, the Savior of the World – our Savior, is going to be born.
I am sure this was not on Joseph’s time, not the way he planned it, not on his schedule. But it was right on God’s time, right when God decided, where God chose it to be.
The Christ was not coming into the world to be born in comfort, in a home. In fact, later he would be the one to say that foxes have holes, and birds have nest, but the Son of Man has no where to lay his head. He was not coming to be served, but rather to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.
As Joseph got Mary in the stable, comfortable, and, maybe with a little help, who knows, the scripture does not say, helps Mary to deliver and Jesus is born. As the Breath of Heaven takes his first breath as a human, another interruption occurs.
There are some shepherds out doing their job – the same way they do every night. They are keeping watch over their flocks. Some are sitting around a little fire; some are standing looking over the heard, when all of a sudden an angel of the Lord appears to them and interrupts their ordinary night with some extraordinary news!
It scares the begebbies out of them! But the angel says Do not be afraid, for I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today, a Savior has been born for you, and he is the Christ, the Lord.
The word that is translated as “good news” is the word euangelion – it is the word we translate “gospel.” This isn’t just any old good news – this is the gospel proclamation – the Savior is born – “Joy to the world, the Lord has come, let earth receive her king!”
But wait – there is more!
Just as the Angel of the Lord finishes describing we can find the baby born – wrapped in cloths, lying in a manger, the gates of heaven swing open wide and the entire angelic chorus with all the heavenly host appear and praise God singing Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, on whom his favor rest.
The shepherds go and see, just as they were told. They find Joseph and Mary, and the Messiah, the Babe of Bethlehem, and tell them all that they had been told. And I imagine Mary, looking tired, but ever so lovingly into her husband Joseph’s eyes, hearing all that the shepherds told, remembering her own journey, from the angelic message to her asking her to be the Mother of God; to Joseph’s telling her about his vision and angelic message, all the way to what has brought them here.
As she and Joseph, as they had been instructed, names the child entrusted by God as God to them, calling him “Jesus,” or also “Emmanuel” which means “God with Us.”
Maybe you have heard this story a thousand times before, but right now, hear the Good News again anew. A savior has been born for you, and for your loved ones who have gone on. Today, a Savior is given for you so that you will never have to say goodbye ever again. Jesus the Christ – Emmanuel – God is with you. And, because of the Great Love of God displayed at Christmas – nothing will EVER be able to separate you or those you love from His great love – not sin, not death, nor the powers of hell, because in the hands of that little baby in a manger in Bethlehem, holds the key to eternity.
We celebrate, and we, as Peter says, do not grieve as those who have no hope because we are reminded, as Christmas interrupts our routines, gets our schedules all out of order, and brings up all manner of feelings, that Today, a Savior has been born for us, and he is the Christ, the Lord.
This Christmas will be a Christmas unlike any other. And we celebrate and give thanks to God because of the gift of life given to us this holiday proclaims. Let us join with the angelic chorus and all the saints of heaven singing Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, on whom his favor rest. As we, with our loved ones who are now a part of the saints, tell the gospel – good news that we have a Savior that destroys death – Jesus Christ is born! Merry Christmas!
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen."
For those of you who are hurting this year...may you have hope in your heart!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Advent Begins

Advent symbolizes for me the spiritual journey of individuals and a congregation, as they affirm that Christ has come, that He is present in the world today, and that He will come again in power and it is my own responsibility as a people commissioned to "love the Lord my God with all my heart" and to "love my neighbor as myself." And you know...that is the other thing I love so about this time of year....people seem to love each other a little more and be a little more tolerant and kinder. I just wish it would carry over into the other days of the year....but for one special month of the year...it is evident.
I love the lighting of the Advent wreath at church each Sunday. The special wreath is an increasingly popular symbol of the beginning of the Church year in many churches as well as homes. It is a circular evergreen wreath (real or artificial) with five candles, four around the wreath and one in the center. Since the wreath is symbolic and a vehicle to tell the Christmas story, there are various ways to understand the symbolism. The exact meaning given to the various aspects of the wreath is not as important as the story to which it invites us to listen, and participate. Did you know that the circle of the wreath reminds us of God Himself, His eternity and endless mercy, which has no beginning or end. The green of the wreath speaks of the hope that we have in God, the hope of newness, of renewal, of eternal life. "Candles symbolize the light of God coming into the world through the birth of His son. The four outer candles represent the period of waiting during the four Sundays of Advent, which themselves symbolize the four centuries of waiting between the prophet Malachi and the birth of Christ. The colors of the candles vary with different traditions, but there are usually three purple or blue candles, corresponding to the sanctuary colors of Advent, and one pink or rose candle. One of the purple candles is lighted the first Sunday of Advent, a Scripture is read, a short devotional or reading is given, and a prayer offered. On subsequent Sundays, previous candles are relighted with an additional one lighted. The pink candle is usually lighted on the third Sunday of Advent." The light of the candles itself becomes an important symbol of the season. The light reminds us that Jesus is the light of the world that comes into the darkness of our lives to bring newness, life, and hope. It also reminds us that we are called to be a light to the world as we reflect the light of God's grace to others (Isa 42:6). "The first candle is traditionally the candle of Expectation or Hope (or in some traditions, Prophecy). This draws attention to the anticipation of the coming of a Messiah that weaves its way like a golden thread through Old Testament history. As God’s people were abused by power hungry kings, led astray by self-centered prophets, and lulled into apathy by half-hearted religious leaders, there arose a longing among some for God to raise up a new king who could show them how to be God’s people. They yearned for a return of God’s dynamic presence in their midst." "The remaining three candles of Advent may be associated with different aspects of the Advent story in different churches, or even in different years. Usually they are organized around characters or themes as a way to unfold the story and direct attention to the celebrations and worship in the season. So, the sequence for the remaining three Sundays might be Bethlehem, Shepherds, Angels. Or Love, Joy, Peace. Or John the Baptist, Mary, the Magi. Or the Annunciation, Proclamation, Fulfillment. Whatever sequence is used, the Scripture readings, prayers, lighting of the candles, the participation of worshipers in the service, all are geared to telling the story of redemption through God’s grace in the Incarnation." The third candle, usually for the Third Sunday of Advent, is traditionally Pink or Rose, and symbolizes Joy at the soon Advent of the Christ. It marks a shift from the more solemn tone of the first two Sundays of Advent that focus on Preparation and Hope, to a more joyous atmosphere of anticipation and expectancy. I hope we sing Joy to the World on that Sunday. It is one of my favorite Christmas songs. The center candle is white and is called the Christ Candle. It is traditionally lighted on Christmas Eve or Day. However, since many Protestant churches do not have services on those days, many light it on the Sunday preceding Christmas, with all five candles continuing to be lighted in services through Epiphany (Jan 6). The central location of the Christ Candle reminds us that the incarnation is the heart of the season, giving light to the world. so with that history lesson on Advent, from my house to yours and from my heart to yours I am hoping that your heart is full this time of year...and it carries on through the year. I am planning on having a Christmas heart all year. That is my Resolution for the beginning of my year. Yep...Christmas heart. I want to love like there is no tomorrow, dance in the rain, smile more...and have no regrets. Bless you all this day!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Yesterday was Thanksgiving Day and I woke up not feeling really in a thankful mood. I woke feeling sorry for myself. My pity party lasted the entire time I was making sweet potato souffle for our lunch...I felt myself sinking deeper and deeper into my self made pit of dispair when my nephew David's son, Wheeler came into the room with his daddy. He had on the cutest striped pajamas...and the sweetest sleepy smile and my depression just poofed away. I truly believe that God brought David and Suzanna with my precious Wheeler, and Ramona and Dustin with my precious Drew to Thanksgiving yesterday because He knew I would need them. Shortly after Wheeler appeared, Drew came up too...and my world was at peace. I love those babies. I love their parents...and to be honest...besides Kat never thought I could love anybody as much as I loved David and Ramona when they were growing up....but I do...I love me some Wheeler and Drew. Wheeler has this deep laugh, sweet smile, huge eyes, and looks just like his daddy did when he was little....precious! Drew...(a.k.a. Tomahawk Tommy)has the cutest grin, eyes you can get lost in, the cutest giggle, and looks just like his momma did...precious! The only one missing from my world yesterday was Kat and Brian...my day would have been 100% perfect...but let me tell you it was darn near close. Before my day was over...I was thankful. I was thankful that for 55 years I got to have my father and mother with me. I was thankful that I come from a family who loves each other. I was thankful for the fact that my parents lived life to the fullest with no regrets and taught me to do the same thing...I know when my daddy entered the pearly gates on October 9th...he did not enter them carefully and tell St. Peter what a careful life he had lead...always being the safe one. Nope! Not my daddy! He entered the pearly gates wiped his brow and said..."Man, now that was quite a ride!"...and for that...I am thankful. My daddy taught me to live life so there are no regrets...and even with the past 4.5 years....with them living with me....I would not take a million dollars for any of it. I am thankful today...that I had that 4.5 years. So, if you are reading this today...and you have living parents...or brothers and sisters...tell them you love them...and hug them a little harder today...and be thankful they are there. God bless you all!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Symbolic Gifts
I was catching up on my blogger buddies posts today and found an awesome one that I want you to read. It is by my buddy over at Easy Giving 101. Her post is all about Symbolic giving and you must go there and read it. The gift that was my favorite was this one: "Butterflies are also symbolic of life metamorphosis, transformation, and hope. A good remembrance of how death is only our gateway to immortality, a transformation to a new way of living or existing. Butterflies are joyous because they represent resurrection and have such a happy, busy way of life." I will probably wear a butterfly everyday for the rest of my life. I have always loved them....and now...they are a connection with my father. Go read her blog...I promise you won't regret it.
Did I Do That?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sundowners - What is That?
When I was younger I loved the croonings of Gordon Lightfoot. One of my favorite songs of his was called "Sundown." I loved the harmony, the haunting melody, and his voice. Today I am fascinated by another title of "Sundown." You see my mom has Sundowners Syndrome, also known as sundowning. It is a condition often associated with the early stages of Alzheimer's, although a definitive connection has not been made. Sundowners syndrome can also be considered a mood disorder or even a sleep disorder. Sufferers experience periods of extreme agitation and confusion during the late afternoon or early evening hours, leading to irritability towards caregivers or hospital staff. It was once believed that sundowners syndrome was a result of missed day/night light cues, hence the sudden onset at sundown. My mom worked for Wal-mart for over 20 years. She worked third shift. I am so curious as to how many third shift workers experience sundowners in their later years. If I were a researcher I would take this up as a challenge. Caregivers and nursing home staff members can often anticipate an elderly patient's bout of sundowners syndrome. A period of irrational thoughts and irritable behavior might begin after the last meal of the day and last until bedtime, for example. One theory concerning sundowners syndrome is that the constant daily mental processes for normal living can become overwhelming for the elderly during evening hours. They simply have too much incoming information and their restricted cognitive abilities become overloaded. The result is a period of irritability and negative thoughts. In my mothers case the Dadeville Healthcare Center is too stimulating. There is too much activity going on and by evening it sets her off royally. She and her roomie both are sundowners and high elopement risks...but they are not good for each other at night because one won't go to sleep until the other one does. So I can see the wheels turning and you are asking yourself...ok...your mom is a sundowner...what can be done about this to help her lead a normal life? Well therein lies the problem.
Treatment for sundowners syndrome is generally limited to the underlying condition which triggers it, such as Alzheimer's or clinical depression. Anti-depressants may lessen the severity of the confusion, while drugs like Aricept may improve cognitive function. Since sundowners syndrome is also closely associated with sleep disorders and fatigue, sedatives and other sleeping aids may also help. Experienced caregivers suggest encouraging the patient to take several naps throughout the day and limit stimulating activities to the morning hours. All this has been tried....my mom has been given enough sleep enhancing drugs to stop a stampeeding herd of cattle...and none of it has worked to date. That is where another problem exists because there are other conditions which closely resemble sundowners syndrome, especially in unfamiliar hospital settings. Some elderly patients may become confused or irritable as a result of the anesthetics used during their surgeries. Others who spend time in the ICU or are connected to noisy medical equipment may experience a condition called hospital psychosis, which may also be especially noticeable during evening hours. But hospital psychosis can affect any age group, while sundowners syndrome is generally limited to the elderly population. Ok...so she is a classic sundowners. As far as dementia goes...it is just one of many stages she will go through...hopefully. This to shall pass they say...worst case scenario...it won't. Understanding the sundowners concept though has explained a lot of things that my mom did before my dad died and while they were living with me. I believe she has been a sundowners for a while. It is good to know....but does it make me feel any better? Nope...Not really...to be honest...it just makes me feel worse for my mom...she has been suffering for so long...and was so good at bluffing...I missed the cues completely. This woman should be playing poker in Vegas....she is good! Happy Hump Day! Hug your momma if you can. If not...hug somebody else's momma. It will make their day!
Treatment for sundowners syndrome is generally limited to the underlying condition which triggers it, such as Alzheimer's or clinical depression. Anti-depressants may lessen the severity of the confusion, while drugs like Aricept may improve cognitive function. Since sundowners syndrome is also closely associated with sleep disorders and fatigue, sedatives and other sleeping aids may also help. Experienced caregivers suggest encouraging the patient to take several naps throughout the day and limit stimulating activities to the morning hours. All this has been tried....my mom has been given enough sleep enhancing drugs to stop a stampeeding herd of cattle...and none of it has worked to date. That is where another problem exists because there are other conditions which closely resemble sundowners syndrome, especially in unfamiliar hospital settings. Some elderly patients may become confused or irritable as a result of the anesthetics used during their surgeries. Others who spend time in the ICU or are connected to noisy medical equipment may experience a condition called hospital psychosis, which may also be especially noticeable during evening hours. But hospital psychosis can affect any age group, while sundowners syndrome is generally limited to the elderly population. Ok...so she is a classic sundowners. As far as dementia goes...it is just one of many stages she will go through...hopefully. This to shall pass they say...worst case scenario...it won't. Understanding the sundowners concept though has explained a lot of things that my mom did before my dad died and while they were living with me. I believe she has been a sundowners for a while. It is good to know....but does it make me feel any better? Nope...Not really...to be honest...it just makes me feel worse for my mom...she has been suffering for so long...and was so good at bluffing...I missed the cues completely. This woman should be playing poker in Vegas....she is good! Happy Hump Day! Hug your momma if you can. If not...hug somebody else's momma. It will make their day!
Dadeville Healthcare Center,
Friday, October 30, 2009
Day of the Dead, Halloween, or All Saints Day - What is Your Preference?

It was a ritual the indigenous people had been practicing at least 3,000 years. A ritual the Spaniards would try unsuccessfully to eradicate. A ritual known today as Día de los Muertos/Dia de los Difuntos, or Day of the Dead. The ritual is celebrated in Mexico and certain parts of the United States, including the Valley. Celebrations are held each year in Mesa, Chandler, Guadalupe and at Arizona State University. Although the ritual has since been merged with Catholic theology, it still maintains the basic principles of the Aztec ritual, such as the use of skulls. Today, people don wooden skull masks called calacas and dance in honor of their deceased relatives. The wooden skulls are also placed on altars that are dedicated to the dead. Sugar skulls, made with the names of the dead person on the forehead, are eaten by a relative or friend, according to Mary J. Adrade, who has written three books on the ritual. The Aztecs and other Meso-American civilizations kept skulls as trophies and displayed them during the ritual. The skulls were used to symbolize death and rebirth. The skulls were used to honor the dead, whom the Aztecs and other Meso-American civilizations believed came back to visit during the monthlong ritual.
Unlike the Spaniards, who viewed death as the end of life, the natives viewed it as the continuation of life. Instead of fearing death, they embraced it. To them, life was a dream and only in death did they become truly awake. "The pre-Hispanic people honored duality as being dynamic," said Christina Gonzalez, senior lecturer on Hispanic issues at Arizona State University. "They didn't separate death from pain, wealth from poverty like they did in Western cultures." However, the Spaniards considered the ritual to be sacrilegious. They perceived the indigenous people to be barbaric and pagan. In their attempts to convert them to Catholicism, the Spaniards tried to kill the ritual. But like the old Aztec spirits, the ritual refused to die.
To make the ritual more Christian, the Spaniards moved it so it coincided with All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day (Nov. 1 and 2), which is when it is celebrated today.
Previously it fell on the ninth month of the Aztec Solar Calendar, approximately the beginning of August, and was celebrated for the entire month. Festivities were presided over by the goddess Mictecacihuatl. The goddess, known as "Lady of the Dead," was believed to have died at birth, Andrade said. Today, Day of the Dead is celebrated in Mexico and in certain parts of the United States and Central America.
The celebrations differ from place to place.In rural Mexico, people visit the cemetery where their loved ones are buried. They decorate gravesites with marigold flowers and candles. They bring toys for dead children and bottles of tequila to adults. They sit on picnic blankets next to gravesites and eat the favorite food of their loved ones. In Guadalupe, the ritual is celebrated much like it is in rural Mexico. In Guadalupe the people spend the day in the cemetery and they decorate graves.In Mesa, the ritual has evolved to include other cultures. In the United States and in Mexico's larger cities, families build altars in their homes, dedicating them to the dead. They surround these altars with flowers, food and pictures of the deceased. They light candles and place them next to the altar. On Sunday....I will be taking part in something similar...All Saints Sunday at my church. There will be an altar....there will be photos of loved ones and church members...there will be candles....there will be a celebration....and we will do When the Saints Go Marching In. It will be a time of prayer for those who have lost loved ones...not for the dead. Sigh....I build the altars at our service...so I guess that means no incense, no papel picado in purple, pink and white....hummmm I wonder if anyone would know why my altar cloths are those colors on Sunday? Awww...I will keep it to the traditional white cloth...with simple candles...no sugar skulls or Dead Bread...although...we are having communion....so pita bread will be present. LOL....you are wondering where I am headed with this...who knows...I am feeling a bit weird today....so I am just rambling. Have a great Friday....and whatever you chose to celebrate this weekend....be safe!
All Saints Day,
All Souls Day,
Dia de los Muertos,
Thursday, October 29, 2009
I've Got People!
I went to counseling this week...and learned something I already knew...but guess I needed a reminder of it. I have a great circle of support. I mean...GREAT! I have friends who will cry with me, laugh with me, love me, hold me, clean up dirty messes for me, mourn with me, celebrate with me. I am one lucky person and I am blessed. One of the other great things about my circle of support is that I have a God who is there no matter what. No matter how lousy I am, no matter how hurt, low, high whatever...He is right there beside me. How can I miss? I am a truly fortunate one! I am blessed for sure. I have been writing thank you notes for the past week and have been amazed at how they continue to multiple...why? My parents have people...and so do I...wonderful people! John 15:13-15 tells us that "13 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you." I have learned a valuable lesson lately and that is that Jesus set a level for love that in a word is supreme. Jesus loves me and everyone else with a level of love that we will never be able to fully comprehend. Jesus came to this earth with one purpose in mind, laying down His life for us. After all I have experienced with my friends lately...I believe He was right there in all of them...smiling and loving me really good. I hope that I can return the favor and be that kind of friend to each of them. I want to be intune to my friends/family. Being a Friend of Christ means that you have His sacrifice (13)Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. My friends(and that includes my family)...have love like that. I am glad. Gene Blair, a man I work with sent my dear Mary a you tube video by Michael W. Smith (a Contemporary Christian artist that I love)...the song is called...Help is On the Way....I want to share it with you right now...because it has become my song....I was drowning in sadness...but Help found me...because my friends were holding me til it got there. O Happy Day!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Coming Home and Finding Peace
Woo Hoo...my mom is coming home today. Well...not exactly home...but back to the Dadeville Healthcare Center. She is being brought by ambulance so that we are not associated with the placement this time. She has been doing well at Brookwood. The only aggitation they have seen is in the morning during bath time....and that is part of dementia. They do not like baths. I find that odd. The Social Worker, Kelly, asked me not to be there when she arrived so that she could be settled down from the move. She said she thought it would be a good idea for us to go and see her after work. That way she would know that she is loved. Loved? Of course I love her...she is my mom. I am a bit apprehensive about this afternoon. I love my mother....I just hope I will love the person that is inhabiting her body now. I hope I get a glimpse of the old mom....to be honest...I just want a hug. I want to feel my mom's arms wrap around me...and pat me on the back. I know that may not happen...but in my heart of hearts I hope today it does. Frank is going with me...and he too is apprehensive about this. At first he did not want to go...but then thought about it and decided he loves her...and would go with me. Sigh...so we will face this challenge together. We went to counseling on Monday. I was nervous all day long. We waited in the outer office for the counselor to come and get us...and then we sat on a couch and spilled our guts for the next hour....she would ask us questions...and we would answer. She seemed very surprised that we seemed so close. She said in her summation...that the past 4.5 years would have been hard on any marriage...but it seemed to have drawn us closer together. I knew that! Griefus. Many times during the past few years I don't think I would have survived without Frank. He has been a God send. What a guy. I don't know what normal is going to be for us...but the Counselor said we were going to be ok!....then she rephrased that and said we were going to be better than OK. I liked that concept. I left feeling OK....for the first time in a long time. Life will go on...and we will find a new normal. Pray that my mother finds peace and an ability to live without my father. Happy Wednesday to you all!
Friday, October 23, 2009
A Time For Everything
I was reminded today by a former student that there is a time for everything. His mom shared with me an English paper he had written called, "Life Among the Dead" and it made me stop and think...alot. He began his paper with a quote from "Turn Turn Turn" by the Byrds. It was done as a protest song to the Vietnam War...back in the day...by the Byrds, Mary Hopkins, and Pete Seeger...but today...I had nothing to protest....today it was simply a reminder of the turn of events my life has taken over the course of the last six weeks. You see, I too had stopped by a cemetary, Hillview Cemetary, earlier in the week to check on my dad...and eventhough the flowers on his grave were all brittle and dry they still had a strange beauty to them....the dogwood tree and maple near the grave were both splendid with fall foliage, the air was crisp and cool and the evidence of seasonal change was everywhere. I walked from my dad's grave over to my brother's and then across the little roadway to my grandmothers and the rest of the family....I noticed that some of the graves between point A and point B had no flowers or sported very faded flowers....reminding me to be better about keeping flowers on the graves for which I was responsible. My dad loved flowers...His most favorite were peppermint azaleas and camilias. Anyways, I am digressing....while walking I noticed that some of the graves had new shiny markers...reminders that someones holiday's are going to be difficult this year...mine included. As many times as I have been to the cemetary over the years I became increasingly aware of the sites and smells that were around me. The studied little bell tower and noticed that it was needing some loving attention. I noticed new fall flowers had been placed on a number of the graves...a sign that someone loved this person and wanted their final place to look nice. There was a little chipmunk sitting right on top of my dad's flowers. He looked up at me as I approached but did not seem the least bit afraid of me. His eyes were kind of sad...as if mirroring my own. It has been a little over a week...and life does go on. After reading Addison's paper this morning I must borrow a thought from him..."the cemetary's primary purpose is to harbor the dead, [yet] it also supplies a quiet home for surrounding life to prosper." Addison was right in reminding me that "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven." There is a time to be born and a time to die...and I was also reminded that...I can become a living dead....or make my life count...my dad did...and I know he would expect me to do the same. Life goes on. Obla Di...Obla Da!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
A State of Emptiness....
It has been a week since I posted anything on my blog. I have had nothing to give you...so much has happened. Sunday, after the funeral, when most everyone had gone back home I knew it was time to return my mom to the nursing home. She was beginning to look confused and disoriented. So, Frank and I loaded her up, went by the cemetary, and took her to the Dadeville Healthcare Center...that is when all hell broke loose. The thing I was dreading most came to fruition and my mom snapped. I was going to bury my father...and lose my mother...on the same day. This is a child's worst nightmare. When we got to the Center...she refused to stay...she shoved me out of her way (and when I looked in her eyes I realized she had no clue who I was), kicked my daughter, and took a swing at Frank. The nursing home was not capable of dealing with her like this...so we called in re-enforcements...Mary and Judy came...and spent the night with her. The doctor was coming to see her in the morning...and we were going to try and get her in a Psych ward somewhere. I sat outside the nursing home and cried....physically sick at my stomach...I had promised my dad I would take care of her...and now this was happening. Frank joined me on the curb...and I cried with him. We both agreed that counseling was something we needed to pursue. This whole adventure, from the missing parents to this was more than we could handle. After Judy and Mary arrived...we returned to my house....and slept wearily. Monday morning we got up and Barry and Joyce went to sit with my mom until the sitters could be arranged. Kat, Brian, and I went to see the doctor. He believed that she was a threat to herself and others and truly needed to be in a psych ward. They were all called....and there were no openings. We went home....worked around the house...and waited for a call. The call came at 5. We then had 2 hours to get her to Brookwood in Birmingham. Kat, Brian and Susan went to get my mom and bring her to Brookwood. Frank, Joyce and I went to Brookwood to give them my guardianship papers. We got there about 30 minutes ahead of them and made some arrangements. They arrived shortly after that and my mom was brought in....she was heavily medicated so she would be compliable. Once we had her set...now 9:00...we all left and headed back. On Tuesday, Susan and I went back to Brookwood to take her glasses to her. Susan went in and saw her...and she wanted Susan to take her home. She kept insisting that nothing was wrong with her...and she could not understand why she was there. Weds. the social worker, Kelly called and said my mom seemed to be doing fine and she might get to go back to Dadeville on Friday after the Doctor evaluated her on Thursday...On Thursday morning I got a call from my mom...she beligerently asked me to come and get her...even after I explained that I was sick...she ended her end of the conversation with, "If you don't come and get me....I will just walk home." I told her to do what she felt she needed to do. An hour or so later I called the social worker and she told me my mom would NOT be coming home on Friday...she had tried to get out of the unit and had taken a swing at the tech when he tried to stop her. I was actually relieved...and thought...wow...if I had known my not coming to get her would help her get the help she needed I would have done it on Tuesday. Friday rolled around and she called me and demanded I come and get her again. She said the doctor had said nothing was wrong with her and she could go home. I asked if there was someone there who could give me directions...and she gave me nurse, Shannon. Shannon said not to worry...she would not be coming home...the doctor had not said that...and that she was still trying to elope(escape). Kelly called later in the day and confirmed that it would be no earlier than Tuesday and that she would go back to the Dadeville Healthcare Center...via ambulance. She would not be able to come home...because she wanders. She would have to be in a locked down unit for her own protection. So here I sit...it is Saturday again...it has been a week since my dad died...and was buried...and I would love to have my mom wrap her arms around me and tell me it is going to be alright...but you know...it isn't going to be alright. My mom is gone and the woman inhabiting her body at the moment is a stranger...my best friend Susan left for Knoxville a few hours ago...and I am alone for the first time since my dad died...and struggling with this. Keep us in your prayers...my mom, my daughter, my sweet Frank, and me...death is a bitter pill to swallow...dementia...even more so. God Bless You all...and hug someone you love tonight and let them know you love them.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The End of an Era

Death and Dying,
Extended family,
living after death,
Friday, October 9, 2009
When You Become the Guardian of Your Parents - Something Ain't Right!
Lawd what a week this has been. Yesterday I blogged about the Dadeville Healthcare Center and my parents(duh bet that was a surprise huh? I mean I have been telling you parent stories for how long now?)...today I am feeling that you know something ain't right when you become the guardian of your parents. It is just not normal for the roles to be reversed this far....but guardianship is what I am seeking. Back after their disappearance I went to a local lawyer to see what I could do to get some kind of power of attorney for my parents. He was so nice and told us what all would have to be done and said he would get right on it. Welll....more than a month passed...He never returned my calls....and most of the time his line was busy. Now I am at a point of desperation. My parents truly need a guardian....so I called our local Probate Judge, Gloria Sinclair, and asked her what to do. She told me who to call....I did....had an appointment the next day....within 24 hours had Emergency Temporary Guardianship....and working on full Guardianship. Now, how come he couldn't do that? I have never in my life had to use a lawyer...even when I got a divorce...he had a lawyer...I just went in and signed. I guess lawyers sometimes don't realize that the cases they are taking on....are real people....with real needs....and real feelings. I had needs and they were urgent and current. My view of lawyers because of this is a bit skewed...and I guess that is how we all take stands on things in our lives...by how it has touched us...or someone we know and love. Life is amazing. Don't you think?
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Dadeville Healthcare Center
Today is Thursday and I went in to work...but did not stay. By 9:00 the Dadeville Healthcare Center people, Hospice, and the Lakeshore Community Hospital(where my parents were) had all called to tell me they were moving my parents to the Healthcare Center today at lunch and I needed to be there. I had forwarned my boss and his Administrative Assistant that this MIGHT happen....WHEW! I called downstairs and gave them a heads-up, went into Substitute plans mode, and prepared to leave school for the rest of the day. I picked up Frank enroute and we drove to Dadeville for the big move. When I got to the hospital I talked with my mom about what was happening...somewhat. I told her that Daddy needed some extra special care and that the hospital was sending him to the Healthcare Center and that they arranged for her to go too....I omitted the part that she was GOING too. We all have views of things because of things that we have experienced...or someone we love or know has experienced and I am no different. When I was a teenager I worked for a real-estate agent in Florida. Our office was next door to a nursing home facility. I used to park and walk by their open windows and have them call out to me in their little frail voices..."Help Me! They are hurting me! They are burning me!" One day...I got to work and shortly after I had arrived the F.B.I raided the place....and guess what...they were being hurt, burned, malnourished. They took all the little residents and placed them in other nursing homes...but the mark was there. Shortly after this incident my sweet neighbor Dobby and her sister Barty were placed. I was getting married and Dobby was not going to be able to attend my wedding...so I took my dress to them...modeled it in the cafeteria....for Dobby, Barty, and a host of little ancients I had never met. They were so excited and I loved being able to do this for them...but one of the little ladies never uttered a word. I asked the Director about her...and she told me that she was one of the transfers from the raided nursing home. She had been scalded many times...and had never spoken since she got there....so...do you think I have a colored view of nursing homes? You bet you bottom dollar...and here my parents are going. I have been beside myself this week...well...we got them placed...and I stayed long enough to see them both settled, feed my dad lunch, love on them both and then I had to go. I guess I got home around 3:00. I believe in my heart that this is best of them. I know it is best for my dad...he is past the stage of being taken care of at home...but it does not make it any easier...I have feelings of failure...My head knows we are doing the right thing...but once again my heart is in a quandry....darn that rascally heart. I wish it would get with the program!
Healthcare Centers,
life lesson #3,
nursing homes
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Granny McCain

Creek Mother

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Our House

On the outside it was just an ordinary house. It had four walls, windows with jalosies, a roof and two doors.Inside it was so much more than just an ordinary house.
It was a refuge from any sotrm, protection from all the world's evils,
a comfort, and a haven for rest.
This house was our house.
The place I grew up in, fell down in , loved in and was loved in.
My parents had big dreams when they bought this house in 1959.
They planned to raise their two small children with Christian values and neighbors.
Yet, this was not meant to be.
In 1963 the family was abbreviated and then there were only three.
The house was an empty place now.
While the people inside mended, God took care of this smaller family.
Within the house a healing took place.
This house was full of love; shown by my parents.
The house was full of God; taught by my parents.
The house was the kind of plae where a child could grow up,
make mistakes, and still feel loved.
The house is gone now, gone to dust.
Time marched on and the little house was unable to keep up.
The tools of today erased all of my yesterdays...
I learned a valuable lesson with the disappearance of the house.
A house was all that it was.
A building, brick, mortar, no more.
My HOME is wherever my parents are.
They are the lessons that I learned as a child.
They are the love that I have felt throughout my lifetime.
It is said that home is where your heart is,
and there was always a heart in my home.
My parents are God-fearing, God-loving, hard-working, family-oriented people
and this kind of person is hard to find today.
My father still loves my mother and she still loves him and I....
I love them both. For all the things they have taught me....
even when I did not want to learn.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Respite Units - Terminology I Wish I Did Not Have To Know
For most people and that includes me, Karen, daughter of Fred and Wilma, the thought of dying or caring for a terminally ill friend or family member has raised numerous fears and questions as old as humanity: I have asked myself what is a “good death”? What appropriate preparations should be made? How do I best support my dad as his life draws to its close? Yesterday, the Home Health nurse called me at school and told me that they could not do any more for my father and that they were referring him to Hospice again. The Hospice nurse, Ginger, who is a love, called me shortly after that and scheduled a meeting for this morning at 9:00. I arrived at the Meadows at 8:45 and found my mom sitting beside my dad, who was in the bed asleep, she was holding his hand. She looked up and told me he was so sick, had not eaten, and was so tired. I took her place beside him and held his hand while she went to return his breakfast plate, untouched, back to the kitchen. The two aids came and asked us to leave while they fed him an Ensure, changed, and prepared him for the day. Mom and I went to the TV room and waited. Ginger arrived a few minutes before 9 and went back to the room to see what was going on. Mom and I went to the Sun Room and talked a bit about stuff...why they could not come home, why her car was not fixed, what was wrong with daddy...on and on she droned. I told her sweetly at first that they could not come home just now because daddy needed more attention than we could give him....Hey...I have to work. I am not afforded the luxury of being a SAH caregiver. I told her the car was not fixed because she could not drive right now because of the Arecept. She balked on that one and got rather testy about her abilities to drive. She MAY be able to drive good...BUT...I can't take the chance that the alzheimers will cause her to pull another stunt like the last time...next time I may not be so lucky. I then told her that there was something wrong with daddy....did she not remember he had cancer? "Oh yes," she responded..."but it is all better now." I came back with, "No it isn't momma. He was not able to finish the chemo and the cancer is back." She was oblivious to my words and I was frustrated with her oblivion. The Hospice nurse came to the Sun Room and told me she would need to speak to me as soon as she talked to her supervisor. The aid from the Meadows said that Peggy, the manager, wanted to speak with her too...so I waited...knowing what was coming and hoping I was wrong. I was not wrong...my parents had to leave the Meadows...and could go home...with 24 hour care....which we were not able to provide this weekend. I don't know what it is about people dismissing them without some kind of warning to me. All my mom heard was that they could go home and she was off and packing all their things...and loading them into my car. While she busied herself with their things, I signed all the Hospice papers again....this time I signed a DNR (Do Not Resusitate). Do you know how hard it is to sign your name to a DNR for your father? It was tough but I did it. AT 10:30 he was moved, by ambulance, to Lakeshore Community Hospital in Dadeville, AL to a respite/palliative care unit. They are giving him morphine to keep him comfortable and if he lasts the weekend it will surprise us all. By the time we got there they had him in a bed and they were taking his vitals. There is no drip, nothing piercing his skin, just oxygen. The morphine is oral. His skin is so thin. He has several nasty lesions on his legs and back where his skin has just torn. I left my mom with him at the hospital and came home to start getting my house ready for a hospital bed and their return....possibly on Monday if we can get everything in order. This is the end of the 9 weeks at school and I HAVE to work. I am already far behind where I normally am at this time of the year. I NEED to work. My sweet friend Mary came over and we cleaned...great therapy...and almost as good as retail therapy. Her precious son, Casey, came over and hauled off an old couch, a treadmill, an old desk chair, and a rug that my dachsund has ruined by being an alpha male. The room is now very sterile looking....waiting for a hospital bed...and its new dweller. Kat and Brian went by the hospital and then came by....we ended up grabbing some supper and going back to the hospital. My dad had eaten some...they physically fed him. He slept the whole time we were there...oblivious to the fact that he had company. So now life is on a minute to minute mode. I truly do want him not to hurt anymore. I know he wants to not hurt anymore. I am a big girl...and I will survive this. Now, if only my head would tell my heart. Sigh!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Hard to Say Goodbye
The senior song has been announced and it is kind of weird...it is a song from several years ago....a very profound one...by Boyz to Men. I think I loved this song the first time I heard it. I was sitting in my classroom and pulled the video up on you tube and when I heard the words it made me sad for a multitude of reasons. The biggest is all that is going on in my life....and the second is the fact that at the end of this year I will lose another group of kids I have grown to love. Sigh! When I get them as ninth graders I can never believe that I will survive until they are seniors and then one day....BAM! I wake up and they are picking out graduation invitations...Where did the time go? Every year I feel that same way...about different kids. I rejoice in their successes, pray for them when they are hurting, I hug them when they ask for one, I miss them when they are gone....ahhhh the life of a teacher. It really is sometimes so very hard to say goodbye to yesterday.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Orchids - People in Disguise

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
If you are looking for one of the best high impact aerobic exercises ever...then Zumba is your poison. I went to a free Zumba class, I had to leave after 45 minutes instead of finishing the hour so I could get to Band practice...let me tell you...my BUTT muscles hurt! I had my rear end kicked and handed to me on a silver platter. First off....I don't dance. I have no rhythm. I am a klutz on a dance floor. I wish I could look like the people in Dancing with the Stars...but alas...I look more like someone having a seizure on the floor. It is so very sad. Zumba is some of the coolest dance steps...with some of the most pulsating music....all rolled into one. Our teacher, Tia, was awesome. She was number one...gorgeous, number two did not have an ounce of fat on her anywhere, and number three....she had legs to die for. I loved watching her....even though I never looked quite as cool as she did...I tried it all....I squatted, cha-cha'ed, slid, squatted some more, kicked, moved muscles I did not know I had...or if I did I had forgotten and all that was in the first ten minutes. I looked at the clock and groaned. It would be another thirty minutes before I would look at the clock again....I was trying my best just to keep up and squat, pick up the correct foot while raising the correct arm....and by then my face was blood red. I could not get the redness to go down before I got to the church. I looked like a lobster. A glass of Milo's unsweet tea later...and my face was not quite so red...but 3 hours and a cool shower later...I am still feeling the sting. Zumba rocks I will say that. I can't wait now for next Monday night and Belly Dancing exercise class....who hooo...that will be fun. I had to pass on the Salsa class tomorrow night...what was I thinking....I bowl in a league on Thursday night. I must have had a part-timers moment. Anyways...I am working this week and next on endurance....for me....cause I am run/walking a 5K on October 10th in Dothan. It is a cancer walk/run and I am excited. Kat, Brian, Mary and I are all going to enter. I get a T-shirt...BTW...I hate T-shirts. They do absolutely nothing for me....round neck shirts have never been my favs...since I have this little short neck. Griefus....so the remodeling of Karen continues. I hit the 50 pound mark this week. I am halfway to my goal. Happy Hump Day Everyone! Zumba on Dudes and Dudettes!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Look Out Zumba....Here Comes Karen!

Wooo Hooo....I am going to a Free Zumba class on Weds. evening, a Free Salsa class on Thursday and a Free Belly Dancing (which I still have a good bit of) next Monday. We have a new dance place in our little town...and it is NOT one of those places where you learn tap and ballet...this is a place where you learn different kinds of dancing...the lady who runs it is Tia and I am so excited about getting to do this. Kat, my daughter has been to a belly dancing and zumba class at the YMCA in Montgomery...big towns always have lots of cool stuff to do....little towns...not so much. Anyways...I know what Salsa and Belly Dancing are...and I believe that the local Spanish teacher SHOULD be able to do a little Salsa-ing...don't you? But Zumba was something out of left field for me...had no clue what it was. My friends who have already attended one of the free classes...say it will kick your butt as far as exercise goes. Cool! So I decided to do a little research on it because I need a little stress relief and butt kicking therapy. "Zumba® fuses hypnotic latin rhythms and easy to follow moves to create a dynamic fitness program that will blow you away. The goal is simple: They want you to want to work out, to love working out, to get hooked. Zumba® Fanatics achieve long term benefits while experiencing an absolute blast in one exhilarating hour of caloric-burning, body-energizing, awe-inspiring movements meant to engage and captivate for life! Sounds like my kind of fun. I will have to post about it after I survive it. Remember...I am a 55 year old, sadly out of shape, overweight (but working on it) female. If it doesn't kill me...it might make me stronger. Wish me luck!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sweet Potatoes - YUCK!

Carrot Souffle
2 pounds carrots, chopped finely or if you are lazy...get 32 ounces of canned carrots and drain them well
1/2 cup melted butter
1 cup white sugar (can substitute Splenda)
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 eggs, beaten
Toppings:1 teaspoon confectioners' sugar for dusting -original topping1 cup dark brown sugar - sweet potato souffle style topping1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup melted butter
1 cup chopped pecans
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add carrots and cook until tender, about 15 minutes. Drain and mash. To the carrots add melted butter, white sugar, flour, baking powder, vanilla extract and eggs. Mix well and transfer to a 2 quart casserole dish. For Toppings:Prepare the topping in a small bowl by whisking together the brown sugar, flour, butter and pecans(sweet potato style). Sprinkle mixture over potato mixture and bake for 35-40 minutes depending on your oven.
If you use the confectioners sugar method dust the souffle with confectioners sugar when you remove it from the oven.
With the Thanksgiving Holidays coming up I thought you might enjoy a new/old recipe to try out! Have a Wonderful Monday!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Conch for a Day

celebration and that is what I want my passing to be a big celebration. I think the Irish are on to something with their famous wakes. The Historic Mallory Square and the city of Key West both had their beginning along this deep harbor waterfront -the wrecking schooners, the frigates and warships of the US Navy, the Cuban cigar makers tobacco warehouses, ship's chandlers and government offices combined to make Key West a bustling seaport out on the frontier of a young America. Today, Mallory
Square is a Key West must see. You will find exciting attractions(street jugglers, entertainers, Hemingway's House, et.al.), the unparalleled shopping of Duval Street, the Key West historic sculpture garden and of course, every evening, the famous sunset celebration. If you ever decide to plan a trip of a lifetime...you need to go to Key West and spend at least one evening at Mallory Square taking in the most breathtaking sunsets ever. It is truly one of the places you want to see before dying...oh and while you are there....eat a piece of Key Lime Pie ( I am enclosing my own personal recipe) and sample some conch fritters...they are a local must! Bon Appetit!
Karen's Famous Key Lime Pie Recipe

Servings: Makes one (9-inch) pie
Serving Size: not available
Nutrition: See Below
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Total Time: 0
3 eggs, separated
1 (14-ounce) can EAGLE BRAND® Sweetened Condensed Milk (NOT evaporated milk)
1/2 cup key limes lime juice...regular lime juice does not make a key lime pie
1 (9-inch) unbaked pie crust (you can use a grahm cracker crust if you prefer.
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/3 cup sugar
Preheat oven to 325°F. In medium bowl, beat egg yolks on low speed; gradually beat in EAGLE BRAND® and lime juice until smooth. Stir in food coloring (optional). Pour mixture into pie crust. Bake 30 minutes. Remove from oven. Increase oven temperature to 350°F. In large bowl, beat egg whites and cream of tartar on high speed until soft peaks form. Gradually beat in sugar on medium speed, 1 tablespoon at a time; beat 4 minutes longer or until sugar is dissolved and stiff glossy peaks form.
Immediately spread meringue over hot pie, carefully sealing to edge of crust to prevent meringue from shrinking. Bake 15 minutes. Cool 1 hour. Chill at least 3 hours. Store leftovers covered in refrigerator. Notes: Tip: For a lighter filling, fold 1 stiffly beaten egg white into filling mixture. Proceed as directed. If you are watching your weight...this pie may not be for you. There is nothing low fat about it. My suggestion is to take an extra pass around the block after you eat a piece...because this pie is NOT something you want to pass up.
conch fritters,
key limes,
Key West,
Mallory Square,
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Carla and Her Amazing Story

University of Florida,
West Palm Beach
Friday, September 25, 2009
Old Friends - One is Silver and the Other Gold

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