
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hope Springs

Hope Springs

By Kim Tate
Published by Thomas Nelson

About the Book:  In a small Southern community where everyone is holding tight to something, the biggest challenge may be learning to let go.  Hope Springs, North Carolina, is the epitome of small town life—a place filled with quiet streets where families have been friends for generations, a place where there’s not a lot of change. Until three women suddenly find themselves planted there for a season. 

Janelle Evans hasn’t gone back to Hope Springs for family reunions since losing her husband. But when she arrives for Christmas and learns that her grandmother is gravely ill, she decides to extend the stay. It isn’t long before she runs into her first love, and feelings that have been dormant for more than a decade are reawakened. And when Janelle proposes a Bible study a the local diner--and invites both African American and Caucasian women she has met--the group quickly forms a spiritual bond . . . and inadvertently adds to underlying tension in the community.

Becca Anderson is finally on the trajectory she’s longed for. Having been in the ministry trenches for years, she’s been recruited as the newest speaker of a large Christian women’s conference. But her husband feels called to become the pastor of his late father’s church in Hope Springs. Will small town living affect her big ministry dreams?

Stephanie London has the ideal life—married to a doctor in St. Louis with absolutely nothing she has to do. When her cousin Janelle volunteers to stay in Hope Springs and care for their grandmother, she feels strangely compelled to do the same. It’s a decision that will forever change her.
As these women come together, facing disappointments both public and private, they soon recognize that healing is needed in their hearts, their families, and their churches that have long been divided along racial lines. God's plan for them in Hope Springs—and for Hope Springs itself—is bigger than they ever imagined.

About the Author:  Kim Cash Tate has a remarkable story and an awesome blog and if you want to know how her walk with God began check out her website and prepare to be amazed.

My Thoughts On Hope Springs:  I don't even know where to begin.  From the moment I began to read this book I knew it was speaking directly to me about my own servanthood and what I should and could be doing in my own little rural world in Alabama.  By the end of the book I felt I knew each of the characters and they were my new BFF's.  They say that every family has a closet or two with hidden secrets and this family was no different. Of all the books I have reviewed in the last year this one left me not wanting an ending.  I wanted and needed more of the character interaction with each other....and with me.  GREAT READ!

Disclaimer: I was given this book to review by Thomas Nelson Publishers  I was not paid for my opinion or my review, they are mine.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hodge Podge Vol 79

Somehow it's already Wednesday, where has the week gone?  Hummm....could be I am at the beach and sitting at a computer when there is sand and surf could be a hinderence to my blogging juices.  Good thing I will be headed back to Alabama on Friday morning.  But since it IS Wednesday it means that Joyce's Hodgepodge is here again. I'm glad you joined all the fun sure to add your link to the bottom of her post and include a link back here on your blog so everyone can play along. Here are my answers to Joyce's questions-
1. What can the average citizen do to honor a military veteran and/or those currently serving?
I personally fly your flag, say thank you to a veteran and show my pride in being an American.  I vote, and when I see someone who is a vet....I tell them, "thank you for all you do or did."
2. Besides a flag, what is something you own that is red, white, and blue?
  I have two pillows that are patriotic and red, white and blue.  I have two wreaths for my doors that have Uncle Sam on them -one says Welcome and one says I Love the USA.
3. Does love really conquer all?
Human but I truly believe that God's love conquers all...there is nothing too big for Him.   Human love is something I believe God provides to help us get all the challenges life throws our way.  Human love is the physical touch.
4. Strawberry shortcake or blueberry pie?
You mean I have to choose?????  I love them well as blackberry cobbler, rhubarb pie, and cherry pie.   I love all the summer fruits in pies.
5. Do you share personal stuff with your hairdresser?
Yes because she is one of my dearest friends.  She was my friend before my hairdresser.  She has an amazing spirit and I admire her and seek her advice. 
6. Does money lead to selfishness?
It depends on what you do with it.  If you use it for YOUR personal glory and advance and never care about others and what you can do to help them....then yes!  If it is something you use in a servants manner then definitely not.
7. What piece of furniture in your home most needs replacing or refinishing?
I have two.  The couch in the den is sad....but remember I live in a parsonage.  The seat covers on the dining room table need to be recovered and that is one of my summer projects....I have a doxie who has messed up two....and again....I live in a parsonage and I don't want to ever leave one and have the congregation talk about how badly I treated their home.  My hairdresser Jo is going to help me.  She has impeccable taste in decorating.  Who knows I may even cover the couch too.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
It is 88 degrees here in Panama City Beach with a humidity of a bizillion degrees.  There has been a wonderful breeze all week here until today....and now it feels like walking outside you are seering your skin. HOT! HOT! HOT!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Panama City Beach

I am at Panama City Beach with some friends and having a blast.  We are staying at the Driftwood Lodge - a local mom and pop style establishment, one that has watermelon eating at 1:00, shows movies 1:00, has hotdog day with 1.00 hotdogs, has seed spitting contests,  puts rolls of quarters in the pool for the kids to dive for, gives them ribbons and Frank and I are having a blast.  We can't wait to come back next year!  I will be back full force on Friday with loads of pictures!  The Canon and I have been having a blast.  Tomorrow morning I am doing a photo shoot of Libby....can't wait!  She is so photogenic......I am fortunate to have so many girls in my church that I love to shoot.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Salute

My father, a WWII veteran taught me when I was a child that Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Dayand was a day set aside for remembrance of those who have died in our nations service. In school I learned that Memorial Day was first proclaimed on 5 May 1868 by General John Logan, in his General order number 11, and was first observed on 30 May 1868; when flowers were placed on the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers. The South, at first, refused to acknowledge, Memorial Day, honoring their dead on separate days until after WWI. It is now observed in almost every state of the union on the last Monday of every May. Since the Civil War more than 1.1 million veterans, both women and men, have lost their lives in service to America. Indeed the Civil War alone accounted for more than 600,00 dead. I have visited Andersonville, GA during Memorial Day and cried at all the flags that lined the cemetary, I have stood at the U.S.S. Arizona and cried for the men who died there, I have stood on Flander's Field, I have stood in battlefields all around our great United States and observed the love and bravery of men who gave their lives for my freedom.  Whenever I hear the National Anthem  played over the speaker system I begin to cry as I remember all of the fallen ones, the ones that served with my dad, my father-in-law, my husband, my son-in-law, my nephews, cousins and a whole host of others.  I have stood at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the Korean Memorial in peace and reflection and at the WWII Memorial and was heartbroken at the noise.  These are places to memorialize.  This was for my father.  I have heard many speakers give their speeches about their experiences and the meaning of Memorial Day. I have stood beside a WWII veteran  as he talked about the hardships and struggles and the fact that he was lucky to be alive when so many of his brothers had fallen victim to the war. One talked about how it was up to the veterans to teach "our children about the sacrifices made by so many". Another said, "that America will only be the land of the free so long as it is the home of the Brave". (and they are not talking about the baseball team.) These speakers spoke with so much pride about America that it was hard not to think about all the people who have no idea what this holiday is really about. While they go to their Bar B Q's and beaches there are some who keep up a tradition of pride in service to the United States of America and remember all those who had fallen, and rejoice in the ones who still live and remember. Let none of us ever forget what Memorial Day really is. If you have a vet in your family....or meet one on the street....tell them how much you appreciate them today...and every day!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Prophitt Family Reunion

It is that time of year again and family reunions are abounding.  One of my favorite reunions is the Prophitt family reunion.  We get together every year on Father's Day Saturday(near the birthday of my grandfather)....but this year we made it Memorial Day weekend because A and I are going to be in Ontario with the rest of the KLAMS(Karen, Linda, Amanda, Melissa, and Susan) at Niagara Falls.  Amanda is always Johnny on the spot and ever efficient and sent her invites by email, facebook, mail.  Our family is scattered to the four it is always exciting to see who exactly will be showing up.  It has been hosted in Opelika, Alex City, and for the past couple of years at Amanda's.  She is always such a gracious hostess and everyone enjoys going to the they can swim, boat, and play outside.  She sent out a notice and assigned us all our all we have to do is show up with sides....and believe me there was plenty of food.  How to get a family together in a few easy steps"

Hey everybody!

I'm planning to have all you Prophitt's over to the Treehouse on Lake West Point on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend for a Prophitt reunion.  I need to see my family!!!

 I'll supply the barbeque meat, ice and paper goods if you all will bring the sides, drinks and desserts.  It's beautiful here at the lake and we'll have a great time getting together again.  Don't forget to bring any pictures and family information to share with everyone!

Larry - I need you to help me spread the word to Trollis and Millie and Polly and Stanley.

Brenda - hope you can make it and I'd appreciate it if you'd get the word to Bobby and his family.

Betty - I know we'll see you at Aunt Eula's 108th birthday party on May 12, but I hope you can all come.  Please pass this on to Bobby, too.

If any of you know how to get in contact with John Prophitt, please pass this along to him.

I've attached directions to the Treehouse for those of you that need 'em.  Can't wait to see you all!
Linda, Aunt Millie(married to my Uncle Trollis - my mom's brother), and me of course

Iris (my Aunt Jo's daughter), Linda, Iris's daughter, and Aunt Millie

Cousin Bobby Worthington, Amanda, and Uncle Trollis

Iris and her husband Ricky

Iris's other daughter
I forgot to get my camera out so I missed some good shots of the Columbus family, Johnny, Quinn and Angela, and all the kids.  I also missed the shots of the incredible banana pudding and blackberry cobbler.  I really should have gotten those....they would make your mouth water.  I can't wait for next years reunion.

Project 365 - Week 21

It is week 21 and I am feeling better and headed to the beach after church this morning for a family vacay.....Frank and I are so excited.  The wait is killing us both.   I cannot wait to get some beach sunrises and sunsets and get some sand between my toes.  Project 365 is hosted each week by Sara and if you want to see some really awesome pictures hop over to her blog and look at everyone's offering for the week.  We live all over the world and the pictures never fail to amaze me.  My week was a week of no energy so most of my pictures came from inside.  Saturday was one of my first big outings.  We had a Prophitt family reunion at Amanda's.  I took some photos to show you what my family does.....we eat, we love each other, and we have music. I love my family.

Sunday, May 20th - Graduation Sunday
Today was the Sunday our church honors our graduating senios with a special service.  We had two graduating, Lyndi and Tyler. After service we had a luncheon for them.  Before service though Frank got a call to go with Tony to tell parents that their child was dead.  It was a horrible start to the day and one of my really bad days.   The service was bittersweet because their was a major connections to our church. The song I had planned to sing I changed because I could not get through it without crying.  I ended up singing Remember Me. I snapped a couple of pictures of my new weeping gold pieces I bought from Mrs. Shirley.  The pictures don't do it justice.

Monday, May 21st-
The lst week of school.  I am still feeling puny and so after work I came home and remembered I did not take a picture of my Mother's Day card from Kat and Brian.  It is really cute and I think I am going to try ad make one.  This may be one of my retirement things to do....good thing I will have a couple more years to get it .  We went to visitation at the funeral home tonight.  Such a sad evening for such a special family.

Tuesday, May 22nd -
Still down and remembered I had not taken pictures of my birthday plates from Debo.  They are so cute and I cannot wait to serve someone on them.  Debo is like me....she loves dishware.

Wednesday, May 23rd.-
The kids got out at half day today because it is finals week.  Graduation is Friday.  Woooo Hoooo!  I think I will pamper myself with some Victorias Secret!

Thursday, May 24th -
I am feeling better and drug out my pinterest chalkboard tray.  I will post again when I finish it.  My sweet Frank did the taping.  Tonight was Lyndi's graduation from Handley High School and I actually felt good enough to go.  It was so blooming hot.

Friday, May 25th
My new Magnolia print.  Since I am a Still Magnolia I love to collect pretty prints.  I did my bathroom in Magnolia prints.  It is a southern thing.

Saturday May 26th-Prophitt Family Reunion

My cousin's Iris (Aunt Jo), Linda (Aunt Shirley), Iris's daughter, and Aunt Millie.

Bobby Worthington (Aunt Eula's grandson), Amanda (sister/cousin - aunt Shirley), Patti Culpepper (good friend), and Uncle Trollis.

Iris Jean's other daughter( Aunt Jo's family).  I realize I left their names off ....they are  Sara and June and they have some of the most adorable little ones.

Iris and her precious husband, Ricky.  There were many others there but they left early or were down at the lake or on the boat.  I was on my way home to pack for PCB - Panama City Beach.  Have a great week and I will see you next weekend.  Have a safe and happy Memorial Day!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Junk Box Jewelry

Title:Junk-Box Jewelry                              
SubTitle:25 DIY Low Cost (or No Cost) Jewelry Projects
Publisher:Zest Books
Imprint:Zest Books
Pub Date:June 27, 2012
About The Book:  Diamonds may be forever, but forever gets old sometimes—and whether you want to wear something cool or something classic, Junk Box Jewelry has an easy, fun, and affordable answer. This do-it-yourself guide has the ability to make any teen crafty, and the wide range of project ideas ensures that once you get started it won't be long before you'll have a huge collection of unique, eco-friendly jewelry that you can wear, give as gifts, or even sell. With the help of Sara Drew you can learn how to make pendants out of pebbles; sew a stylish cuff using scraps of fabric; and fashion a funky charm bracelet out of extra screws, washers, and other toolbox trinkets. The easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions work for both beginner- and intermediate-level crafsters, and the book also provides stunning color illustrations, along with bonus tips on the tools you need to get started, and where to find materials. Happy junking!

My Thoughts About The Book:  This book was wonderful.  The directions are easy to follow, the designs are easy to do, it is a win win situation for an amateur jewelry maker, crafts for Bible School, a women's group for a fund raiser, youth, your children.  I would recommend that anyone who loves crafts get this book.  It was amazing.

Disclaimer:  This book was sent to me via Net Galley Publishing Group from Zest Books to review.  The review you have read is my own and I was not paid for my review.

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Results Are In

Back in a Hodge Podge post a few weeks ago I asked for prayer because I was sick....did not know why....but had no energy, no appetite, nausea, vomiting.  My lunch biiddies ar work were scared for me.  During the first part of May I had to have a blood test to check my vitamin D lever.  It had come up so they were lessening my dosage.  The next week I had an appointment with my GP to get my Diabetes medicine and my blood pressure medicines filled.  I could barely move to get into the building.  One of my students that day had pointed out that my eyes were yellow.  I was a little scared....nope that is a lie I was a lot scared.  My friend Mary started this same thing in May and she died in Dec.  The GP called me back on Friday and asked me to stop by and let them have more blood.  They were checking for Hepatitis.  They gave me a referral to see a Gastro man and have a CT on Monday. I was really freaking out.  On Sunday during prayer request time Frank called me down...and the whole church joined us there while he annoited me with oil and said the sweetests prayer ever.  I felt so very tired....but at peace.  On Monday the words liver level, blood sugar, gall bladder were all tossed mention of the big "C" word.  They scheduled a MRI for Thursday.  Houston we have a problem here...I am claustrophobic....the kind doctor said no was he....and he gave me a perscription for a calming worked wonders....when Frank and I got home I slept all day and all night.  Doctors office called on Friday and set up an appointment with me on Thursday.....I hate waiting....but then I thought waiting might be good here...that means it may not be something life shattering.  The appointment was at 11.  Frank took me to school and was going to come back and pick me up....bless his heart he has been such a good nurse.The Doctors office called right at the end of my first period planning and wanted me to come then....Frank couldn't make it and I could hear the disappointment in his voice.  I went in, they weighed me, and I was down 41 pounds since this all started.....and was given my diagnosis.  It was not what I expected at all..;I had never even heard of it but I know it now because everyone I know either has it, , has a family member with it, or knows someone with it.  It is not curable...but it is treatable.  Mine was caught early and both doctors are working together to straighten me out.  Since Thursday the energy is returning and since I am on prednesone for a bit....the appetite seems to have too.and I will probably gain some of the weight back....but as long as I have energy I am ok with that.  Thanks to those of you who prayed.....ohhhh and yes, I have ulcerative colitis.  And I serve an awesome God who will keep me in the palm of his quick story I was told over the last few days....on lady I met has a 90 year old grandmother with it.  She was diagnosed when she was 50, had her gall bladder removed at 60 and has only had one bout that put her in the hospital.  Let me tell you....that story made my day!  Have a wonderful Friday!  I know I will.  I have a date, for the first time in a month, with my sweetie pie and I am so excited.  I think I will even hold his hand in Hobby Lobby. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Upon Graduating

My college mentor, wrote a poem for our commencement and I want to share it with you today:  The title is Today You Star and it goes like this:

"What great feeling to dawn today
You’ve made the grade, you’re on your way
Adulthood looks you in the eye
You’ll soon decide how high to fly
Your childhood bore so many thoughts
Of friends, of tears, of what life taught
But now you face a whole new view
Your dreams will surface, encompass you
Excitement churns within your chest
A class of hotties, you are the best
That cool diploma you’ll take to stay
Now that’s a trophy to tuck away
I still remember how great the feel
There is but one graduation deal
Thirteen years have carried you this far
Now wear that cap, today you star
To close I would like to impart
        As your teacher , Thanks from my heart
From the moment you pick up your caps and gowns and all the senior stuff that's supposed to help you remember the good 'ole days, reality sets in.  This is it.  The day has finally came, and you will be sitting there with all of the friends that you have made over the years, looking out  at your family and deep down you will know that this was a once in a lifetime moment. It will be the last time in your life that these people will all be together in one place. You know that you can come back to visit, but there will be strangers in the halls and it will never be the same. It will be different, the teachres will be different, and you will be different. But it's not the end. In fact, everything from this moment on is is just the beginning....a new embrace it.  I am proud of you all.  You have worked hard to get here.  Good Luck and Vaya Con Dios!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Hodge Podge - Vol 78

Welcome to this week's edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Everyone is invited to play along thanks to our lovely hostess, Joyce..   Here is the deal you read and answer the questions on your own blog and then add your link at the bottom of Joyce's post. Here are my answers to Joyce's questions.  I hope you will join in and play along.  It is a great deal of fun and very eye-opening about your blogging buddies.  Ready?  Let's go!
1. What's something you miss about the 80's? If you're too young to miss the 80's how about the 90's?  I would have to say going to College and being a mom to a small child.  My daughter is in her 30's now and married.  I would love to be a mom with a young child again.
2. Do you have a library card? If so, how often do you visit?  I got my first one at age 3 for the Palm Beach County Public Library.  I have one for the Adelia Russell Library here even though I don't live her anymore and I have one for the Roanoke Library.  I use it more in the summer and winter than in the spring and fall.  I also review books and that cuts down on my library time.

3. What's the secret to success?  God in your corner, Hard work, dedication, and the right priorities.

4. This is National Backyard Games week...what's your favorite backyard game?
Horseshoes, volleyball, croquet, and badmitton.  I love backyard games.  Love them!  Love them!  Love them!
5. If I dropped by today what would I find on your coffee table?  Ouch!  I have been sick for the last three weeks but on my table would be my bible, two candles - one made with flowers from my mom's funeral and one from Mary's, a vase of flowers sent to me by a friend to cheer me up, my computer a stack of books I have to read, and an empty glass.

6. Do you own a bicycle? When was the last time you rode a bicycle? Is that something you enjoy?  I do not own a bike anymore.  I have not ridden since I was a child.  I loved riding my Schwinn.  It was turquoise.
7. What's your favorite cheese?  Amish cheese:  colby, colby jack, hoop. There is nothing else like it.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
This is graduation week.  Today my kids are taking finals for 4th and 5th block and will get out at 11:30.  Do you remember when you graduated?  I do!  What was one fond memory that stuck out for you?  I spent the evening after graduation with Carol.  We had a good time and drank some kind of weird wine(18 was the legal drinking age and I turned 18 in April).. Happy Upcoming Summer to all!  I can't wait!


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Are You a Backyard Farmer?

About the Book:  Urban Homesteading Just Got Easier with a New Book of Projects that Will Turn Any Backyard into a Food-Producing Oasis. (LANCASTER, PA) An urban homesteading movement is upon us, and it has even city-dwellers looking to turn their backyards into a place where they can grow food, raise animals, and lead a more eco-friendly, sustainable lifestyle. This "living off the land" mindset can provide an organic harvest year-round, a decreased dependence on the Earth’s renewable resources, and what many strive for when forging ahead to create their own small farm - a simpler life. With just a small amount of space, anyone can convert their property into a micro-farm with a new book of do-it-yourself projects:
Building Projects for Backyard Farmer and Home Gardeners (Fox Chapel Publishing, April 1, 2012). It provides readers with the inspiration and instruction for transforming a typical backyard into a lush food-producing patch. Step-by-step instructions and detailed plans, from a professional builder and experienced homesteader are included for more than 20 projects. The easy-to-follow guide also includes a photo gallery of real backyard farms and interviews with a variety of experienced homesteaders. Readers will learn what motivates them, lessons they have learned the hard way, and hear funny anecdotes about their experiences. With the projects and guidance inside Building Projects for Backyard Farmers and Home Gardeners anyone  can learn how to set up and equip their space to reap the benefits of a self-sufficient homestead.

About the Author:  Chris Gleason grew up on a dairy farm in upstate New York and is the author of several successful books for do-it-yourselfer’s including, Art of the Chicken Coop, Built-In Furniture for the Home, Kitchen Makeovers for Any Budget, Complete Custom Closet, Old- School Woodshop Accessories, and Building Real Furniture for Everyday Life. He currently builds and sells chicken coops and has owned Gleason Woodworking Studio for more than 13 years. He teaches chicken coop workshops and enjoys keeping his own backyard flock with his wife and young daughter.

My Thoughts About the Book:  This book is a great source book for those who want to do some urban gardening.  Gleason gives a thorough step-by-step description of each project he offers in the book.  The directions are clear and concise and very helpful.  This book is a great must have for those who are interested in going green.

Disclaimer:  This book was given to me by Net Galley and Fox Chapel Publishing for review purposes only.  I was not paid to give a review and the thoughts given are 100% my own.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Beyond Snapshots

About the Book:  Are you interested in photography?  Looking for a new camera?  Want a second job or developing a new interest?:  Let professional photographers Rachel Devine and Peta Mazey show you how to use that fancy DSLR to photograph the story of your life, from falling in love and having a baby, to the everyday moments that are no less precious. You’ll learn:
• Common beginner mistakes and how to avoid them
• How to take portraits of your children, friends, pets—even yourself
• How to capture light to make your photos more dramatic
• How to make colors pop, eyes sparkle, and skin tones more realistic
• How to capture the uniqueness and wonder of your family, friends, and world
 After all, why trust your memories to regular snapshots when with just a little knowledge, you can create beautiful photographs?  This book will help you be inspired to see the beauty around you, every day.

About the Authors:  Rachel Devine is an international commercial kid photographer and American ex-pat mom/photo-blogger. Born in America, Rachel and her family are based out of Melbourne, Australia. She is known as Sesame Ellis on the is a long story. Peta Mazey is one half of the Beyond Snapshots team and a professional Photographer that shoots a bit of everything, but especially loves working with children. She works internationally and is based in Wellington, New Zealand.

My Thoughts on the Book:  A year ago my husband bought me my first DSLR camera and enrolled me in a community class at a local college.  I was hooked.  I blog and each Sunday participate in a meme called Project 365 (a week in photos).  This book has been an inspiration to do flower shots, people shots, and nature shots better.  It is a great source book and I delighted to have added it to my photography collection.  I don't want to be a professional....but I do want to be the best at what I do.  If you are interested in photography this book is a must.

Disclaimer:  I received this book from Net Galley and Crown Publishing Group for a fair and honest review.  I was not paid for my review and my thoughts are 100% my own.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Vision Boxes

About the Book:  Vision boxes and shrine containers connect the spirit of creativity with life. Each of Mark's charming projects will help you discover the inner self, acquire a sense of wonder, and provide inspiration. Be inspired as you assemble your personal mojo into a personal display of your life. Bring your mind, hands and spirit into focus through these simple steps. Vision Boxes are very personal and require no artistic training. Expand personal messages in your projects as you discover your hidden potential. Appreciate the uniqueness of your experience in the world as you create unique art and discover the infinite possibilities that spring from creativity.

About the Author:  Mark Montano is the author of Big Ass Book of Crafts, Big Ass Book of Crafts #2, Big Ass Book of Home Decor, Pulp Fiction and others. He has been a contributing editor to CosmoGIRL! magazine and his weekly column, Make Your Mark appeared in more than 70 news papers across the country. His television credits include being a designer on While You Were Out (TLC), and She’s Moving In (WE TV) as well as hosting 10 Years Younger (TLC) and My Celebrity Home (Style Network). He holds a Masters Degree from the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City where he also runs a successful boutique.

My Thoughts:  Throughout the book the Vision boxes are called mojo boxes, shrine containers and Montano himself refers to them as "Dream boxes.  These boxes are collections of special moments in a persons life and the directions given throughout the book are very easy to follow.  They make great momentos for travels, special moments, special things.  I loved the book.  The pictures are so inspiring and I could hardly wait to complete my first one. 

Disclaimer:  This book was given to me to preview through Net Galley and Fox Chapel Publishing in exchange for an honest review.  If you are a DIY then this book is definitely for you.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Project 365 Week 20

Sara is such a lovely hostess on Project 365.  I have been a bit slow because I have been deathly ill.  I have had no energy, no appetite( to the tune of 41 lost pounds) and after numerous tests and doctor visits have a diagnosis.  Hop over to Sara's blog and see her awesome pictures and then check out the links she has posted and see the amazing offerings from the other participants.  I am feeling a lot better and plan to link up Week 21 on time this week.   I actually felt like holding a camera

Sunday, May 13th
This is Mother's Day and we had a wonderful service at church.  I loved it.  The mothers were all given bookmarkers that when rubbed smelled like lavendar and a matching pen.  I love mine.

Monday, May 14th
I went to Betty Jeans and shot some flowers that were blooming.  You are going to see quite a bit.  I had little to no strength and it seemed that the pictures I made on other days just didn't get it.  I took enough from this day that I am going to share with you all her beautiful flowers/ 

Tuesday, May 15th

Corn Crib or silo I don't know.  It is in Larry's back yard and I am fascinated by farming things.

Wednesday, May 16th
No picture today.  I was really feeling bad and it was our last night at youth.  By the time we got home from there I went straight to bed and crashed.  I have an MRI in the morning.

Thursday, May 17th
I slept most of the day.  Went outside briefy and took a picture of my hydrangea.

Friday, May 18th
Friday night after dinner at Gedneys Frank made a new pretty friend.  She did not like me because of the flash on the camera.

Saturday, May 19th
We got up early Saturday morning to be at a high school graduation in La Grange, GA.  Tyler was graduating.  By the time I sat in the sun for the ceremony my legs felt like they weighed a ton.  I took several pictrues with my phone but have not figured how to put them on my computer.  We went to Applebees for lunch at 10:30 and there was nothing that looked easy to eat.  Everything had some kind of chipotle, southwest, some kind of sauce. I ate the plainest thing I could find...but spent the rest of the day on the couch....and finally ate some cheese and crackers and got them to stay down.  I will be glad to feel better.  Hope your week was great.