Isaiah 6:8

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Thinking About FALL!


What’s your idea of a perfect weekend? Is it a trip to the mountains?  Is it a trip to the lake? Is it a weekend at the beach? Is it a camping trip? Is it a weekend getaway with someone special or some friends? Everyone has their own idea of what is the perfect bit of time doing something they enjoy. So when I tell you what I find to be a perfect weekend, you might be surprised, confused or a little bored. Kat was home last fall, and since she is just here for a few weeks before heading back to Moldova everyone wanted to spend time with Kat and Brian. I planned a big family gathering, but also had planned for the two of them to hang out at the house after the guest had left and just chill with Frank and I….you know…simple time together…..but that wasn’t going to happen and I was disappointed.  They had a lot of people to see and a lot to do to prepare to get the Christmas gifts packed up and ready to go to Moldova.  Don’t feel bad for me….Kat and I found time to be together….it wasn’t what I had in mind….but it was time.  We shopped for the orphans, ate a few meals together in Montgomery and in Auburn….you know…just hung out together.  It was heavenly just spending time with each other.  If I enjoy spending time with my daughter that much I wonder how much our Father in heaven likes it, when we just “hang out” with Him. Sometimes I think we make it quite a complicated endeavor to spend time with God. It’s as simple as a personal conversation with Him, sharing time in the words he left for us to get to know him, singing a song on our hearts for him, being thankful in thought and deed. We can do everything, honoring God even in ways that seem quite small and inconsequential to us or others. He loves it when we think about him, even when we’re just going about our day, doing ordinary tasks. We can enjoy his being with us anytime, just like our family can enjoy being in the room together doing very little, but just being together. Acknowledgement is really everything, as it reminds us we “belong”. I’m so grateful I can always “hang out” with my father in heaven.  Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

Blessings,  Karen

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