The girl on the left is Aba. She is incredibly talented as a dancer, one of my Wadley seniors, and class Valedictorian. I have enjoyed being part of her life this year. Aba is not her real name....but it is what I call her in Spanish class. I wish everyone could meet her...and know her heart. Aba teaches dance and is awesome as a dancer herself. She plans to go into the medical field and I know she will be amazing at that....she is amazing at whatever she attempts. Aba lost her dad this year and while many would have just sat down and given up....not Aba. She worked harder. I know her dad would have been so proud of her. As teachers one of our tasks is to be mindful of the baggage our students bring into the classroom with them. We, as teachers, have emotional baggage too....but....we need to be intune with our students. I had a young momma in my class....who rarely missed a day....and graduated in the top of her class. She worked hard and has plans to be a nurse. I know she will succeed. I had a couple that reminded me of a young me. They were old souls....and if they were older would probably be some of my dearest friends.....but this is about Aba. She loves to dance....yet, will forgo going to college on a dancing scholarship because she needs to devote her time and energy to being a nurse practicioner. She will be amazing. God speed Aba. It was a joy to walk along your path for a brief time.
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