Isaiah 6:8

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Happy Birthday Momma!

Today would have been my mom's 86th birthday and I am on the road headed back from Greenville, SC.  I am kind of glad we are traveling because it keeps me from thinking too much.  My mom loved her birthday.  One year I gave her tickets to see Robert Goulet at TPAC in Nashville in Camelot.  She had wanted to see him when they were both younger....but it did not happen.  Goulet was no longer he was King Author.  One year I gave her a helicopter ride.  She wanted to learn to fly but that was out of my budget.  Towards the end of my mom's life...presents got to be funny.  I would give her a gift for whatever reason...and several weeks later she would give me a gift....the one I had just given her....and have an elaborate story to go with it.  My favorite story of this comes from my trip to Hawaii.  My dad loved puzzles.  I found him a really neat teak wood pineapple puzzle.  On my birthday I got the pineapple puzzle all wrapped up and my mom telling me about her trip to Hawaii.  My mom never went to Hawaii.  I had to laugh....just a tad and not to her face.  I miss my mom even though she has been gone for 3 years.  I still sometime want to pick up the phone and call her with exciting news.  Happy Birthday Mom!  I hope your heavenly birthday party is a blow out. 

My mom and her sister, my aunt Shirley.

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