Wednesday, September 30, 2009
If you are looking for one of the best high impact aerobic exercises ever...then Zumba is your poison. I went to a free Zumba class, I had to leave after 45 minutes instead of finishing the hour so I could get to Band practice...let me tell BUTT muscles hurt! I had my rear end kicked and handed to me on a silver platter. First off....I don't dance. I have no rhythm. I am a klutz on a dance floor. I wish I could look like the people in Dancing with the Stars...but alas...I look more like someone having a seizure on the floor. It is so very sad. Zumba is some of the coolest dance steps...with some of the most pulsating music....all rolled into one. Our teacher, Tia, was awesome. She was number one...gorgeous, number two did not have an ounce of fat on her anywhere, and number three....she had legs to die for. I loved watching her....even though I never looked quite as cool as she did...I tried it all....I squatted, cha-cha'ed, slid, squatted some more, kicked, moved muscles I did not know I had...or if I did I had forgotten and all that was in the first ten minutes. I looked at the clock and groaned. It would be another thirty minutes before I would look at the clock again....I was trying my best just to keep up and squat, pick up the correct foot while raising the correct arm....and by then my face was blood red. I could not get the redness to go down before I got to the church. I looked like a lobster. A glass of Milo's unsweet tea later...and my face was not quite so red...but 3 hours and a cool shower later...I am still feeling the sting. Zumba rocks I will say that. I can't wait now for next Monday night and Belly Dancing exercise class....who hooo...that will be fun. I had to pass on the Salsa class tomorrow night...what was I thinking....I bowl in a league on Thursday night. I must have had a part-timers moment. Anyways...I am working this week and next on endurance....for me....cause I am run/walking a 5K on October 10th in Dothan. It is a cancer walk/run and I am excited. Kat, Brian, Mary and I are all going to enter. I get a T-shirt...BTW...I hate T-shirts. They do absolutely nothing for me....round neck shirts have never been my favs...since I have this little short neck. the remodeling of Karen continues. I hit the 50 pound mark this week. I am halfway to my goal. Happy Hump Day Everyone! Zumba on Dudes and Dudettes!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Look Out Zumba....Here Comes Karen!

Wooo Hooo....I am going to a Free Zumba class on Weds. evening, a Free Salsa class on Thursday and a Free Belly Dancing (which I still have a good bit of) next Monday. We have a new dance place in our little town...and it is NOT one of those places where you learn tap and ballet...this is a place where you learn different kinds of dancing...the lady who runs it is Tia and I am so excited about getting to do this. Kat, my daughter has been to a belly dancing and zumba class at the YMCA in Montgomery...big towns always have lots of cool stuff to do....little towns...not so much. Anyways...I know what Salsa and Belly Dancing are...and I believe that the local Spanish teacher SHOULD be able to do a little Salsa-ing...don't you? But Zumba was something out of left field for me...had no clue what it was. My friends who have already attended one of the free classes...say it will kick your butt as far as exercise goes. Cool! So I decided to do a little research on it because I need a little stress relief and butt kicking therapy. "Zumba® fuses hypnotic latin rhythms and easy to follow moves to create a dynamic fitness program that will blow you away. The goal is simple: They want you to want to work out, to love working out, to get hooked. Zumba® Fanatics achieve long term benefits while experiencing an absolute blast in one exhilarating hour of caloric-burning, body-energizing, awe-inspiring movements meant to engage and captivate for life! Sounds like my kind of fun. I will have to post about it after I survive it. Remember...I am a 55 year old, sadly out of shape, overweight (but working on it) female. If it doesn't kill might make me stronger. Wish me luck!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sweet Potatoes - YUCK!

Carrot Souffle
2 pounds carrots, chopped finely or if you are lazy...get 32 ounces of canned carrots and drain them well
1/2 cup melted butter
1 cup white sugar (can substitute Splenda)
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 eggs, beaten
Toppings:1 teaspoon confectioners' sugar for dusting -original topping1 cup dark brown sugar - sweet potato souffle style topping1/3 cup all-purpose flour
1/3 cup melted butter
1 cup chopped pecans
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add carrots and cook until tender, about 15 minutes. Drain and mash. To the carrots add melted butter, white sugar, flour, baking powder, vanilla extract and eggs. Mix well and transfer to a 2 quart casserole dish. For Toppings:Prepare the topping in a small bowl by whisking together the brown sugar, flour, butter and pecans(sweet potato style). Sprinkle mixture over potato mixture and bake for 35-40 minutes depending on your oven.
If you use the confectioners sugar method dust the souffle with confectioners sugar when you remove it from the oven.
With the Thanksgiving Holidays coming up I thought you might enjoy a new/old recipe to try out! Have a Wonderful Monday!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Conch for a Day

celebration and that is what I want my passing to be a big celebration. I think the Irish are on to something with their famous wakes. The Historic Mallory Square and the city of Key West both had their beginning along this deep harbor waterfront -the wrecking schooners, the frigates and warships of the US Navy, the Cuban cigar makers tobacco warehouses, ship's chandlers and government offices combined to make Key West a bustling seaport out on the frontier of a young America. Today, Mallory
Square is a Key West must see. You will find exciting attractions(street jugglers, entertainers, Hemingway's House,, the unparalleled shopping of Duval Street, the Key West historic sculpture garden and of course, every evening, the famous sunset celebration. If you ever decide to plan a trip of a need to go to Key West and spend at least one evening at Mallory Square taking in the most breathtaking sunsets ever. It is truly one of the places you want to see before dying...oh and while you are a piece of Key Lime Pie ( I am enclosing my own personal recipe) and sample some conch fritters...they are a local must! Bon Appetit!
Karen's Famous Key Lime Pie Recipe

Servings: Makes one (9-inch) pie
Serving Size: not available
Nutrition: See Below
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Total Time: 0
3 eggs, separated
1 (14-ounce) can EAGLE BRAND® Sweetened Condensed Milk (NOT evaporated milk)
1/2 cup key limes lime juice...regular lime juice does not make a key lime pie
1 (9-inch) unbaked pie crust (you can use a grahm cracker crust if you prefer.
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/3 cup sugar
Preheat oven to 325°F. In medium bowl, beat egg yolks on low speed; gradually beat in EAGLE BRAND® and lime juice until smooth. Stir in food coloring (optional). Pour mixture into pie crust. Bake 30 minutes. Remove from oven. Increase oven temperature to 350°F. In large bowl, beat egg whites and cream of tartar on high speed until soft peaks form. Gradually beat in sugar on medium speed, 1 tablespoon at a time; beat 4 minutes longer or until sugar is dissolved and stiff glossy peaks form.
Immediately spread meringue over hot pie, carefully sealing to edge of crust to prevent meringue from shrinking. Bake 15 minutes. Cool 1 hour. Chill at least 3 hours. Store leftovers covered in refrigerator. Notes: Tip: For a lighter filling, fold 1 stiffly beaten egg white into filling mixture. Proceed as directed. If you are watching your weight...this pie may not be for you. There is nothing low fat about it. My suggestion is to take an extra pass around the block after you eat a piece...because this pie is NOT something you want to pass up.
conch fritters,
key limes,
Key West,
Mallory Square,
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Carla and Her Amazing Story

University of Florida,
West Palm Beach
Friday, September 25, 2009
Old Friends - One is Silver and the Other Gold

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Stop #1 on My Lighthouse Travels

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Would the Real Me Please Stand Up
I was raised in a house by a mom with a mega A personality. I am a B. I hate conflict and will do anything to avoid it...(a carryover from childhood). I grew up with a miniscule amount of self-esteem. I never felt I was good enough, just could not measure up, was a failure, was not important, had nothing to say that anyone would want to hear. One day...when I was pregnant with Kathryn our preacher at the time, Rev. Mike Jones, told our Sunday School class that we were all going to teach a Sunday School lesson. "Not Me!" I thought silently to myself. I am not speaking in front of anyone! You are looking at the girl who used to throw up in a garbage can before singing a solo in CHURCH CHOIR! Well, as luck would have it I drew number 1 and was to teach the first lesson. I grumbled all week and honestly only gave it about 50% effort. I had not desire to teach Sunday School. I taught that next Sunday and then Brother Mike critiqued my lesson, pointed out its flaws, and told me to try again the next Sunday. Well...he made me so mad...I went home and thought, "I'll show HIM what a lesson looks like!" I worked all week on my lesson and gave it about 150% this time. On Sunday I delivered a great lesson, and during the week learned that I was selling myself short....I was supposed to be a Sunday School teacher...I have taught ever this process, I found out that I was supposed to TEACH period. The next week I applied for a student it...and two weeks later started college to be a teacher. God certainly has a way of working things out. I was still terrified to speak in public...but my first instructor, Mrs. Barbara Campbell, made me feel so at ease...and then before I knew it...I was teaching....and loving it. I had a last found something I was good at, could succeed at, was meant to do...and no one else could make me feel less because of it! What a boost to my ego and self-esteem. I still had a lot of hurdles to overcome...and overcome them I have. I still have moments of self-doubt...but you know...I AM SOMEBODY! I have learned over the past ten years that I AM WORTHY of respect, I AM SPECIAL, I AM LOVEABLE, and I AM GOOD AT WHAT I DO! People listen to me...and God opened that door when I entered AUM. People who did not know me then...cannot believe me when I tell them how whipped I was...but I know what I used to be...I am living proof of the old me dying and the new me coming to life. Sometimes I can't imagine that I was once shy and introverted. Introverted? Me? Get Out of Here....but there once was a time I was...I was the queen of introverts....and sometimes...when I am feeling kind of vulnerable...the Introvert gets a hold of me and only then do I remember...that that was once me. I thank God daily for sending me Frank, who allows me to shine; for giving me Still Magnolias, who allow me to sing my heart out; for giving me the Arbor Praise Band, who allow me to sing my praises to A God who knew I could really be all I could be. My God truly is the Wind Beneath My Wings...and I love this feeling of soaring!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Life Goes.....and it Sucks!
Just when I thought I had it all under control again....the rug was pulled out from under me. We had to take my dad off of Hospice care when we put him in assisted living...because that is assisted living rules. They cannot be part of Hospice upon entry...and after 30 days they can be placed on Hospice. So...we had to cancel Hospice....and pick up Home Health. What a pain. It is all the same building...just different parts....but all new paper work...what a headache. the Cancer called to tell me my dad had an appointment to discuss his P.E.T. scan and C.A.T. scan from last about lousy timing...if Peggy (the manager at the Meadows) could not take them....I was going to have to take yet another day off to deal with this. Sigh! I am glad I have a real understanding boss. An hour later the Cancer Center called back...after I had stewed about this new development for an hour...and told me we did not have to come. That depressed me tremendously....because it means there is nothing more they can do. They just wanted to make sure we went back to Hospice at the end of the 30 day period. My mind is racing....will we make 30 days? Are any of us guaranteed 30 days?....are we guaranteed one day? Sigh...I had a butt kicking reality dad is dying and there is nothing I can do about it. We are all born to die....I know this in my head....but my head and heart are not on speaking terms at the moment. My heart is hanging on for that last little glimmer of hope. My head is taking this all very clinically....we are born, we pay taxes, we die...the end. Somewhere in between head and a wonderful path that I have walked with a very special man for 55 years. It is a path I have loved every step of. For those of you who are out there...hug those you love really good today, and be so grateful you have them with matter for how long. If I have learned nothing from this experience I know now that life is what it is. It is not always good yet how you handle it makes you who you are. I went to see my parents at the Meadows today....just like I always do. My dad seemed out of sorts. He held my hand like a person who is drowning and needs to hang on to something. He kept looking me in the he was trying to tell me something. I kept searching his face...looking for a clue. When I got ready to leave....I kissed him...twice today...and told him I would see him tomorrow....his response today was, "maybe." It took my breath away from me. I barely made it to the door befor I came unglued. I realized today...that he needs me to tell him it is ok for him to go. I cried all the way to the house. I don't want him to suffer...but I don't want to live without him either. One of my wants is not going to happen...and the bigger person would let him I am practicing with you guys here goes...."Daddy, I love you with all my heart...and it is ok to leave us when you get ready. I promise to take care of mama." Whew..that was hard...not as hard as telling him face to face is going to please keep me in your prayers and thoughts that I can let him go without him knowing it is killing me inside. I love this man...I wish my own daughter had had a father like him. I am fortunate. God sent me Frank...who is the closest thing I have ever known to my father. NIght all and God Bless!
And I Sat Down and Started Writing.....
Ok, I have big news. I am working on a book. I am so excited about it. I have actually sent a sample to a couple of publishers and they seemed interested. Can you believe it. Have I Got a Story for You....might actually be in print in the next year. I have about 20 chapters down and with the new episode with the ancients have enough material now for a series. On Monday night I was the guest speaker at the Business and Professional Womens monthly meeting. I talked about storytelling and writing, and gave them a small smattering of my quick wit (LOL) and writing styles. It was so much fun just sitting there doing something I love....telling stories. My Uncle Cecil would be so proud of me. I even shared some poetry with them and then finished up with a sample of the 48 hours from hell chapter. All of them wanted to preorder their books last night. My friends Kathy and Carolyn have been after me for a couple of years just to compile my Sunday School lessons into a book for them. I had thought about self-publishing several and just spiral binding them....but for this project...I want it to be done right. Keep your fingers crossed...I doubt I will ever be a New York Times BestSelling Author...with a book tour going...but I do truly believe that I Have Got a Story for You....and you might actually get a little treasure from something I write. I have discovered that there are a lot of people out the same boat I am in...with aging parents, or having lost a sibling, or dealing with a terminal cancer patient, who need to hear that there is someone out there who understands and cares. That Would Be ME! I am on fire now...and can't wait to be signing autographs at the local library someday. How cool would that be? So...since you guys are my will be my story test audience. I will be watching for you keep them coming! Love You All....Happy Tuesday!
Monday, September 21, 2009
I'm Back!
Well, it has been two weeks since I took my parents to The Meadows on Hillabee. I have made a conscious effort to visit them every day...sometimes I will sit and watch television with them for an hour or so, other days I plan my visits so I can leave when they go to dinner and I am only there for 30 minutes. The point is I visit and make sure to hug them and tell them I love them each day. My mom is still wanting to come home but those comments are fewer and farther between. My dad has no clue where he is. He is content to eat, sleep, and watch tv. I did not realize until yesterday how much this whole episode in my life has taken out of me....I was sitting in church and Brother Bill was talking about the "Word that Never Comes Back...Now." I sat there and got a little misty eyed when I thought of my now. My now consists of meeting my parents needs, my husbands needs, my spiritual needs and I am drowning. On my way to Waverly church - to sing and hear my sweet Frank preach...I heard the song Cry Out to Jesus by Third Day. I love to hear Mac Powell sing. He really does not have a great voice...but it is a powerful sounds as if he is really dealing with the pain he sings of. I sat in the back seat of Carolyn and Phil's car, listened to the song and had a small come apart. Frank preached on Freedom and I felt as if God was pointing his finger at me going....You! I realized that I have not been nurturing myself these last couple of weeks. I have been so busy taking care of everyone else I was missing myself. So, today is Monday....a new start to a new week....and I am putting myself back on track. I have wants, needs, desires, and feelings too...and they count!. I will be back reading posts and commenting this watch out blogging world....the new and improved Karen is BACK! Happy Monday!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Memories Can Be Amazing

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Singing for Two Sitting Presidents

Forest Hill High School,
FUMC West Palm Beach,
New Dawn,
Monday, September 14, 2009
I Kissed Burt Reynolds

Saturday, September 12, 2009
What A Week!
I have not been here much this week as you all know. I have gone back to work and am visiting my parents each evening after work to help them adjust. The adjustment period is going to take a while for my mom. My dad seems fine with it. They have had a good many visitors but each time I go my mom brings up the fact they are just going to be there for a day and she has been trying to get Dr. Powers on the phone to get him to let them go home (here to my house) where SHE can and will take care of my dad. My uncle Trollis went to see them on Thursday and she told him to go get her car taken care of...when I left I called him immediately to make sure he did not follow her directive...she cannot drive again. My dad ran a fever this week and seems weak...although my mom says he is improving daily...all I see is a man in bed by 4...sound asleep. She tells me of all his activity during the day but the director says he has little activity during the day. I am afraid for them both. I have slept soundly for the last few days knowing that they are safe and cared for. My head knows they are in a good heart is not getting the message. Last night about 8:30 my mom called and wanted me to come to the Meadows first thing this morning...8:00. I don't know what she wants...but I am sure it has to do with leaving. Sigh! I saw a lawyer this week. My mom won't willingly give me a power of attorney...because it is her business, not mine. So I am going to have to sue them for conservatorship and take control without their permission. This way of doing things involves them having to go to the Probate Judge...with a lawyer and having the judge decide if they need to have a guardian to handle their affairs. I am afraid if I don't do this they won't pay their bills and the rent at the Meadows. I also had to work on getting a DD214(record of military service)for my dad so that the VA will pay part of his rent. That has been hard too. I had to get my dad to sign the papers and his handwriting has gone down a lot. He writes like a child now. It is so sad to see him fail so each day. I hate being put in this predicament. If only they had had foresight enough to take care of all of this before their healths began declining it would have been so much easier. I told my daughter that I will not allow this to happen to her. I plan to take care of my daughter and Frank's daughter so they neither of them have to experience this when I begin to age....begin...who am I kidding. I have aged 100 years in the last week. It was good getting back to school. I loved having something to do to occupy my mind. I understand my mom's restlessness because I am just like her. I don't sit still well...never have....even as a child. I have always needed something to do....even if it was reading a book. My mom does not read any more. I think that is sad. Both of them used to read a lot. Our house was always filled with books and the library was my favorite place to go. I have learned a great deal from this experience....some stuff I really did not ever want to know. I know what the term BOLO (be on the lookout) means, I know what a Silver Alert is, I know about conservertorship is and why it is actually better than a power of attorney in this case, I have sat in a lawyers office and discussed family secrets, I have hired my first lawyer, I know I have lots of friends, and I know I am loved. For my readers who have walked this path I am currently understand what is happening, why it is so painful, and that I will get through it. For my readers who have yet to experience is not fun, you feel as if you are in a living nightmare, and it will pass (they say). For those readers who may never have to go through this...count your blessings and pray for those of us who have been there, are there, and will be there. My God is a good God and He will keep me sane throughout this mess. He will help me survive what is to come. I know this in my head. My heart is having a hard time with this too. Happy Saturday to you all! Thank you for the comments of support. You will never know how special you all are to me. I AM a STILL MAGNOLIA and I will make it!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Meadows of Hillabee

Dr. Powers gave me three choices when my parents were ready to be dismissed from the hospital on Sunday night. I could bring them home and hire sitters(not his choice). I could send my dad to a nursing home and take my mom home( not my mom's choice), or I could put them in assisted living where they could be together. So I left the hospital to do some research, went to the Meadows on Hillabee and checked out the place. To be honest I was not 100% sure what exactly assisted living was. I thought it was some kind of glorified nursing home and I was wrong. Ms. Peggy Easterwood met me as soon as I had entered the place and began to explain it to me. So far she has been a lifesaver. Having been through much the same experience herself she is very comforting and loving with the the residents. I had to come to grips with reality that my parents are now classed as older adults who find it difficult to maintain a home, hence why they have lived with me for the past 4.5 years, and who can no longer live safely alone, I can't take another 48 hour period of hell where I cannot locate I had to find an alternative and I think I did. Assisted living offers a blend of personalized services in a supervised and secure environment that embraces privacy, independence and choice. Residents have their own room furnished with their personal belongings in addition to homey living rooms, dining room and porches for activities and socialization. The Meadows on Hillabee assisted living offers the support services seniors need to maintain their independent lifestyle(sin car) and dignity. I moved them in yesterday...and to be honest they have lived with me so long...I actually experienced empty nest syndrome last night for the first time since Kat went away to college. My mom does not want to be there. She continues to say that she will be coming home tomorrow. She all but refused to give me a check for the month's rent...and was so fiesty....but only with me...with everyone else...she was so sweet. Typical mom! I finally got a check out of her, paid the lady, turned in the paper work, and ran! I had to get out of there. I have now been off for a week and needed to feel normal for a few minutes. I went to Wal-mart and picked up a few groceries and met Frank at the house. We road back out to the Meadows to visit for a bit before they had supper. I know this will take time for them to adjust. So when you say your prayers tonight...pray that they will and that I will survive their adjusting! Happy Wednesday! I am going back to work today!!!! Woooo Hooooo!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Dreamland BBQ - Tuscaloosa, AL

When I was going to the University of Alabama and working on my Spanish certification I was introduced to a piece of culinary delight - Dreamland BBQ. My friend Greg came and got us one night and told us he was taking us to dinner and it was a surprise. Well, in Tuscaloosa...anything would have been a surprise. We rode out into the country and stopped at this little run down looking building that said Dreamland BBQ. I told way Hoser...I am not eating anywhere that looks like this...but he coerced me into the restaurant and my nose was bombarded with the sweet smell of searing meat cooking...and I was hooked. Now, to paint this picture a little better...I had on a white pants suit. White mind you!...We sat down...and the waiter came up with a pad and wanted to know what we wanted...there was no was just a piece of paper....with a few choices on it. I ordered a half slab of ribs....then asked for beans and cole slaw as my sides...he laughed out loud and told me..."You gets ribs and light bread. You wants chips they at the bawrr." I had not clue what light bread was. Remember I grew up in South Florida...we ate Sunbeam bread, rye, wheat, pumpernickel....I had never had light bread in my life. There was a big pit behind us...and there was a large lady in a dress sitting in a rocker with one of those Jamaican fans...fanning the meat. Shortly our meal was delivered. Slabs of ribs and a stack of Sunbeam bread were placed on the table with 4 sweet teas and 1 unsweet tea. The waiter returned with some kind of styrofoam cups....that was the dippin' sauce for "da ribs." My olfactory was on overload...and I could not wait to get one of those ribs in my mouth. I dipped it neatly into the sauce...and ate....after that first bite it was Katie Bar the Door. I devoured the ribs. We ask for three more cups of the sauce and ate all the bread...dipping it in the sauce. I think we ate a whole loaf of light bread that night. Then we talked our waiter into more cups...which we took back to our apartment...and ate for lunch the next day...with bread! Dreamland became a weekly venture. I ate there once a week for two years while I was attending Alabama. Imagine how excited I was when I found a Dreamland BBQ in Birmingham...we ate there...and I was sorely disappointed. The sauce was still just as good...but they have sides...and to be honest...the sides take away from the ribs. Sooooo...if you love BBQ...then you must eat at Dreamland...but wait til you are in Tuscaloosa...and find the original one. It is out on Jug Factory the boonies...but you will never regret making that me....they are truly to die for!
In Mandy's Words
My daughter Kat has a friend named Mandy....actually...she has two and is very lucky that they are part of her life. They both came to my house while we were looking for my parents...and they don't even know them. Anyways Kat has told me numerous times that Mandy B. is very much like me. She says she can imagine that when I was 30 this would have been the way I was...and she is right. Mandy writes poetry...and beautifully. When they were here she told me she would share it with me and I was so touched by this one I had to share the link with you. It was written back in July...who would have ever known how much it would touch my heart in September. I think that is what is so awesome about a good poet, what they write about comes from their souls...yet it touches the souls of all who read. Cool thought huh? I hope you all have a blessed day. My parents are with me for a couple of days while the Meadows, assisted living, prepares for their arrival on Tuesday. Pray I survive my mom....she is very beligerent about why were we searching for her...they knew where they were...they were only gone a few hours...why did I overreact so....and on and on. I honestly cannot wait for tomorrow. She told her doctor yesterday...that I was with them on the road....that my dad got out and slept in the ditch...and I laid down on top of him to keep him warm. My aunt could not believe this new addition to the story...we will probably never know the real version. Selective amnesia is a nice thing...anytime something you experience is too painful to just close of the curtains and shut it out. Tuesday will get here eventually and Sigh...I will miss yet another day at work. I am beginning to forget what I do for a living. Will there ever be a sense of normalcy in my life again? Click here to go to Mandy's poem "He Speaks in Poetry." he speaks in poetry - The Burbs's MySpace Blog | Southern Strangers
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Friday, September 4, 2009
BOLO - Be On the Look Out....Silver Alert
What a week I have had. I have to admit...when I tell you this will never believe it. On Tuesday I began to experience every child with aging parents worst nightmare. At 9:00 on Tuesday night I had to call the police to let them know that my parents were missing...and had not been seen since 1:00 when they left their friend Gay off at her house. At first it felt ridiculous...but as time began to pass...I became more frantic. At 11:00 the Alex City Police Dept called to let me know they had been found at their house...and contact had been made....but it was a false alarm. I came home from the drive to Kellyton...empty feeling. I slept an hour on Tuesday night...only to wake up early....staring at the big empty place where they usually park. I went to school early to leave lesson plans...I just knew that they would be found...Kat called me while I was at school and let me know she was on her way....once she got here we left Frank manning the phones and we began scouring the no avail. They were nowhere to be found. Weds. afternoon....after several futile attempts to locate them...I called the Dept. of Public Safety and they issued a Media Blitz. One of Kat's friends called Kim Hendrix at WSFA Channel 12 and gave her the story....we sent a picture....and the story aired at 5:30...and again at 10:00. People came and went all day, bringing food, calling, praying, hugging, it was such an emotional day...and there was no news. Weds. night fell and I began realizing that this was probably not going to have a happy ending...but I refused to give up. I got an Alabama map and began to create quadrant maps for the search parties that were going out on Thursday. We came up with 7 maps. The searchers came, got a map, food and water...and began their searches. Kat's friends from Montgomery came and we paired some of them with locals and gave the ones who were not paired with a local detailed search area maps...and they all began. By one had seen anything...and I was feeling so very phone rang and Mrs. Leola Lashley told me her son had just been called to go and get their van....the police called and said they had been found! I cannot describe the feelings that rushed through me. Where had they been? For two days they were stuck in a muddy ditch with a blown tire...down a pig trail road that leads to Fox Creek - part of the Tallapoosa River. This is a place where kids go to drink, sell drugs and park....They could have been killed...and in all of our searching....we would never have found them....none of us would have gone down this road. So, we all jumped in Shareefa's car and headed to the hospital. People began pouring into the hospital parking lot...they had been found. They were dehydrated, starving, but ok...and they were a muddy mess. WAKA Channel 8 showed up with a camera and a reporter....and I was so tired. I looked rough on camera. I am now I must close my eyes and rest...Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have this happen to you? I hope was not fun. I am still feeling strange. They are still in the hospital tonight...they are not going to come home with me...they are being sent to assisted that is another battle for another day....and I am so tired I can hardly hold my eyes open. God is so Good...all the time...isn't he?
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Modge Podge Mania With Xazmin's Style
Ok...I have had a couple of really crappy days...and I am tired of being down...I have a cold and don't feel the greatest...but by Jimmies I am going to be cheerful today if it kills me...and it may just do that. But then....Our of the Blue...I found a cheerful thing. It was a new project my friend Xazmin shared that gave me a new lease of life. I don't know about any of you guys...but several years ago I discovered Modge Podge and went wild. Everything I had was Modge Podged. I loved the easy craft for someone who was not so crafty. My friend Xazmin over at This is the Year has done an awesome project and I want to tell you about it....actually I am going to let her tell you in her own words. I was so excited about it I asked her if I could post it on my blog and she said YES!!!! I know once you see it and see how easy it is you will want to do it too. If you want to know more click on the link I provided at the beginning of the post and go see what all she has done. She is awfully talented...and this is her blog item for yesterday. "Well, summer is winding down. Are you sad? Or are you excited like me? I love summer, but now is about the time I'm ready for the season to change. I LOVE fall, I love the smell, and the colors, and the cooler temperatures. Most of all I love the anticipation of the upcoming Holiday Season. I'm itchin' to start decorating for 'bout you? I'm especially excited to "Halloween-ify" my home! So for this month's Mod Podge Project, I decided to do a Halloween version of the Mod Podge blocks you may have seen in our very first edition of Mod Podge Mania.I found this adorable Halloween paper at Michaels, and I'm so pleased with how they turned out!

I love how the little skeletons seem to be peeking out between the letters!

All I did was spray paint some 2x4 scraps, then Mod Podge my paper on. Using Mod Podge on the wood to adhere the paper, then another couple of coats over the top.
When the Mod Podge dried, I distressed the edges on the sander. I also took a tip from my way more talented than me friend Tanielle, and rubbed some brown paint on the roughed up edges. I spray painted and slightly distressed the wooden letters, then glued them on! Finish off with a couple of coats of clear acrylic spray and tie on some coordinating tulle. This is such a simple, fool-proof project and they turn out so cute every time! Now let's see what you've got! Please remember to link back to my blog in your post so that everyone will know where to come see everyone's projects! You may link up an old post or a new one. But if you link up an old one, it would be helpful if you just put a little blurb as a new entry on your blog linking back to your older post so your regular readers will know where to come check out more ideas! Does that make sense? I can't wait to see what you've all come up with this month!"
I, Karen again, hope you will go to your local craft store after seeing this cool project and pick up some paint brushes and modge podge and go to town. I have also used cute little napkins...and modge podged them on glass plate backs and baskets and loved the result. Happy Crafting.
I love how the little skeletons seem to be peeking out between the letters!
All I did was spray paint some 2x4 scraps, then Mod Podge my paper on. Using Mod Podge on the wood to adhere the paper, then another couple of coats over the top.
When the Mod Podge dried, I distressed the edges on the sander. I also took a tip from my way more talented than me friend Tanielle, and rubbed some brown paint on the roughed up edges. I spray painted and slightly distressed the wooden letters, then glued them on! Finish off with a couple of coats of clear acrylic spray and tie on some coordinating tulle. This is such a simple, fool-proof project and they turn out so cute every time! Now let's see what you've got! Please remember to link back to my blog in your post so that everyone will know where to come see everyone's projects! You may link up an old post or a new one. But if you link up an old one, it would be helpful if you just put a little blurb as a new entry on your blog linking back to your older post so your regular readers will know where to come check out more ideas! Does that make sense? I can't wait to see what you've all come up with this month!"
I, Karen again, hope you will go to your local craft store after seeing this cool project and pick up some paint brushes and modge podge and go to town. I have also used cute little napkins...and modge podged them on glass plate backs and baskets and loved the result. Happy Crafting.
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