Friday, September 30, 2011
Be Still? Who Me?
Last year my cousin Amanda gave me a bracelet that read: Psalm 46:10 - Be still, and know that I am God. (NIV). She will never know how badly I needed this reminder. When I am frustrated or depressed I fidget. I do anything and everything to keep from dealing with what is bothering me. I had had many bad months and I was fidgeting big time. I could not finish anything before I was flitting off to the next project. I don't always wear the bracelet....but I do carry it. This morning on my way to school I saw this reminder on a church sign and smiled. Today is Homecoming Friday....I got up and came in early to do my last day of duty for the year, then had my planning period and am now anxiously awaiting my second block (and I need to say only class) of the day. During this class we will be dismissing for the pep rally....after which they will go home. At 12:00 I will head to the house. This is a fidgety kind of day. I can't get settled. Beginning at 10:00 it has been a constant flow of students being dismissed to let them get ready for the pep-rally....I only have one class education is at a minimum. The parade is at 2 and the social event of Alex City. Businesses actually close to watch it. But...even through all the white noise of the day I reminded myself about what a powerful, yet calming, piece of scripture Psalm 46:10 is! I need to remind myself....that this is a day when I need to relax in the sunshine -- a time to be still; a day to come home easly, spend some quality time with my darling husband and spend some time alone with God. After all he has been sending me quiet subliminal messages for the past few days with His.... "Be still, and know that I am God." "Be still, and know that I am God, Karen!" ""Be still, Karen, and know that I AM God!" The "be still" part sounds very good but it is my hardest feat. It took me just alittle time to be quiet. The big picture here between me and God is that He is in control.....not me. Whew...I don't know about you....but that is very comforting. I am so grateful that God wants to spend time alone with me. job is to hear what He has to say to me....and be still! Have a wonderful weekend.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Stained Glass Hearts
About the Book: Stained Glass Hearts is written for anyone who have been broken by life, or knows someone who has. Patsy Clairmont is a master storyteller who writes from the standpoint of understanding, having coped with agoraphobia and depression for years prior to her victories of the battle through the power of the Lord. Each lesson throughout the book is of piecing together the brokenness of life to allow the light of Christ’s redeeming power and grace in. The chapters each show the reader how God has the authority to take our broken lives, fragmented and distorted as they are , and fashion a gorgeous piece of artwork, glorious for the eyes to behold. Each chapter is filled with poignant Patsy stories, a special piece of artwork, poetry, music, and scripture.

My Thoughts: I loved this book and knew I would be. I am veteran reader of Patsy Clairmont and have seen her multiple times at Women of Faith Conferences. She is a delight in person and on the page. Her easy, enjoyable, personal style makes her books such great reads. She has an amazing skill of weaving a vivid word tapestry. This book has joined it place of honor on my bookshelf next to my other favorite Patsy Clairmont books. I would give this book five stars and encourage everyone one to read it.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishing Co. as part of their Book Sneeze blogging review program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Wednesday Hodge Podge Vol 46
It is Wednesday again, the last one in September, and that means it is time for my weekly responses to Joyce's Hodge Podge. I love this time of the week. I get such a kick out of some of the questions and have to really think on the others. There are a lot of us who do this and if you would like to read their responses then jump over to Joyce's blog and check them out.
1. It is officially fall here in North America...I realize not everyone who participates in the Hodgepodge lives in North America but if you do, what's your favorite memory of Summer 2011? If you're not in North America, what's your favorite memory of the season just ending on your side of the world? My favorite memory of Summer 2011 has to be the SMAK trip to Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard with Susan, Missi, and Amanda. After 20 months of deaths it was actually fun to go and just play. I can't wait for SMAK 2012. I think we are going whale watching off the coast of Maine somehwhere. All I want to do is set foot in Vermont...then I will have 49 of 50 states under my travel belt.
1. It is officially fall here in North America...I realize not everyone who participates in the Hodgepodge lives in North America but if you do, what's your favorite memory of Summer 2011? If you're not in North America, what's your favorite memory of the season just ending on your side of the world? My favorite memory of Summer 2011 has to be the SMAK trip to Nantucket and Martha's Vineyard with Susan, Missi, and Amanda. After 20 months of deaths it was actually fun to go and just play. I can't wait for SMAK 2012. I think we are going whale watching off the coast of Maine somehwhere. All I want to do is set foot in Vermont...then I will have 49 of 50 states under my travel belt.
2. Your favorite nut? You know I mean the edible kind, right? Cashews, Macademia and Pistashios are my favorites and I love them all the same. I became quite fond of Macademias when Mary and I went to Hawaii and visited the Macademia nut farms.
3. What activity puts your sense of balance to the test? I have vertigo so climbing really puts my sense of balance to the test. When I get up....sometimes I can't get down. Once at Crampton Bowl in Montgomery at a football game I went up to their press box to call the band's half-time show...and when I started down was not going to happen. One of the other Band Booster parents came up and got in front of me and walked me was terrifying to me.
4. How would you describe your sense of humor? I have a good sense of humor....sometimes sarcasm rears its ugly head....but for the most part...I love to laugh. I can't tell jokes though. My students have asked me why I don't do stand up on the side. I tell them it is because I like to eat...and regularly.
5. September 28th is National Ask a Stupid Question Day...what's your stupid question? I don't have one because I believe the only stupid question is one not asked.
6. Roller skates~hula hoop~jump rope...which activity would you most enjoy? Yes, you have to choose. I loved roller skating back in the old days....I remember the first pair of skates with a key that I got. We used to rollerskate in front of Carol's house on the sidewalk and under the carport of Mr. Gunnell when he was not home...... I also loved jumping rope....and watching competitive jump rope....hula hooping, now that was a major challenge for me....I have no hip rhythm.
7. What's your most sentimental possession? I have several of these. I have a necklace that was my grandmothers, a ring holder that was my mother in laws, a door knob (looks like a huge diamond) that was my grandmothers, and a bracelet that was my moms....but my most prized is my grandfathers taterbug mandolin.
8. Insert your own random thought here. Since October is here....I can't resist...what was your most favorite Halloween costume? Back in the day when Halloween was innocent and neighbors gave you homemade goodies (or pennies...I hated that).....Mine was the Beatles....we were in elementary school at Belvedere and we were Beatles fans big time. Were we not cute...and yes...I was an amazon by the time I was in the fourth grade....actually in fifth grade I was one of the tallest in my class. I wore the same size shoe I do now.....and then I suddenly quit growing in the sixth grade and have been 5'5" ever since.
Kathy(far left leaning against the tree) was Paul, I(the tallest one), was John, Carol (khaki pants front), was George, and her little sister Hon (Cathy is her real name was Ringo). Happy Wednesday! Don't forget to check out the other Hodge Podge remarks over at Joyce's.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Modge Podged Pumpkin Project
I have decided that instead of cutting my pumpkin I am going to Modge Podge him. I have got some gorgeous napkins and cannot wait to get started. I modge podge all the time and nothing is sacred. I will attempt to modge podge just about anything. Want to try? Well it is really easy and can turn a plain jane thing into something special. I thought I would share some with you before giving you the directions.
- Like what you see? I hope so because here are the instructions and let me tell you it is so easy. I have done clear plates and platters, frames, a chair, you name it.
- You can modge podge anything....but for this adventure we are using a pumpkin. You can use a real one or artificial one. Next you gather tissue paper, lightweight fabric, napkins, several paintbrushes, and a container of Mod Podge or watered-down white glue. Working on a protected surface, simply tear the tissue into squares or strips and paste them in place. We found that double layers of tissue produced the boldest colors, and a topcoat of Mod Podge gave the finish durability. Let it dry completely and voila! I hope you have fun if you try it. It is a great destresser.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Great Is Thy Faithfulness, Lord Unto Me
Frank laughs at me when we are riding in the car because a song will come on the radio and I will say...."Oh that is my favorite song!" Five minutes later another song will come on and I will say again, "Oh that is my favorite song!" If someone were to ask him what my favorite song is he would have to say, "all of them!" Well, guess what.....I have a new favorite song/hymn....I heard it sung at women's conference not long ago and the woman who was singing it had just told the most heart wrenching story about her life. I sat quietly....alone....with 25,000 other women listening to her story in words and then in song....and felt God warming my heart and filling me with peace. I came home and got my red hymnal and looked at the words of the song and felt them burning into my memory and when I returned to work on Monday found myself singing the song to myself in the car. I have been really drawn to the song and so I decided to do some research on it. You know, find out the songs story and when I did thought I would share it with you so it can touch your heart like it has mine. The song was written by a man named Thomas Obadiah Chisolm (1866-1960). It seems that Chisolm had a difficult early adult life. His health was so fragile that there were periods of time when he was confined to bed, unable to work. Between bouts of illness he would have to push himself to put in extra hours at various jobs in order to make ends meet. After coming to Christ at age 27, he found great comfort in the Scriptures, and in the fact that God was faithful to be his strength in time of illness and weakness, and to provide his needs. Lamentations 3:22-23 was one of his favorite scriptures: “It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness.” While away from home on a missions trip, Thomas often wrote to one of his good friends, William Runyan, a relatively unknown musician. Several poems were exchanged in these letters. Runyan found one of Williams' poems so moving that he decided to compose a musical score to accompany the lyrics. Great is Thy Faithfulness was published in 1923. It appears that for several years ,the hymn got very little recognition, until it was discovered by a Moody Bible Institute professor who loved it so much and requested it sung so often at chapel services, that the song became the unofficial theme song of the college. It was not until 1945 when George Beverly Shea began to sing Great is Thy Faithfulness at the Billy Graham evangelistic crusades, that the hymn was heard around the world. Thomas Chisolm died in 1960 at age 94. During his lifetime, he wrote more than 1,200 poems and hymns. But Great is Thy Faithfulness will always and forever be my all time favorite.
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.
Refrain:Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.
Refrain:Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!
Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
And because of His great faithfulness to me “I will sing of the mercies of the Lord for ever: with my mouth will I make known Thy faithfulness to all generations.” (Psalm 89:1)
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Project 365 - Week 39
Can you believe that we have been doing this for 39 weeks? I can't. It just seems like yesterday I stumbled on Sara's site and began my whirlwind courtship with my camera and the world. Over the past 39 weeks there has been a camera change and a photography class begun. This week you are my photography class guinea pigs. I have learned about AV (A on a Nikon) and TV (S on a Nikon), ISO, depth of field, and so much more than my head is spinning. Now...remember I am a beginner. If you want to see some really good photographs head over to Sara's and look around. You won't be disappointed. You can find an array of everything there.
Sunday, September 18th
I know I promised you a week without shoot me(get it...shoot lens...hahaha)...I lied. I am still as fascinated with them as I was in the beginning. The Cinderella is turning orange and is close to being ready to pick.
Monday, September 19th
We are giving graduation exams this week and I displaced today. I did my photography class assignment which was to practice field of depth and using AV in a well lit area....with two coke bottles....but hey I am a teacher and we do apples. I was pretty impressed.....I am only sharing 2 of the 20 actualy pictures I took. Aren't you glad? I knew you would be.
Tuesday, September 20th
Practicing in class with the lady across from me. We were working on lighting and ISO and trying to blur the background. I am tired....and I blurred a little more than just the background....I ended up focusing on the lens of the camera.....LOL....oh well...that is why they call it practice.
Wednesday, September 21st
I thought this was a great church sign since I am taking the photography class.
Thursday, September 22nd
Playing with ISO. The top pumpkin was shot at 400 and the bottom at 800. I was standing in the same spot. I call the bottom picture a pumpkin eclipse. What do you think?
Friday, September 23rd
Reflections of life.
Saturday, September 24th
Still Magnolias in at Steve's Studio getting ready to lay down tracks for our new CD. Amanda and Rebecca are double checking harmonies before it is time to start. I am so exited. Actually that is an understatement. I was so excited that the video I was planning to do during the recording session did not happen because I forgot to turn the thing on. I hope you had a good week and I am wishing you a great next week. It is Homecoming week at our school and every day is a different theme be ready for some cute kid pictures next week. God Bless!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Then Came the Morning
Frank has school this weekend and I would have loved to have gone with him....but this was Amanda's birthday and Rebecca and I were planning to use the weekend to spend time together as Still Magnolias. Last night I got home and finished reading a book I had started earlier in the week. I actually enjoyed the time alone and before I knew it it was nearly midnight. Before going to bed I looked up Heart of the Wood on YouTube so I could practice my part for the studio. While I was there....I found one called Sweet Emmy Lou and loved it (I am a huge Emmylou Harris fan)....but then....I found it....I just could not leave it alone....there was another song by Joey and Rory, To Say Goodbye that captured my attention.....and I listened to it. I should have left it alone. I sat on my couch and sobbed my heart out. I guess at that point I should have just gone on and watched The Notebook and just been totally done in. As I headed down the hall to my bedroom a terrible fog seemed to find its way into my head. All of a sudden the peace I had been enjoying was suffocating me. I realized I was extremely was was time to go to bed why was I so dang blasted lonely and I certainly wasn't going to call one of my BFF's at that time of night. Even my sleep was robbed last night by snippet visits by my mom, my dad, my aunt, my brother....they were all there and left me feeling even more sad than before. I woke up this morning with eyes that felt like rain clouds holding rain. What a day this was going to be if I could not get this funk to leave me alone. I got up and went outside....the dog was at the door whining to check out daylight....and when I stepped outside there was God letting me know I was going to get through this.....the sun was gorgeous as it rose in the was so cleansing....and I felt the peace replacing the funk. I sighed and offered up a meek thanks for the glorious site. You know....that is one of those things I love so about God...even when we don't say anything to him about how we are feeling....He knows and when we least expect us a reassurance that all is ok. So here I am.....I mean come on....our 1:00 studio time had been changed to 3:00 and I have been enjoying being lazy until time to leave. Actually, I am trying to be calm and not nervous....I don't know why....we have done studio before....but not in a while. I can't wait to celebrate A's birthday and sing with two of my favorite singing partners. Life is good and I am glad that morning follows the darkness. Aren't you?
Friday, September 23, 2011
Happy Birthday Amanda!
Today is my cousin/sister Amanda's birthday. We have been the best of buds since the day she first drew breath. I wish all of you could meet and know her. You would be a blessed person for the experience....I know I am. She is one of those people that I can tell anything and know she will go to her grave with it if I ask her not to say anything. I can cry on her shoulder and she will either hold me or cry with me....while she is holding me. She is my traveling, writing, singing partner and I cannot imagine my life without her in it. She is a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day. Even though Amanda is two years younger than me I have always had a special bond with her and kind of lived through her. She has a spirit of adventure....and I have a spirit of less than adventurous. She will try just about anything once. She has parachuted from a perfectly good plane....just to say she could. She has driven at NASCAR speeds....on back country roads....let me tell you she can teach those NASCAR boys a lesson in how to drive. She has an amazing voice and I could listen to her sing for hours on end.....well...actually that is a lie because the minute I hear her sing....I jump in with harmony. For years we have lived a good distance away....and now I am so close I can see her easily....and I love it. Frank is away this weekend and tomorrow, Rebecca, Amanda and I are doing something that is great fun for her birthday....we are going in the studio to lay down tracks. I cannot wait and I could tell when I talked to her earlier in the week that she is just as excited. I think we are planning to cut another whole album of Gospel music. That will be great fun. But...that is a story for another, right now...I want to wish my dear friend/cousin/sister....a very Happy Birthday! I love you girl!
Things that make proud of Amanda!
Graduated from nursing school!
Graduated with her B.S.N from Auburn
One-third of Still Magnolias.
Singer, writer, friend, the best! Happy Birthday!
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Stop Cyberbullying!
Words can be so hurtful. I remember when I was a child/preteen/teenager all it took was for someone to write me a note and say...."I don't like you" to send me over the emotional edge. Children want to be accepted so much....and when they are not it is devastating. During my summer vacation, you know the three months I have off each year to do nothing, I attended several workshops on cyberbullying and I have also watched several of those made for television movies on cyberbullying....and to be honest the workshops and the movies all made me quite sick. It is hard for me to understand how any one could be so hurtful to another the point that the one being bullied might actually take their life. I have to admit I was like an ostrich at first and chose to stick my head in the ground.....until I saw the statistics for our state, our county, my system.....and that just floored me. There was actually a cyberbullying attempt made by a first grader to another first grader via test messages. Number one...what is a first grader doing with a cell phone???? I guess that is why I was absolutely delighted when our school board started something called the ACBOE Parent University and the first workshop they are hosting is about bullying in cyberspace and real time. Since the posting of the workshop I have had countless parents ask me exactly what cyberbullying is and then ask if it really is a problem in our school. My answer to them a resounding, "YES!" and then to tell them that "Cyberbullying" is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones. It has to be a minor on both sides, or at least have been instigated by a minor against another minor. Once adults become involved, it is plain and simple cyber-harassment or cyberstalking. Adult cyber-harassment or cyberstalking is NEVER called cyberbullying. It takes on the term preditory. Cyberbullying isn't when an adult is trying to lure children into offline meetings, that is called sexual exploitation or luring by a sexual predator. There is a huge difference.....but sometimes when a minor starts a cyberbullying campaign it involves sexual predators who are intrigued by the sexual harassment or even ads posted by the cyberbullying offering up the victim for sex. The methods used are limited only by the child's imagination and access to technology. And the cyberbully one moment may become the victim the next. The kids often change roles, going from victim to bully and back again. For some kids this is a game....much like dungeons and dragons back in the 80's and 90's. It is all in them....but then...someone steps over the line and it becomes serious....even deadly. Children have actually killed each other and committed suicide after having been involved in a cyberbullying incident. Cyberbullying is usually not a one time communication, unless it involves a death threat or a credible threat of serious bodily harm. Kids usually know it when they see it, while parents may be more worried about the lewd language used by the kids than the hurtful effect of rude and embarrassing posts. Cyberbullying may rise to the level of a misdemeanor cyberharassment charge, or if the child is young enough may result in the charge of juvenile delinquency. Most of the time the cyberbullying does not go that far, although parents often try and pursue criminal charges. It typically can result in a child losing their ISP or IM accounts as a terms of service violation. And in some cases, if hacking or password and identity theft is involved, can be a serious criminal matter under state and federal law. So what is the schools place in this? They can educate the students and parents on cyberethics and have a good acceptable use policy in place., one with a provision added that allows the school to discipline a student for actions taken off-campus if they threaten another student. If you are a up on cyberbullying. It is a terrible thing. Watch your child and notice if there is a change in their behavior. I don't know about the rest of you.....I use cyberspace to do my blog....and this practice of cyberbullying makes me sick....I want to stop cyberbullying now...and forever!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Hodge Podge - Vol 45
It is Wednesday, hump day, middle day of the week and I am so glad. This has been the longest week so far. I am glad Joyce provided me with a little fun and Hodge Podge. I look forward to this day every week. Want to join in? Head over to Joyces and get the questions and link up when you are done.
1. Do you like chili? Red or white? Beans or no beans? Spice or no spice? Toppings?
I am a huge chili fan. I like the red kind and the white. I like it with beans or without. I like it in the fall and winter and on hot dogs. I love to put mine on a base of corn chips or cornbread and then top it off with some shredded cheese and a dab of sour crea/plain yogurt. I don't mind SOME spice but my stomach can't take too much.
2. Red-orange-gold...your favorite fall color?
Yes to all of the above. I love all the colors, sights, and smell of fall and love to decorate for fall. My kitchen has red/apple accents, my office is soft golf, I love deep greens, orange, yellow, and burnt orange decorate my dining room. I think fall is one of the prettiest times of the year. I can't wait for a big change in leaves....although I am seeing some hints now.
3. Who did you idolize when you were growing up?
My dad, grandfather, and youth leaders at church. They were my role models and were the shining stars in my life. I feel sorry for kids today with all the idolizing of singers, athletes, etc....where are the REAL idols? The ones who follow Christ's examples.
4. When was the last time you did something 'arts and craftsy'? Share please.
I modged podged some baskets for a giveaway. They were really cute. I am currently working on a bracelet craft and liking it. I will post pictures when I am finished.
5. What's a place that makes you really nervous?
Besides the dentist and doctor...I would have to say haunted houses. I don't like any of them.
6. Horseback riding...yay or nay (neigh?)
I have not done it in years....but when I did ride I loved it. Now I would rather be straddled a trike cruising through the mountains.
7. What's your favorite cliche?
7. What's your favorite cliche?
They are as thick as thieves. As an English teacher I tend to steer away from them.
8. Have you ever done something out of your comfort zone that turned out to be an amazing experience?
April 2009 the group I sing with, Still Magnolias opened for Country Music Hall of Famer, George Jones. I have sung for years before crowds....but when we stepped on that stage...I was totally out of my element. This was a place reserved for professionals...and stars...and I was neither....but once I heard the first stroke of the fiddle....I felt as at home as if I had been there all my life. It was an awesome experience!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
1000th Post Giveaway!
Well it is almost here. In 15 days I will post my 1000th post. I am so excited and because I am so excited I want you to be excited I am doing a giveaway. This will be my third giveaway since blogging and I love fixing up goodie baskets for winners, so that is what I am going to do again. This is how it will work. In October, right after I post my 1000th post, I will randomly select one lucky name. Will it be you? I hope so. In order to be entered in the lucky drawing you must do a couple of things for me. 1. Follow me. (If you already do then you are on the right track and have one entry...make sure you leave a comment. You don't have to be a blogger to follow me....and enter. 2. Post something about my giveaway on your blog with a link to mine. You don't have to do a whole post....just a mention on the side is sufficient....and once you do let me know. I am so excited. I cannot believe I have posted almost 1000 posts. That seems like so many right now....but it really only seems like yesterday that I began. Hope you will stop by and enter! Buena Suerte
Monday, September 19, 2011
Follow My Finger
Today started out early....I did not go to work because Frank had a procedure at Lanier Hospital this morning and we had to be there at 7:30...the problem is that they are on Eastern Time and we live on Central. 4:30 came early but we got there on time and are now home. With that said I had planned to tell you a story about someone very dear to me.....Lee Terrell Prophitt, my grandfather. I adored my grandfather. When we came to Alabama to visit them I was his shadow. There was no one like him. He was tall and thin, a twin(his twin was short and stocky), one of 14 children, rolled his own cigarettes, smoked Prince Albert in a can, played any instrument you put in his hands, worked in the cotton mill (Avondale), fixed watches and clocks, collected junk, and went to church every Sunday of his life. The thing I loved the most about this man was that he accepted a man for what he did not matter what color his skin was. That was one of many life lessons I learned at his feet. People are just people and they serve the same God. When we were little...all the men would gather in his living room on Friday or Saturday nights and play and sing. We supposedly were already fast asleep on our pallets....but we would hear the music and pull our pallet as close to the door to the den as we could so we could hear them. After they finished playing someone would drag our pallet back to where it was. When we were big enough to hold a guitar he sat us down and taught us three chords and the song "Maggie." When we could play it to his standard he would allow us to play with the group. I was 15 when I first had that privilege. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. He also had drink boxes outside his shed. My favorite one was the RC Cola box. In that box would be delights for the pallet. I could hardly wait to get to his house so I could beg for a nickel and a drink from the treasure box. Strawberry NeHi was my choice....that is until I got sick and threw up once....I have not had one since. One thing he did not tolerate from us was vagueness. When he told us to go and do something....that is what he expected from us. When we did not produce the desired results he would take us...tuck us up next to his check....put his left arm straight out.....and tell us to "follow his finger."(I wish you could hear his voice cousin Stanley does it just like him.) I never wanted to have him do that to me. The boy cousins tended to get it more than the girls...we knew better. I loved it when he would tell us stories of his childhood. We would all gather at his feet and he told us about our great grandfather riding a horse into the Harris Co. Courthouse and shooting out the lights, about coming to Tallassee, AL down the Chattahootchee River, being one of 14 children, his father, his mother, his brothers and I guess storytelling is in my blood. I come from a long line of them....want to know more? Follow my fingers here on my blog and find out. :-) Have a happy Monday!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Project 365 - Week 38
Welcome to Week 38 of Project 365. I began this back in January and so far have not missed a day. It has been very helpful for me with the planning aspect of photography....although more often than not I just see it...and shoot it. I hope you will view my offerings, as poor as they are, and then go over to Sara's blog and look at some of the other pictures. The whole concept here is to take a picture a day and then provide a brief explanation. I am a writer....brief is not in my vocabulary. I have had a busy week so my shots of are random things for the most part. Thanks for stopping by and I hope in the next few weeks you will begin to see a change in my pictures.
Sunday, September 11th
The moon and trees were not cooperating with me tonight. I almost forgot to take a picture today. Frank's sermon left me an emotional wreck.
Monday, September 12th
I never realized until I started doing P365 just how pretty the sun is from my parking space at school when it peeks through the trees.
Tuesday, September 13th
I started taking a photography class at Auburn University today. My neighbor and her mom also attend so it is fun to have someone in the class with me. I probably would not have ever done it on my own. This was the first picture he asked us to make. It is the light in the classroom and it is Tungsten light, so I had to set my a buttom on my camera to accommodate for that...and could not use a flash.
Taking a multitude of notes. If the instructor spoke...I wrote it down.
Shooting each flash....on AV(A for Nikon users) mode in the class room. My neighbor is the one on the right....she is so much fun. Her mom is my shooting partner. We have the same camera and is too funny.
Wednesday, September 14th
Wednesday morning as I pulled out of my driveway this was my view of the sky. It reminded me of rainbow sherbet.
Thursday, September 15h
I think this was a direct message to me from the big guy upstairs.
Friday, September 16th
We went to Mrs. Betty Jeans to borrow two huge ferns for tomorrow night. Her bougainvillea's were gorgeous so I spent some time checking out her flowers while Frank loaded the two ferns. She invited us in but we were meeting Marcie and Sherry at the church and had to go. I could spend forever in her yard.
Saturday, September 17th
Today was the Rock Mills Heritage and Pottery Day. I had to go down with camera in tow and see what was going on. I actually love this day because of the really cool pieces of pottery and history lessons that are out and about.
Dominos being played outside the pottery shop. Bro Frank Foster (the Nazarene pastor) runs the pottery shop and makes some really gorgeous pieces.
One of our neighbors caning a chair. He was amazing....he caned, talked to the crowd, smiled for my camera, and never missed a tuck. AMAZING! When I finish my photography class I am going to learn how to do this. He said he would teach me if I wanted to learn. It is a dying art...and yes, I do want to learn this.
The Rock Mills VFD had an information table set up and were giving the children fire hats, suckers, coloring books, and stickers. I am glad they were in the shade and there was a nice breeze blowing. Frank does not ever meet a stranger so I came up on him and caught him talking Navy with another veteran. You got to love him.
There was a vintage car display.
Still Magnolias did a benefit for Frank tonight at our church. He is trying to raise money to go to the Holy Lands with his Course of Study classes. Amanda, Rebecca and I had so much fun as we did what we do best....sing. Thanks to all the ladies who baked cakes for the bake sale...they looked heavenly. BTW...don't those ferns of Mrs. Betty Jean's look lovely on that stage? I thought so too. Thanks also to all the people who turned out, brought food, ate a hot dog, and gave. A special thanks to Marcie and guys rock. What an event you made this evening. We started out with our warm up set while people gathered....then we moved into a gospel set and invited Mrs. Jean to come and join us on the stage to sing Victory in Jesus (Marcie's favorite) and He Touched Me (Mrs. Betty Jean's request). I love Rock Mills!
Hope your week is a good one. Mine looks like another busy one. Stay safe and be blessed.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
A Lancaster County Christmas Giveaway!
To celebrate the release of her first Christmas book, Suzanne Woods Fisher has teamed up with her publisher, Revell, to bring you the "Christmas in September" iPad Giveaway! The winner will be announced on 9/27 at the A Lancaster County Christmas Facebook Party! Details below. Tell your friends and join in the fun (9/7-9/27). Oh and be sure to follow the blog tour here - many of the bloggers have copies of the book to giveaway! Suzanne and Revell will be presenting one merry winner with a Christmas Prize Pack (valued at over $600):
- A Brand New iPad 2 with Wi-Fi
- $25 gift certificate to iTunes
- A copy of A Lancaster County Christmas
To enter, click here . But, hurry the giveaway ends on 9/26. But, wait! There's more! The winner will be announced at the A Lancaster County Christmas Facebook Party on 9/27 at Suzanne's author page. During the party she'll be revealing something *BIG* - you won't want to miss it. She'll also be hosting a book chat, trivia contest and giving away a few early Christmas presents! Hope to see you there.
About the Book: Jaime and C. J. Fitzpatrick began their married life in love and looking forward to a bright future together. But when Jaime's mother dies and she wins a National Geographic Photography Contest her father, who deserted them when she was six months old, returns to the scene and now four years later the once happy couple has drifted apart and they are almost ready to call it quits.
Mattie Riehl was hoping to give her husband Sol the Christmas gift they have both longed for--news that another baby was on the way, only to be disappointed with a miscarriage. With the Christmas holidays approaching the young mother feels an acute awareness that her dream of a big family isn't likely to become a reality. A random meeting at the doctors office, a lost owl whistle and a grudging favor to return the whistle to six year old Danny topped with a winter storm raging outside blows the Fitzpatricks into the Riehl home--and into a much slower pace of life. Can these two couples from different worlds help each other understand the true meaning of love this Christmas? Can the two young women come to grips with their lives, their dreams, and God's perfect grace?
About the Author: "Suzanne Woods Fisher is a bestselling author of Amish fiction and non-fiction and the host of a weekly radio program called Amish Wisdom. She has twenty books under contract with Revell--seven published, thirteen to come...she's contracted all the way into 2016. The Waiting is a finalist for a 2011 Christy Award. The Choice is finalist for a 2011 Carol Award. Amish Peace: Simple Wisdom for a Complicated World and Amish Proverbs: Words of Wisdom from the Simple Life were both finalists for the ECPA Book of the Year (2010, 2011). Her interest in the Amish began with her grandfather, W.D. Benedict, who was raised Plain. She has many, many Plain relatives living in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, and travels back to Pennsylvania, as well as to Ohio, a couple of times each year for research. Mrs. Fisher has a great admiration for the Plain people and believes they provide wonderful examples to the world. In both her fiction and non-fiction books, she has an underlying theme: You don't have to "go Amish" to incorporate many of their principles--simplicity, living with less, appreciating nature, forgiving others more readily-- into your life." "When Suzanne isn't writing or bragging to her friends about her first new grandbaby (!), she is raising puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind. To Suzanne's way of thinking, you just can't take life too seriously when a puppy is tearing through your house with someone's underwear in its mouth." Want to learn more about Suzanne Woods Fisher? Then check her out online at Want a copy of the book, then check out the following link:
My Thoughts: This book was a wonderful read and a great feel good story. Once I began I did not want to put it down. The characters were so lifelike I found myself routing for each of them as they faced their personal struggles in the story. Fisher is a master storyteller. This was her first book I have read and I cannot wait to get my hands on more. She is phenomenal. I would give this book 5 stars easily. Now get out there and enter the contest. I have already, and posted it on facebook.... and I would love to win an IPad 2....and a book. How about you?
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Litfuse Publicity Group as part of a September Blog Tour. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
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