Friday, July 31, 2015
Psalm 62:5
I find great peace in the Book of Psalms most of the time. There seems to always be a nugget for me to take to heart every single day and today was no different. School has just begun and it is craziness personified here where I am right now. I am so tired when I get home in the afternoons....and then I found it. My verse. My verse today comes from Psalm 62:5: Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him. I found myself drawing back to the last week in July when Frank and I went to Panama City. It was our last escape before the school year began and I had big images of laying on the beach or at least by the hotel pool.....and neither I felt myself growing restless. I had a wonderful time with my husband.....but it just was not enough. I needed sand between my toes. Yet, as we enjoyed our few days there I could feel my soul begin to settle and my spirit grow quiet. It was a welcome feeling ... one that was a long time coming. What I really needed was a little time to just be still. To prepare for the busy schedule I would be jumping into the very next week. I needed to reset my heart and mind on the students who would be in my charge for the 2015/16 school year. Frank and I travel a good bit and sometimes we have some of the greatest conversations, other times we sing....and sometimes we just drive in comfortable silence, occasionally commenting on the beauty of our surroundings. Sweet memories make us laugh as we spot places we have visited before. We go to the beach and the mountains each least once. I am always the one with my camera on ready looking for something unusual. I also love riding with the windows down so I can smell the world. I love the smell of fields being turned, fresh rain, honeysuckle, flowers....and the ocean. I am the one who finds shapes in clouds.....and in the Kudzu growing voraciously on the side of the road.
I have a love-hate relationship with Kudzu. I love the shapes I find in it....but I hate that it takes over the side of the road. Kudzu is nasty and nothing more than a deadly weed. The plant climbs over trees or shrubs and grows so fast that it kills them … basically by suffocating them.” Kudzu is a menace. According to Wikipedia, Kudzu is a serious invasive plant in the United States. It has been spreading in the southern U.S. at the rate of 150,000 acres annually. Its introduction has produced devastating environmental consequences and has earned the nickname, "The vine that ate the South." I have to ask,"How could something so beautiful and entertaining be so deadly?" The Holy Spirit whispered to my weary soul, “Oh, you know how.” And I do.... I mean....I had just spent nine months pouring my heart and soul into the lives of impressionable minds I call students and feeding my flock at the church where I pastor.....AND being a friend, family member.... completing two online classes for CEU's so I would be the very best teacher.....and pastor's wife at my husband's the end of June I had discovered that my schedule had become deadly. I was so is an understatement. I was exhausted. I found myself....a 61 year old.... overweight, over worked, underexercising, diabetic, with high blood pressure.....and so very tired. Each one of these things were screaming at me...."SLOW DOWN!" I found that I needed some time to sit at His feet this year. I found myself diving into his word, following through on creative things that make me happy. I find myself happy simply staying home. I am experiencing date night with my husband. I guess in a sense I am cutting away at the Kudzu. But the most important thing I am letting go....and letting God be in control. I am stopping to breathe deeply and trust Him for the plan He has in my life. I have always loved the 23rd Psalm....but for the past has become my mantra as I turn it all over to Him. He has this.....and I can rest assured....He has my back, my front, my sides.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Last July Wednesday Hodge Podge
Welcome to this week's edition of the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Just a reminder there will not be any Hodgepodge next week (August 4/5). Joyce and her family will be wrapping up some travel here and then making their way south, aka moving, so I'll need a break. The HP will be back the week after (August 11/12) so check back then for a new set of questions. We're here today though, so let's get started. Once you answer the questions and want to get them posted hop over to Joyce's blog and link up.
1. I recently read here about four secrets to happiness from around the world. They were-
Overcome your fears by facing them head on, allow yourself to relax and reset, work to live versus living to work, and find the good in life. Not sure if these are the actual secret to happiness, but which of the four do you struggle with most? Which one comes most easily to you? I struggle the most with facing my fears head on. Sometimes I have to get a do over when it comes to that. 2. How would you spend a found $20 bill today?
I am with Joyce....a manicure perhaps....or a nice hot cup of coffee from Starbucks for both my husband and me.
3. Ego trip, power trip, guilt trip, round trip, trip the light fantastic, or trip over your own two feet...which 'trip' have you experienced or dealt with most recently? Explain.
I would have to say round trip. We have taken two short mini vacays; one in June to Tennessee and one in July, to South Carolina. We will be leaving for one more tonight after revival and we are heading South.
4. If you could master any physical skill in the world what would it be, and how would you use that skill? I would love to learn to play the mandolin and banjo. I would use that skill in my performances. I think they would add a nice sound. When I retire that is one of the 26 items I have down to accomplish. I also want to learn to scroll saw.
5. As July draws to a close, let's take inventory of our summer fun. Since the official first day of (North American) summer (June 20th) have you...been swimming? enjoyed an ice cream cone? seen a summer blockbuster? camped? eaten corn on the cob? gardened? deliberately unplugged? watched a ballgame? picked fruit off the vine? taken a road trip? read a book? Are any of these activities on your must-do-before-summer-ends list? I have not been swimming so far this summer which is so sad, but I am taking my swimsuit when we head south tonight. I hear a pool calling my name. I have not eaten an ice cream cone. I am a diabetic and those are not on my list of good eats. Frank and I saw Pitch Perfect 2. It was good, at least the music was, and the ending. I have not camped, nor have I stayed at a Motel ....which is my idea of camping. I have eaten corn on the cob. I have deliberately unplugged. I watched a bit of a ball game, I have picked some fruit off the vine....and eaten it....we are juicing fruit is important. I have read several books since I do reviews on my blog, and we have taken a road trip to Knoxville, Greenville so far and since school starts in a week we are plugging in a trip to the beach starting tonight after revival. We should arrive at our hotel around 1AM.
6. The Republican Presidential candidates will debate on August 6th. What's your question?
Here are a few things I'd like to hear every candidate address, both sides of the fence or no side of the fence- (I am using a few of Joyce's questions because I have the same ones.)
8. Insert your own random thought here. Does your town, state, have tax free school shopping days? Do you ever utilize them? As a teacher who can only claim around 250.00 or the 1500.00+ I spend on my class each year I definitely do. I don't usually buy high ticket items. I get things I need for my class to begin school with....things for some reason students don't bring to class with them....I buy pencils and pens (I went through over 500 last year), paper, notebooks, notebook paper, construction paper, Kleenex(it amazes me how many of them my students use to blow their nose one time), paper towel, etc.
1. I recently read here about four secrets to happiness from around the world. They were-
Overcome your fears by facing them head on, allow yourself to relax and reset, work to live versus living to work, and find the good in life. Not sure if these are the actual secret to happiness, but which of the four do you struggle with most? Which one comes most easily to you? I struggle the most with facing my fears head on. Sometimes I have to get a do over when it comes to that. 2. How would you spend a found $20 bill today?
I am with Joyce....a manicure perhaps....or a nice hot cup of coffee from Starbucks for both my husband and me.
3. Ego trip, power trip, guilt trip, round trip, trip the light fantastic, or trip over your own two feet...which 'trip' have you experienced or dealt with most recently? Explain.
I would have to say round trip. We have taken two short mini vacays; one in June to Tennessee and one in July, to South Carolina. We will be leaving for one more tonight after revival and we are heading South.
4. If you could master any physical skill in the world what would it be, and how would you use that skill? I would love to learn to play the mandolin and banjo. I would use that skill in my performances. I think they would add a nice sound. When I retire that is one of the 26 items I have down to accomplish. I also want to learn to scroll saw.
5. As July draws to a close, let's take inventory of our summer fun. Since the official first day of (North American) summer (June 20th) have you...been swimming? enjoyed an ice cream cone? seen a summer blockbuster? camped? eaten corn on the cob? gardened? deliberately unplugged? watched a ballgame? picked fruit off the vine? taken a road trip? read a book? Are any of these activities on your must-do-before-summer-ends list? I have not been swimming so far this summer which is so sad, but I am taking my swimsuit when we head south tonight. I hear a pool calling my name. I have not eaten an ice cream cone. I am a diabetic and those are not on my list of good eats. Frank and I saw Pitch Perfect 2. It was good, at least the music was, and the ending. I have not camped, nor have I stayed at a Motel ....which is my idea of camping. I have eaten corn on the cob. I have deliberately unplugged. I watched a bit of a ball game, I have picked some fruit off the vine....and eaten it....we are juicing fruit is important. I have read several books since I do reviews on my blog, and we have taken a road trip to Knoxville, Greenville so far and since school starts in a week we are plugging in a trip to the beach starting tonight after revival. We should arrive at our hotel around 1AM.
6. The Republican Presidential candidates will debate on August 6th. What's your question?
Here are a few things I'd like to hear every candidate address, both sides of the fence or no side of the fence- (I am using a few of Joyce's questions because I have the same ones.)
- What are the two biggest issues facing America today?
- Tell me why I should believe you're going to do what you say you're going to do.
- Do you support a pathway to citizenship for illegals currently living in the US?
- What about illegals brought here as minors? Do you support in-state college tuition for illegals brought here as minors?
- In a few short sentences tell me what America means to you.
- How do you feel about limiting Senator and Representative terms to just two?
- What will you do to help our veterans?
- What are your feelings on OBAMA Care and socialized medicine?
7. What's your most listened to song so far this summer? I love this song!
8. Insert your own random thought here. Does your town, state, have tax free school shopping days? Do you ever utilize them? As a teacher who can only claim around 250.00 or the 1500.00+ I spend on my class each year I definitely do. I don't usually buy high ticket items. I get things I need for my class to begin school with....things for some reason students don't bring to class with them....I buy pencils and pens (I went through over 500 last year), paper, notebooks, notebook paper, construction paper, Kleenex(it amazes me how many of them my students use to blow their nose one time), paper towel, etc.
Monday, July 27, 2015
How Big Is A Christian?
I asked the children: "who
do you think is the biggest Christian in this sanctuary today?" They kept saying that I was. I was not quite sure how to take that because I am fluffy. One of them finally told me it was because I was the preacher. I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing out loud. I then suggested that the tallest person present (Rayford or Rex) come
forward, as he could be the biggest Christian around. I took out my tape measure and ran it out a good distance and asked the kids, "is
this really how we can measure the Christianity of a person? (they all shouted "NO!") I then asked them what were some good Christian values and could they think of any?
What makes us good and big Christians? How about having love? Can you measure
love with a tape measure? The kids all laughed and shook their heads, no. So I went on to explain to them how we must all grow up--our bodies as well as our Christian
spirit. We must grow in inches as well as in love. How do we grow in love to
God and our neighbors? There suggestions to the questions were prayer, going to church, worship,
reading bible, listening, learning from each other. I have a special group of children at Rock Mills. They make my heart sing each Sunday and I know they make God smile.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
What Is Your Dream?
What is
Your Dream? is the title of my sermon today. My scripture today is from Ephesians 3: 20-21
As we enter into a time of revival I searched the scriptures
to find something that would get that revival spirit burning. In my short time of standing in a pulpit I
have preached several messages on the subject of dreams. Dreams fascinate me and always have. This morning I would like to address the
subject of dreams … with this question, “What
is Your Dream?” The question this
morning is not can we dream, everyone can dream, but do we have the courage to
act upon it. This morning….I am dreaming
of revival. Not just for Midway United
Methodist Church….but for Randolph County, Alabama, and the United States of
I am
going to focus on verses 20 – 21. 20 Now
to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,
according to his power that is at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in
Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
So let’s look first at The
Process of a Dream. One of the
definitions for the word Process is
this – A series of continuous actions that lead us to a particular result. We
must remember that dreams are a process.
There are no instant Dreams unless you ate spicy food late at night, and
then it is not a dream, it is a nightmare. God will not lift you up out of your
dream and set you down in the center of its fulfillment. In 1983 a young man named Michael Dell graduated from High
School. He had a passion for computers and would take them apart and rebuild
them. He discovered that he could build them for one forth of the price even
adding more memory, bigger monitors, and faster modems, he would be able to
sell them cheaper with a handsome profit. His dream was to build and sell
computers. That fall, under a lot of
pressure from his parents he enrolled at UT. After his freshman year, he
dropped out of school and started Dell Computer Company with only $1,000 start
up money. Three years later, the company
did a private placement offering stock to a small group of investors. At that
time, Michael Dell was 22 years Old and Dell Computers had 150 million if
annual sales. Today, Dell Computers is a
57 Billion dollar company, with the leading market Share in the US. Michael Dell said, I followed my dream. I
learned by doing and by making mistakes, and I go smart people to help. The Children of Israel dreamed of living in the Promised
Land, but the only way to get there was through the wilderness. You see, you will not be able to trust God
for the fruition of your Dream, until you see His faithfulness in the
process. Do not despise the process, for
that is where we learn to trust God.
• We
discover His power in Red Sea situations.
• When
we are led by Him, there are no sign posts.
• When
we get up every morning with our eyes on our destiny and steadily move towards
• When
we refuse to become like the children of Israel who murmured and complained in
the wilderness.
The lyrics to an awesome love song are:
At times the load is heavy, at times the road is long,
when circumstances come your way and you think you can’t go
When your feeling at your weakest, Jesus will be strong,
He’ll provide an answer when you’ve found all hope is gone,
He’ll find a way.
At times your heart is breaking with a pain that’s so
intense, and all you hold are broken pieces to a life that makes no sense,
He wants to lift you up and hold you, and mend each torn
He’ll pick up the pieces that you thought had all been
spent, He’ll find a way.
For I know that if He can paint a sunset, and put the stars
in place,
if He can raise up mountains and calm the storm tossed
and if He can conquer death forever to open Heavens gates,
I know for you, He’ll find a way.
If you are in a situation and you can’t find heads from
remember you are in a process.
The process can be difficult, the road can be rough,
the land can be like a wilderness,
but you will never taste of the milk and honey without
completing the process.
So now we need to look at The Progress of a Dream. Your
dream will never progress unless it is pursued.
The definition of the word Pursue is – To seek to attain. To apply ones
energy towards as a chief interest. To follow after persistently. With that definition in our minds people at
Midway we need to pursue the dream God has given us no matter how far-fetched
it may seem.
• Your dreams are like your children; they are your
• Your dreams are the joy of your present and the hope of
your future.
• Protect them, feed them, encourage them to grow, for as
long as you have a dream you will never be old.
I can hear the voice of Caleb today, “So here I am today,
eighty-five years old! I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out;
I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then. Now give me this
hill country that the LORD promised me that day. You yourself heard then that
the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified, but, the
LORD helping me, I will drive them out just as he said." I love the Caleb Spirit. This became possible
because of the process. People and
life’s struggles attempted to steal his dream.
• Israel refusing to go into the Promised Land.
• Wandering around for 40 years in the wilderness.
• The murmuring of the people.
• The peoples attempt to bring in other Gods.
• Driving the inhabitants out of the Land.
• His dream included defeating the Anakites. (Giants)
stayed true to his dream, he stayed focused on his dream, and he pursued after
his dream.
Look at the life of Joseph.
• The betrayal of his family
• The attempted seduction by Potiphar’s wife.
• The false imprisonment.
Joseph’s dream carried him all the way to his destiny as the
ruler of Egypt. We are talking about God given dreams that lead to God honoring
results, not self ambition.
Now let’s look at The Promise of a Dream. The definition of Promise is – An assurance
given by one person to another to perform a specified act. Joel 2:28: And
afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters
will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions. God has a dream for you, and as you
seek Him, He will reveal it to you. When He reveals His dream for you, you must
remember three things: 1.
Dreams are specific, not general; personal, not public. God will not give someone else your dream, He
will give it to you. I have had people
come to me and ask me, what do you think God want me to do? God can confirm it through others, but He
will reveal it to you. When He does, be
careful of who you share it with. (Remember
the story of Joseph? Well, Joseph’s
brothers could not handle his dream, so they tried to abort it.) 2.
Dreams are usually outside the realm of the expected. Often your dream will cause
others to say, “You’ve got to be kidding!” I know my friends did when I told them I was
going to school to be a teacher. They
laughed. Even at my 20 year high school
reunion. My former teachers were shocked
when I told them what I did. But….Remember,
that is their opinion, not God’s. Philippians for 13 tells us: With God, all things are possible. 3.
Dreams can separate you from others. Dreamers
are risk-takers and are always in the minority. Dreams will separate the risk-takers,
from the caretakers and the undertakers. Those who walk by sight will always
outnumber those who walk by faith. So let me ask you right now….What do you dream about? I know that Midway dreams of a great
revival. The kind of revival that fills
the pews with people wanting to find out what we have here and what God is all
about. My fellow Christians….remember
this….You will never out dream God. Ephesians
3:20: Now to him who is
able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power
that is at work within us. We have the
power for revival….now….go into the world and Catch that Caleb spirit, give me that mountain.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Thoughts On My First Wedding

I read a post on Facebook this week and it got me to thinking. I have loved watching the popular TLC bridal shows...especially Say Yes To The Dress Atlanta, and I have spent time with my friends who are mother's of the bride and their breathtaking wedding boards on Pinterest, it got me asking questions about my first wedding, when I married your dad. So, I sat down and thought I would tell you both about it. I hope by the time you finish reading this you will be laughing yourselves silly. First of all...looking back on it, it was pretty ugly. No, really, it was. It was a January1976, and that didn’t help. It snowed that day and was cold as rip. Thank goodness I did not make my bridesmaids wear rainbow colors, or hats, or any kind of head piece for that matter. colors were a strange shade of peach and pea green. Yeah. They were interesting colors against the green walls of the church and the red colored pews of the church. Flowers and decorations were limited....ok...sparse. The bridesmaids wore homemade dresses of whipped cream fabric that could accommodate a wide array of sizes and tallness. As most brides do I thought the style was perfect and could be cut off to make a church dress later.....yeah right! Those brides who think that are only fooling themselves. I’m pretty sure they were burned while I was on my overnight honeymoon. I had always planned on wearing a long-sleeved white lace Victorian gown. And my mom was thrilled when we found said dress...perfect Jordan Marsh and walked out with it that alterations needed. I was delighted. I also got a dutch cap veil. They were from a truck show and we paid a whopping 80.00. I think my whole wedding cost around 250.00. I carried a white bible given to me by Susan Johnson Price and her mom, Francis. I had a white orchid (grown by Susan's mom) and greenery, strings of pearls, and white ribbons. I thought it was breathtaking. The guys wore an array of dark suits. None of them matched. No snazzy tuxedo's with black shiny shoes. My dress was packed up at Jack Sheehans and stored in a box. It moved with me seven plus times. I kept hoping one of you would want to wear it when you go married. I gave it away last year for a costume in the Mock Wedding at RCHS. The girl who wore it was just my former size and it looked beautiful on her. The dutch cap veil was amazing....even after so many years. I can remember when you both were little wanting me to take it out of the treasure box and let you play with it. I never did. Sometimes I wish that I had.
Now for the took place in the small, dimly-lit fellowship hall or Kellyton United Methodist Church. We didn't have dinner or dancing or any satin to cover the pale cream drabness of the room. There was green sherbet punch, a delicious wedding cake, and some mixed nuts(mostly peanuts) and store bought hard pillow mints. The punch was made by the ladies of the church who also provided the punch. My parents bought the white cake. I thought it was delicious. There weren’t party favors or sparklers for the guests. No little bags of Jordan almonds even. There was no monogrammed remember this day gift for the guests to pick up on their way out. The guests threw birdseed as we ran to the light green, 1969 Chevelle SS, awash with ridiculous writing and a condom on the engine of the car (this was probably one of your Uncle’s contributions). We stopped in Alex City to try and wash the shoe polish off the car, but to no avail, it was frozen to the paint...or lack there of. When we sold the Chevelle in our fifth year of could still see "Just Married" on the breather of the engine and lightly on the hood of the car.
My pictures were not shared on social media and so many people never saw them at all. Stephens studio took the pictures but they cost to much to buy a large mom and I had small ones made. There wasn’t a dance floor, cute painted Ball jars, fresh orchids, or Pinterest chandeliers hanging from trees in a gorgeous garden. Weddings weren't done that way back then. Even though it was not Pinterest worthy....I wouldn’t change a moment of it. Somehow, even with our less than glamorous wedding photo album and honeymoon on an extreme budget to Franklin, Georgia (which is about 10 miles from where I live now and not your honeymoon mecca), your dad and I were just as married as these multiple thousands of dollar weddings you see on television today. I am shocked when a bride pays over a thousand dollars for a dress. Shocked I say.
Your dad and I understood that a marriage wasn’t about a wedding. We started our married life with the understanding that a lifetime of love and commitment trumps an event any day. We learned that starting our new life together debt- and doubt-free was a gift to each other. Somewhere along the way we lost track of that and could not find our way back. We gave it 20+ years of effort. "I read that 70 percent of girls creating wedding boards on Pinterest aren’t even engaged yet. With every other marriage ending, do we have time for all this planning and pinning for one perfect day? It makes me sad that the world you’re growing up in concentrates more on the wedding than the marriage. It’s over in a sunset and it’s easy compared to the long marathon of becoming and staying one with your one and only. I want you to know marriage is more than a venue or a menu. It’s far more than The Perfect Day or Saying Yes to the dress. I want you to understand your commitment to the man of your dreams is more than a certificate—it’s a covenant to God." I also want you to know that matter how hard we try....people grow is sad...but it happens. I hated being a statistic....but I am. I don't want that for you. With all that said...."Most of all, I want you to know love" and to know how much you are me....and your dad.. "The kind of love your dad and I had that lasts through heartache and headaches. I want you to know that you are loved. You don’t have to earn or achieve it. It’s not dependent on a good hair day or bad. It’s not something you can lose. Whether you’re swept off your feet or remain a confidant single woman, you are enough." So, on this regular summer Friday, I want you to know that my wedding wasn’t much. But too me my marriage was so much more.
Love you to the moon and back,
Friday, July 24, 2015
Married 'Til Monday

About The Book: With a big anniversary party in the works for her parents, Ryan will pretend to be Abby's husband for just one last weekend. Ryan McKinley has tried to move on from his ex-wife, Abby. He's sulked, he's gotten angry, and ultimately he bought her dream house. Big mistake. Living alone in the massive 2-story has only made him miss her more. When her parents call him out of the blue about their anniversary party in Summer Harbor, Maine, Ryan believes God has dropped a golden opportunity straight in his lap. Abby McKinley never exactly told her parents about the divorce. A strained relationship with her dad has culminated in a distant relationship with her parents, but she's finally succumbed to her mom's pressure to make the drive for their 35th-anniversary party.
Then Ryan shows up on her doorstep, looking as devastatingly handsome as ever. When he insists he's going to Seabrook, with or without her, Abby knows she can't say no. Her parents still think they're married and now Ryan knows it too. Besides, he only wants to check in with his best friend from college-her cousin Beau, who just lost his dad. It's just a one-week road-trip with the man who broke her heart. What could possibly go wrong?
About the Author: Denise Hunter is the internationally published bestselling author of more than 25 books, including "Dancing with Fireflies" and "The Convenient Groom". She has won The Holt Medallion Award, The Reader's Choice Award, The Foreword Book of the Year Award, and is a RITA finalist. Denise writes heartwarming, small-town love stories. Her readers enjoy the experience of falling in love vicariously through her characters and can expect a happily-ever-after sigh as they close the pages of her books.
My Thoughts On The Book: I did not read the other books in the series, but after reading this one I wish I had. This book can be read as a standalone. Characters from the other book are present but do not stand in the way of keeping up with the story line. This is a Christian romance one of my favorite genres to read. I did not want the story to end and read it in one night. This is a definite must read!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this e-book free from Book Look Bloggers as part of their Book Review Blogger Programs. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Horse in the Wilderness
An impulsive offer to help locate the missing horse draws Brent Travis unwillingly into the affairs of the Parker family. Are they the gracious, God-fearing Christians they appear to be, or are they the hypocrites of Brent’s past experience? Autumn Parker’s friendly jibe—quitter—cuts closer than she knows to the heart of the man who has lost his faith in God, in honor, and in loyalty. Caught in a battle between the forces of depression telling him he has nothing to live for and the opportunity to build a new life for himself in rural Orchard Springs, Arkansas, Brent is forced to re-examine everything he believes. When the vandal strikes again, Brent takes the harshest blow yet—and this time he may not recover.
About The Author: Debbie Eckles teaches kindergarten in Arkansas, where she lives with a rescue horse, three cats, a Lab mix that likes to sing, and a German Shepherd whose puppy antics provided the inspiration for the wall-eating Jimmy.
My Thoughts On The Book: This was my first book by Debbie Eckles and I can promise you it will not be my last. The story is great! The chapters were a bit long. The characters are real life and personable. I knew and related to these people! The end is great. The plot is relatable to the readers life. LOVED IT!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this e-book free from Book Look Bloggers and Westbow Publishers as part of their Book Review Blogger Programs. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thursday, July 23, 2015
A Bride At Last
About The Book: Abandoned by his mail-order bride, Silas Jonesey has fought an uphill battle to recover from a pattern of poor choices. Now his prayers for reconciliation have finally come true and his estranged wife has contacted him with her whereabouts. Kate Dawson was supposed to be a mail-order bride, but upon realizing she'd been deceived about her intended groom, she's now settled into life as a schoolteacher. When the mother of a student passes away, Kate assumes she'll take on care of nine-year-old Anthony-until two men suddenly show up in town, claiming to be the boy's father. Silas can see Anthony loves Kate, so he enlists her help in reaching out to the boy and attempting to prove his paternity to the court. When a common interest in Anthony leads to an interest in each other and Silas and Kate begin to think they can overcome their rocky start, neither is prepared for the secrets and past hurts that have yet to come to light. Can Silas, Kate, and Anthony's wounded souls bind them together or will all that stands between them leave them lonely forever? Purchase a copy:
About The Author: Melissa Jagears, an ESL teacher by trade and the author of A Bride for Keeps and A Bride in Store, is a stay-at-home mother on a tiny Kansas farm with a fixer-upper house. She's a member of ACFW and CROWN fiction marketing, and her passion is to help Christian believers mature in their faith and judge rightly. Find Melissa online: website, Facebook
My Thoughts On The Book: This was my first book by author Melissa Jagears and I have to say it was an awesome read. I enjoyed reading the book from start to finish. The main characters are well developed and the relationship between Silas and Kate, filled with mistrust, passion, tension, and fear makes the readers feel like they are experiencing these extreme emotions right along with the two. The story line is well developed even though the location changes about halfway through the book and new challenges arise. I highly recommend this book. I cannot wait to get my hands on another book by Jagears.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this e-book free from Litfuse Publishing Company and Bethany House as part of their Book Review Blogger Programs. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Wednesday Hodge Podge
Is it hot where you live, because it has been HOT here?! Let's dive right in to the Hodgepodge, shall we? If you've answered the questions, be sure to link at the end of Joyce's post by clicking here. Here we go-
1. Is your home air conditioned? If it's not air conditioned, is that by choice? Did you grow up with air conditioning? If not how did you cope with the heat? Share about a time or place you remember as being too hot-the temperature kind of hot, lest anyone be confused.No we did not air conditioning in our home and I grew up in South Florida. We used box fans and had a fan at the end of the hall that we used. It was loud and you could not watch tv when it was on. When I was 13 we found out I had terrible asthma when our next door neighbor planted Cape Jasmine hedgerow just outside my bedroom window. At that time in my life we had air conditioning in my room. My dad visited my room a lot when he came home from work. From the time I was 20 and married I have always had air conditioning in Alabama.2. What's something in your life right now that falls under the heading 'up in the air'? As an itinerate pastor's wife and pastor with the Methodist Church you never know when you will be moved to the next church and as a non-tenured teacher for the first time in 25+ years you never know when you will get that dreaded pink slip.3. Your favorite light and airy dessert? Lemon or Key Lime pie.
4. When did you last feel like you were 'floating on air'? When Randolph County hired me to teach last year...and when I did not get pinked at the end of the year.5. Airport, airmail, airtight, airhead...which have you most recently encountered? Explain. Airtight. Frank and I are juicing and have bought one of the sealer things to premake our smoothies. We spent a good bit of Saturday measuring out fruits, greens, oats, almond milk to make a complete juice thing.6. Have you ever been to the Alps? If so where did you go? If not, is this a destination on your must-see list? If you were headed that direction this summer, which of the following would be your preferred activity...a gentle walk, a serious walk, a bike ride, a boat ride around one of the lakes, or summer snow skiing? The closest I have ever been to the Alps is flying over them when we landed in Frankfurt, enroute to Italy.7. What is one saying or phrase that was considered 'cool' when you were growing up? I too was a teenager in the 70's and a phrase that came to mind was 'to the max' and far out man. We tacked that on to a lot of sentences, but it was just another way of saying 'as much as possible'. I copied Joyce's answer because....lets face it...we grew up in close to the same era. I am the oldest.
8. Insert your own random thought here. I preached revival at Bear Creek on Monday night. The people there were lovely. My church has revival beginning this Sunday night. Do you have revival services at your church? Do you attend?
4. When did you last feel like you were 'floating on air'? When Randolph County hired me to teach last year...and when I did not get pinked at the end of the year.5. Airport, airmail, airtight, airhead...which have you most recently encountered? Explain. Airtight. Frank and I are juicing and have bought one of the sealer things to premake our smoothies. We spent a good bit of Saturday measuring out fruits, greens, oats, almond milk to make a complete juice thing.6. Have you ever been to the Alps? If so where did you go? If not, is this a destination on your must-see list? If you were headed that direction this summer, which of the following would be your preferred activity...a gentle walk, a serious walk, a bike ride, a boat ride around one of the lakes, or summer snow skiing? The closest I have ever been to the Alps is flying over them when we landed in Frankfurt, enroute to Italy.7. What is one saying or phrase that was considered 'cool' when you were growing up? I too was a teenager in the 70's and a phrase that came to mind was 'to the max' and far out man. We tacked that on to a lot of sentences, but it was just another way of saying 'as much as possible'. I copied Joyce's answer because....lets face it...we grew up in close to the same era. I am the oldest.
8. Insert your own random thought here. I preached revival at Bear Creek on Monday night. The people there were lovely. My church has revival beginning this Sunday night. Do you have revival services at your church? Do you attend?
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Her Brother's Keeper

About the Author: Award-winning, bestselling author Beth Wiseman is best known for her Amish novels, but she has also written several successful contemporary novels, set primarily in her beloved Texas, including Need You Now and The House that Love Built. Both have received glowing reviews. Beth's The Promise is inspired by a true story. Website: Twitter: @bethwiseman Facebook: Fans-of-Beth-Wiseman
My Thoughts On The Book: Fans of Amish/Mennonite fiction and Beth Wiseman are going to love, love, love this book. Once I started reading it I felt as if I was right in the middle of the action and could not put it down. I guess you could say this book could be called How to Become Amish in 10 not so easy lessons. The story portrayed Forgiveness, Grace, and Redemption in a most touching way. The ending of the story made me smile. AWESOME!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this e-book free from Book Look Bloggers as part of their Book Review Blogger Programs. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Monday, July 20, 2015
Bear Creek Revival And The Cowboy Way
I don’t know about you all but one of my favorite Saturday
things to do when I was growing up was to go to the matinee at the Florida
Theater and watch Cowboy movies. Some of
my favorite cowboys were Lash Laroo, Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, James Arness,
Chuck Conners, and William Boyd (also known as Hopalong Cassidy.) I always wanted to grow up and be a
cowboy. In South Florida….especially in
West Palm Beach that was not something that would happen easily. If you wanted to be a cowboy you had to live
in Bel Glade, Loxahatchee, or Pahoki. We lived in town. But just because I did not grow up to BE a cowboy does not mean I cannot talk
about them. This evening my sermon is called The Cowboy Way. It is a
guide to revival in the church. My
scripture text was from Matthew 28: 16-20.
One Sunday morning an old cowboy entered a church just
before services were to begin. Although
the old man and his clothes were spotlessly clean, he wore jeans, a denim shirt
and boots that were very worn and ragged. In his hand he carried a worn out old
hat and an equally worn out bible. The
Church he entered was in a very upscale and exclusive part of the city. It was
the largest and most beautiful church the old cowboy had ever seen. The people
of the congregation were all dressed with expensive clothes and
accessories. As the cowboy took a seat,
the others moved away from him. No one greeted, spoke to, or welcomed him. They
were all appalled at his appearance and did not attempt to hide it. The preacher gave a long sermon about
Hellfire and brimstone and a stern lecture on how much money the church needed
to do God’s work. As the old cowboy was
leaving the church, the preacher approached him and asked the cowboy to do him
a favor. "Before you come back in here again, have a talk with God and ask
him what He thinks would be appropriate attire for worship." The old
cowboy assured the preacher he would.
The next Sunday, he showed up for the services wearing the same ragged
jeans, shirt, boots, and hat. Once again he was completely shunned and
ignored. The preacher approached the man
and said, "I thought I asked you to speak to God before you came back to our
church." "I did," replied
the old cowboy. "If you spoke to
God, what did he tell you the proper attire should be for worshiping in
here?" asked the preacher. "Well, sir, God told me that He didn’t
have a clue what I should wear. He says
He’s never been in this church!” In Amos 4:12 we
are told “Prepare to meet your God, O Israel.” - And, of course, everyone needs
to prepare to meet God in person. This is a big part of what life is about. We
start life with God (even though we don’t realize this), we continue our lives
with God (even though many people stubbornly refuse to admit this. He is our
sustainer in life). And we end life with Him (even though many people deny this.)
preparation to meet God in person!....and THAT is why we are seeking revival
tonight! Hebrews
“Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment.” - The
people of America and the world need to prepare to meet God. This is why we are
called to preach the truth about God and Christ. Jesus is the way, the truth,
and the life and no one approaches the Father except through Him! So this morning in this so-called “Cowboy sermon,” I want to
consider some things that a cowboy does and apply these to the Christian life
and revival. Here is what he does:
1- He
rides ‘em - Someone said, “I had a near death experience
that has changed me forever. The other day I went horseback riding. Everything
was going fine until the horse started bouncing out of control. I tried with
all my might to hang on, but was thrown off. Just when things could not
possibly get worse, my foot got caught in the stirrup. When this happened, I
fell head first to the ground. My head continued to bounce harder as the horse
did not stop or even slow down. Just as I was giving up hope and losing
consciousness, the Walmart manager came and unplugged it.”In Matthew 28:19 we are told “Therefore go and make
disciples…” - Cowboys had to ride a horse to get their work done. They had to
“get up and go” to get anything done. “Get up and go” is one of our problems
today. Jesus said to “go” into all the world and get something done for
Him. I have a semi-pro BASS fishing
friend. We have been friends for over 30
years. In the beginning he would never
fish in a Sunday tournament….but then things changed. When I ran into him a few months back I
asked him if he was going to church….. Guess what? He’s not going to church
even though his wife does. I have to tell you that he is great guy, a loving
husband, father, etc., but he still isn’t going to church. It saddened me that here is a lovely Christian professing man but
he is not honoring the Lord by worshipping on the Lord’s Day and there is no
doubt in my mind that he has no “get up and go” for serving the Lord or for
pointing people to the Lord. AND YET, HE HAS PLENTY OF “GET UP AND GO” FOR BASS
FISHING. What has happened to our
priorities? What about us? What about you? On what do you spend your “get up
Second thing he does is….ROPE ‘EM. Matthew
28:19 “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…” Cowboys round up cows and
rope ‘em. We need to do similarly with people. We need to round ‘em up and rope
‘em. In other words, we need to make disciples out of people. We need to make
followers or encourage people to become followers of Christ. Have you made any
followers lately? All my life I’ve had people try to get me
to become a follower in one way or another. When I was about 18 years old I was
attending Palm Beach Junior College. One of my friends was an avid golfer. She
invited me to go golfing with her one morning. I did. It was my first and last
time. I was not sold on golf. Don’t get
me wrong…there is nothing wrong with playing golf. It just didn’t appeal to me.
My son plays golf…but it does not appeal to me. Have you made any followers
lately? That is, have you roped anyone into believing that Jesus is the Son of
God and the Savior of the world? Have you convinced anyone that Christ is the
way to go in life? Have you even talked to anyone about Christ? THIS IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY FOLKS AS HIS
DISCIPLES, HIS FOLLOWERS. We are to encourage others to follow Him just as
Andrew found his brother Simon and brought him to Jesus. WE
third method is to BRAND ‘EM. We find
in Matthew 28:19 “Therefore go and
make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Cowboys of old would round up their herd
and brand ‘em so that others would know to whom they belonged. Baptism is a
part of this branding business. It’s a sign, if nothing else, to God that we
belong to Him! It’s a step in the right direction. One preacher said these words about baptism:
One good way to think of baptism is to consider it a “signing of a contract”
between you and God. If you were to buy a house, you would be required to sit
down with the sellers of the home and approve a contract. To show your
approval, you would be required to sign your name at the bottom of the paper.
Your signature wouldn’t buy the house (the money you probably borrowed from the
bank did that), but you couldn’t purchase the house until your name was on the
dotted line. So also, your baptism doesn’t “buy” your salvation. Christ’s blood
does that. But your signature on God’s contract is required. In Acts 2:38 Peter replied, "Repent and be
baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of
your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 8:36 “They traveled along the road, they
came to some water and the eunuch said, ’Look, here is water. Why shouldn’t I
be baptized?" Acts 22:16 “And
now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away,
calling on his name.” Baptism is an act
of obedience that all people who believe in Jesus need to comply with. This
does not “complete” our obedience to Jesus but it’s a step of obedience in the
right direction. AND WHY WE NEED
fourth thing Cowboys do is CORRAL ‘EM - Matthew
28:20 “Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am
with you always, to the very end of the age.” After a cowboy has ridden
hard, roped his livestock, and branded them, then he needs to corral ‘em. He
needs to herd them into the corral and keep them there. The corral, however, that I
am thinking of is the church. When people come to believe in Jesus and they
decide to follow Him, they need to be encouraged to become a part of the
church. And they need to be taught, which comes in the church. Some
people don’t want to join a local church or fellowship of believers. Why not?
One reason is because they will feel responsible to attend that church and
support that church in service and in giving. AND THEY SHOULD! Arthur Boers in "The Other Side,"
(May/June, 1989) wrote, “I often visit newcomers in town and find them to be
church shopping. They want to know what they can get out of church. Churches
are one more consumer commodity. Worship services are not a place for us to
serve God and neighbor but a place where people expect to purchase the best:
Inspiring worship, good music, moving sermons, quality child care. As if we buy
God and not vice versa.” Brothers and sisters, that’s not what the
church is all about! The church is not here for the purpose of getting some out
of it, but rather for us to put something into it! Being honest with you….I
want to deliver the goods to you! I want to preach the best sermons I can for
your sake and to honor the Lord! I want to give you and the Lord the best
service I can. But this is the way we all should think. If we all give our best
service and do our best for the Lord and His church, ALL PEOPLE WILL GET SOMETHING OUT OF IT. It’s the principle of:
the more you sow, the more you reap. The more we give, the more we get. Someone once said at a school inservice I
attended…..and it applies here too, "There are four main bones in every organization.
The wish-bones: Wishing somebody would do something about the problem. The
jaw-bones: Doing all the talking but very little else. The knuckle-bones: Those
who knock everything. The back-bones: Those who carry the brunt of the load and
do most of the work." And I’ve always heard it said that about
20 percent of the people carry 80 percent of the load. BUT
think, if every body who believed in Christ, joined the church and got involved
ACCOMPLISHED FOR THE LORD? If you’re not in the church you need to be and
if you’re not involved in some kind of service, you should be!
Ride ‘em, rope ‘em, brand ‘em, and corral ‘em. That’s our
job as people who belong to the Lord. There is a Congregational Christian church in Kansas City that
has these words as its motto: We will “wake up, sing up, preach up, pray up,
pay up, but never give up or let up or back up or shut up until the cause of
Christ in this church and in the world is built up.” What a great motto. Real cowboys of old were committed to their
job of riding herd and taking care of that herd. Likewise, we, as God’s people,
God’s herdsmen, have been called to do nothing less than our best to reach
people for Christ, to lead them to Him, to baptize them into Him, and to get
them in the church and continue teaching them the ways of Christ.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Throwing Bricks
scripture today comes from Mark 6:30-44. I want to begin by asking you all an important question….Does
God Have To Throw A Brick To Get Your Attention? A young and successful executive was travelling
through a rough neighbourhood, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from
between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. As his
car passed on set of parked cars, no children appeared . Instead, a brick smashed
into the side of the Jag! He slammed on the brakes and backed the Jag back to
the spot where the brick had been thrown.The angry driver then jumped out of
the car, grabbed the nearest kid and pushed him up against a parked car
shouting, "What was that all about and who are you? Just what do you think
you are doing? That’s a new car and that brick you threw is going to cost a lot
of money. Why did you do it?" The young boy was apologetic. "Please,
mister...please, I’m sorry but I didn’t know what else to do," he pleaded.
"I threw the brick because no one else would stop..." With tears
dripping down his face and off his chin, the youth pointed to a spot just
around a parked car."It’s my brother, "he said. "He rolled off
the curb and fell out of his wheelchair and I can’t lift him up." Now
sobbing, the boy asked the stunned executive, "Would you please help me
get him back into his wheelchair? He’s hurt and he’s too heavy for me." Moved
beyond words, the driver tried to swallow the rapidly swelling lump in his
throat. He hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then
took out a linen handkerchief and dabbed at the fresh scrapes and cuts. A quick
look told him everything was going to be okay.
"Thank you and may God bless you," the grateful child told the
stranger. Too shaken up for words, the man simply watched the boy push his
wheelchair-bound brother down the sidewalk toward their home. It was a long, slow walk back to the Jaguar. The damage was
very noticeable, but the driver never bothered to repair the dented side door. He
kept the dent there to remind him of this message: "Don’t go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at
you to get your attention!" God whispers in our souls and speaks to
our hearts. Sometimes when we don’t have time to listen, He has to throw a
brick at us. It’s our choice to listen or not. And one of the bricks that God throws when we are in the
fast lane - you can hear echoing down the portals of history from the story of
the feeding of the five thousand in Mark’s Gospel. And this is the words of
Jesus when he said to his disciples: (Read
Mark 6: 30-44) Verse 31 tells us: "Come
with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." We live in a
society where we are often very busy. Often I look in my teaching job and
wonder how I will survive the week. I am in such a rush. Yet Mother Theresa once observed: God is
rarely found in the midst of noise and restlessness. Instead he is the friend
of silence. The disciples were on Cloud 9. They had come back from a very successful
mission trip. Mark records that the disciples “drove out many demons and
anointed many sick people with oil and healed them” They wanted to keep on
going. God is at work – how wonderful. Conventional
wisdom would have said: “Strike while the iron is hot. Put another evangelistic
campaign together. “ But JESUS said: “Pull aside with me for rest” Rest is so
important if we are going to complete the course. By resting in Jesus, we see three principles
which shine out of the story of the feeding of the five thousand.
I. God
is in control. Our
problems don’t go away, but we acknowledge that God can deal with them.
II. We
will be surprised that God will use our meagre resources- in ways we cannot
dream about
When God acts, He supplies liberally.
So let’s take a few moments and let’s look at each of these
principles. 1. The
first principle is that God is in control.
You know there is a temptation in life to be overwhelmed by
things. The disciples were probably going to burn out if they had not drawn
aside. How many of God’s people haven’t finished the course - because of burn
out. In the fall of 1904, Wales experienced a monumental religious awakening
that shook the nation. It turned Wales’ coal mines into sanctuaries. Pubs
closed as did the local brothels, and scheduled sporting events were cancelled. God
used a young man called Evan Roberts (1878-1950) as the prime mover in this
Revival and he rose to national prominence. The Welsh press was for several
months full of stories about Roberts - and the revival meetings he presided
Yet after six months of intensive labour, Roberts withdrew from his
ministry - an emotionally and physically broken man. Sadly, he did not return
to public ministry for nearly twenty-five years. Evan Roberts suffered from
“Burn out”. Jesus recognized that we all need rest –
time to draw aside regularly and spend time with God. And as we do so - our
problems take a different perspective. If
we are going to be successful as Christians, we need to acknowledge that Christ
is the source of all we do. And so we need to spend time with Him, in prayer
and Bible Study, recharging the batteries and receiving our guidance from him. 2. The
second principle is that God can take our meagre resources and use them
spectacularly. Almost immediately after the time of relaxing
with Jesus, the disciples are confronted with a massive problem – how to feed
5000 people – with no supermarkets to buy from. (in Mk 6:35-42) It
seemed an impossible problem. But they did the only thing they could – they
brought the problem to Christ. In one of the parishes where my friend,
Mary lived as a child her mom told the story about parish treasurer, Sylvia Chesterman of a small church who despaired
of paying the Parish Share for that year - with so few people in church giving
regularly. The previous year, the Church had defaulted and she just couldn’t see how
they could possibly pay this particular year either. So when the bill for the
Parish Share came, she took it into church and laid it on the altar. Within six
months, God had provided and the parish share was paid in full. We might feel,
like the disciples, did that five loaves and two fishes weren’t going anywhere,
but our gifts in the hands of God can be multiplied spectacularly. Often
we think that what we have to offer isn’t worth offering. Jesus took the five
loaves and two fishes to feed 5000 people.
God provides but he uses the little we have to kick start the process. 3. The
third principle is that when God supplies the needs, everyone goes home
satisfied. What
has often surprised me in this story is the fact that there were 12 baskets
left over. Symbolic of the 12 tribes of Israel and that Jesus is sufficient to
meet all their needs. Perhaps but looked at a bit more simply -
people didn’t just eat a little – they ate a lot – and there was still some
leftover. When God supplies our needs, we don’t
have to worry. He cares for us just as we do for our children If
you are anything like me, you worry. My mom had a wonderful saying: Why pray
when you can worry. When I am tempted to worry, I find the
words of Jesus so encouraging: In Matthew : 25"Therefore I tell
you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your
body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body
more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or
reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you
not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single
hour to his life? 28"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the
lilies of the field grow. They do not labour or spin. 29Yet I tell you that not
even Solomon in all his splendour was dressed like one of these. 30If that is
how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is
thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?
31So do not worry, saying, ’What shall we eat?’ or ’What shall we drink?’ or
’What shall we wear?’ 32For the pagans run after all these things, and your
heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33But seek first his kingdom and his
righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore
do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has
enough trouble of its own.: (Mt 6.25-34) And thereby lies the key. We as followers of Jesus are
called to seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. There is a temptation to look at all the
problems we have and despair. However, Jesus challenges us today to draw aside
and bring Him our problems. Or does God
have to throw a brick at us to get our attention? Amen?
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Little Is Much
Today I want
to tell you guys that Little becomes
much in God's hands.
My scripture: They all ate and were satisfied, and
the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.
Matthew 14:20 (NIV)
Are you
hungry? I am! Sometimes I get really hungry during church. What would you think
if we had a little snack this morning instead of a children's sermon? I brought
a bag with my snack in it. Let's see what is in here. Oh my, We have a problem.
All I have is five peanut butter crackers and a small bag of peaches. I don't
think there is any way that would be enough to feed all of you. Let's see.
(Start counting the children.) One, two, three, four, five... no way. There
just isn't enough for all of you. (One little girl shared with me that I could keep her portion. She didn't like peanut butter crackers....or peaches.) That reminds
me of something that happened to Jesus and his disciples one day. Jesus and his
disciples were very tired and needed some time to relax. They got into a boat
and went away to a quiet place to rest. When they reached their destination,
there were people there waiting for Jesus. The Bible tells us that there were
Five thousand men and who knows how many women and children! They wanted Jesus
to teach them and heal the sick. Jesus needed to rest, but when he saw the
people, he loved them so much that he forgot all about being tired. He healed
the sick and taught the people about the kingdom of heaven. Soon it was time
to eat. The disciples went to Jesus and said, "It is getting late and we
are hungry. Send the people away so that we can go and get something to
eat." Jesus answered, "They
don't need to go away," Jesus said, "you feed them." "Feed
them? How can we feed them? We have five loaves of bread and two small fish.
That is all the food we have." Jesus
told the disciples bring him the loaves and fish and to tell everyone to sit
down on the grass. Jesus took the loaves and fish and looked up to heaven and
gave thanks. He then gave the food to the disciples to give to the people. If I were to
share my snack with you today, there might be enough for each of you to have
one tiny bite of cracker and maybe a peach bite or two. But when Jesus blessed the
loaves and fish, the Bible says that everyone ate until they were full! Wait!
That's not all! After they had eaten until they were full, they gathered up the
leftovers and there were twelve baskets full. Can you imagine taking these five
crackers and two cookies and feeding everyone here today and still having food
left over? We couldn't do it, but God could. What can we
learn from this Bible lesson today? We learn that when we give what we have to
God, he can take it, bless it, and do more than we could ever imagine. Even though
we may not have very much, little becomes much when it is placed in God's
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