Isaiah 6:8

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Sunday, October 4, 2015

World Communion Sunday 4 Kids

Sunday School? World Communion Sunday?:
I love spending time with my munchkins at church.  Their eager faces and quick answers keep me on my toes.  Today is World Communion Sunday and I am going to begin my time with them by asking, "Did you know that today is a special day?" Not only is it Sunday, it’s Communion Sunday. It’s something we do once a month on the first of every month to help us remember that Jesus died for us.

First we have a piece of bread (Show bread.), and that helps us remember that Jesus’ body was broken for us. Then we drink a little bit of wine (or grape juice) (Show cup.), and that helps us remember that Jesus shed his blood for us.

But today isn't just Communion Sunday. It’s World Communion Sunday. That means that churches all around the world are having communion today, just like us. You know, it goes to show that the family of God is made up of more than just [-Midway-]. The family of God also includes the First Baptist Church of Wedowee, Auslins Chapel United Methodist, First Methodist Wedowee.  Anyone in the whole world who is a committed Christian is part of the family of God.

Did you know that Jesus held the very first communion with His disciples on the night before He died. Today, God’s family around the world will be having communion. And one day, Jesus is going to have communion with us. This is what He says in Matthew 26, verse 29: “I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until the day when I drink it anew with you in my Father’s kingdom.” (NIV) Now  don’t you think that that's something to look forward to!  I do?  I can’t wait to see the table!

Let’s pray: Father in heaven, what a wonderful thing it is that we can join Christians around the world in remembering that Jesus died for us. We especially look forward to the time when we will drink of the cup with Him in Your kingdom. We pray this in His holy name. Amen.




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