1. The month of July was named for Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. He's quoted as saying, 'Experience is the teacher of all things.' So, what has experience taught you lately?

2. Where did you last 'roam'?
Panama City Beach, Florida in May. This summer has been crazy and travel has been curtailed. Ah the life of a pastor!
3. Speaking of 'Rome'...pizza, pasta, gelato...you can only pick one, which would you choose?
I don't want to chose one! I love them all. But....The pizza in Italy is phenomenal. The gelato is to die for.
4. 'Rome wasn't built in a day', 'All roads lead to Rome', 'When in Rome...' which 'Roman' idiom have you most recently encountered? Explain.
I always do as the locals do. I eat what they eat (leave foods I can get in the states alone), I go to those out of the way places that they see on top of the traditional touristy things. I love to travel.
5. What's a movie you've seen or book you've read, that makes you want to book a trip to Italy?
I have to agree with Joyce on this one. Under the Tuscan Sun made me visit Italy to start with. It has also made me want to spend a summer in the Italian countryside and eat food from the local markets.
6. Walt's original Disneyland opened almost sixty years ago this week, on July 17, 1955. Have you ever been to the California park? How about any of the other Disney parks around the world? What's your favorite amusement park ride or attraction?
I've never been to Disneyland California, but I have been to Disney World in Orlando several times . I love it. I love the tea cups. I am not real big on rides that are frightening.
7. It's that time of year...when were you last bitten or stung?
In January I was bitten by a brown recluse spider. It was very painful, made a terrible sore, and is still healing. The doctor said there would always be a scar there.
8. Insert your own random thought here.

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