Isaiah 6:8

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Sunday, August 30, 2015

One + One Can Equal A Lot Over Time

Sunday, I called my little munchkins up for time for children.  I always give them candy at the end of the mini-lesson....but today I had a bag of pennies that seemed to interest them a whole lot more than the candy container.  My lesson was on growing a Sunday School.  I preach at a small rural church.  If we have 40 in church we have a good crowd.  Sunday school consists of somewhere between four to ten.  One of my children invited a friend.  Now that friend and her grandmother and mother are faithful attenders.  Out of the mouths of babes....don't you think.  Why can't we as adults step out and do the same?
The Lesson:  Today I am going to talk to you about just how fast a Sunday school class can grow when God's Word is shared.

128 pennies


Jesus told us to "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation" (Mark 16:15) In Romans 10: 14,15 the Bible says, "How then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news?"

(Put one penny on the table.) This penny represents the very first kid to come to children's Sunday school. After church, this kid went home, told a friend the Good News about Jesus Christ, and asked a friend to come to church the next week.

(Take another penny and place it next the other.) Now there were two kids in children's Sunday school. After church, these two kids went home and each told a friend the good News about Jesus Christ and asked those friends to come to church the next week.

(Take out two pennies and place then next to the others) Now there were four kids in children's Sunday school. After church, these four kids went home, told a friend the Good News about Jesus Christ, and asked a friend to come to church the next week.

(Take out four pennies...then eight...then sixteen...then thirty-two...then sixty-four, each time repeating the following:) These kids went home, told a friend the Good News about Jesus Christ, and asked a friend to come to church the next week.

(When doubling the sixty-four pennies, simply dump out the rest of the bag.) Now there are one hundred and twenty-eight kids in children's Sunday school. In just eight weeks, the size of the class grew from 1 to 128 kids. (Give each child five pennies and two pieces of candy each) Here is a reward for hearing about what it means to go into the all the world and preach the good news. Enjoy one piece, and share the other with a friend.


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