1. Elizabeth Lawrence is quoted as saying, 'Even if something is left undone, everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn." So have you done just that? And what did you leave undone in order to do so? I have done this and I left housework undone so I could spend some quality time with my sweet husband. During the week it is as if we pass in the night...one of us going and the other coming.
3. How hard is it for you to 'turn the other cheek?' It depends on the infraction. Sometimes I can do this with ease. Other times I struggle with turning the cheek.
4. When did you last turn a drawer, your car, a room, or your entire house upside down looking for something? Did you find it? Ummmm....that would have been yesterday. I turned both my purse and a desk drawer upside down looking for something and I did find it....at the bottom of the purse.
5. 'One good turn deserves another'...were you most recently on the giving or receiving end of that sentiment? Giving and receiving. I made copies for the teacher next door to me because she has no printer in her room. She ran copies for me in the teacher work room. Mrs. Embry is easy to do things for. She is always so appreciative.....and so am I. When you are new to a school it is nice to know someone has your back.
6. Red, yellow, and orange are the colors of fall. Also the colors of fruit. If you were permitted only one color of fruit in your diet, which would you choose? This question isn't as easy as it sounds, at least not for me. Ok....red....with green as my second choice.
7. The Hunt for Red October, October Sky, Halloween...which 'October' film is your favorite? October Sky is mine. I love that movie. One year when I did volunteer work for ASP we were actually working in the town that this story is about. There were several signs about the Rocket Boys. After we got home from ASP I watched the movie again and bought it. It is a great movie.
8. Insert your own random thought here. Last week was Homecoming week at WHS. The week was crazy.....and there was no instruction that took place. The kids were focused on one thing....Homecoming. I survived....and this week is Homecoming week at RCHS. I am not sure I will survive a second week of madness. My senior year our Youth for Christ won first place for our float. We worked on it for many days. It is not like that anymore....no more chicken wire...no more papier mache. So sad....that was half the fun.

The picture before the homecoming queen at the bottom middle was our Youth For Christ...award winning float. Little Miss Muffet says her prayers....the theme for the parade was fairy tales. What do you remember of your homecoming.
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