Isaiah 6:8

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Wednesday Hodge Podge Volume 231

The Hodgepodge is back after a brief summer holiday.Joyce moved over the weekend, so she is hoping that technology smiles on her poor neglected little corner of the Internet today.
Thanks for stopping by and please be sure to come back after you have answered the questions and  share your answers with the rest of the movers and shakers. Just click here to link up

1. When was the last time you relocated? Did you move yourself or leave it to the professionals? Are you happy staying put or is there a move in your future? Best thing about moving to a new city or town? Least favorite and/or hardest thing about moving house?  We moved 5.5 years ago when Frank was given a church in Rock Mills.  I relocated at the end of last summer when I took a job at RCHS and we had just a few days to move a classroom that held 25 years of stuff.  Both times we moved ourselves.  If we ever move again I am so calling Two Men and A Truck.  I would be happy staying put...but with the Methodist Church itinerant system you never know.  The best thing about moving is starting get new places to discover and new people to meet.  The least favorite thing is packing and unpacking all your stuff.  I have a small rant here....One of my least favorite things about moving.....Your friends tell you they will stay in contact....and they don't.  In the beginning I felt as if I made all the effort to see them....and then I felt as if I had fallen off the face of the earth.  The only time I heard from them was when there was a baby shower or wedding.
2. When were you last 'moved to tears'? Explain.  At a funeral on Saturday.  The woman who died was an amazing woman and something the pastor said just touched my heart so.....I felt something on my face and realized they were tears.  3. Do you have rules about eating in the car...any forbidden foods? What's the last thing you consumed in your car? Your go-to car snack when traveling long distance?  Frank and I travel a lot but we try to eat in the restaurant to rest for a bit....but sometimes we do eat in the car.  Nothing messy!  The last thing consumed in the car was McDonald's chicken nuggets.
4. Share a favorite song relating to cars and/or driving.  409, Little Old Lady from Pasadena, Born to Be Wild.
5. What's your most frequently visited drive-thru...Starbucks? the bank? the pharmacy? some other window?  Ours would be both the bank and pharmacy.
6. "He who hesitates is lost"...would you agree? When it comes to making decisions do you generally act quickly or do you more often than not fall into the 'lost' category?  I have found that when I act quickly something goes wrong.  I am one who wants to thoroughly investigate something to I do not have buys remorse.
7. When was the last time you got lost? Was it stressful or an unexpected happy adventure?  According to my Father, you are never are just exploring.  Being raised that way....I never remember being lost and every trip is and was always an adventure worth enjoying.
8.  Insert your own random thought here.  The kids returned to school on Monday.  Has school started where you live?  Do you post pictures of the First Day of School on facebook?  Did your mom take first day pictures of you?  The first day for us was CRAZY....but then it usually is.


wildirishrose said...

How could I have forgotten about Born to be Wild? Love that song!

School has yet to start here, but I will definitely be taking pictures. My daughter and I will wind up starting kindergarten exactly thirty years apart, and my dad has a picture somewhere of me crawling into the bus because I was so small. I'm looking forward to getting another generation of that photo!

Joyce said...

School begins here next week, but my teacher daughter had her first official day yesterday. She was in her classroom several days before that though, because there is always so much to do in this first week. Enjoy your day!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Those are great songs! Interesting that you never felt lost, everything was an adventure. Back in the day the only photos we had of school were the ones the school took. I don't believe I ever saw a camera in my mother's hands.

Anonymous said...

School starts this coming Monday; I have one going into 3rd and one starting Kindergarten. I'm ready for the routine!

Nel said...

My grands start next Monday in Arkansas. I think it starts the 17th here in MO. My daughter usually takes first day pictures and shares them with me, which my oldest probably thinks he is to big for that, He will be 14 this year. Enjoyed your answers! Have a great week!

Wendy said...

Kids don't go back until September here in the UK. I have pictures of my kids when they started school, primary and secondary. I definitely would employ professionals next time we move!