Friday, July 31, 2009
The Thought Processes of a Fourteen Year Old - What Did I Know?

Thursday, July 30, 2009
9th Grade Orientation Day

ninth graders,
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Dreams of The University of the South

This college,known simply as "Sewanee" by the students, faculty, staff, travelers, and friends, offers an unmatched educational experience. The University remains purposefully small and dedicated to building a sense of community. All of the classes are taught by professors, not graduate teaching assistants, and close faculty-student interaction ensures that each student enjoys a rich and personal educational experience. It is not unusual for students and faculty members to work shoulder to shoulder on research projects and journal articles, to meet for coffee at a local eatery, or to serve together as members of the University orchestra, volunteer fire department, and other civic groups. This campus is in a very small rural area.
The University can boast of 25 Rhodes Scholars--a number that puts Sewanee in the top four nationally among American liberal arts colleges--as well as 26 NCAA Postgraduate Fellows, 36 Watson Fellows, and dozens of Fulbright Scholars, and has an acceptance rate to graduate and professional schools that far outpaces its peers. The School of Theology has added to its alumni ranks countless bishops, including three of the last four presiding bishops of the Episcopal Church.
At Sewanee you can chose from 36 majors, 27 minors, and 15 special programs, along with pre-medicine, pre-nursing, pre-law, and pre-business. More than 40 percent of students participate in study-abroad programs, and a comprehensive endowed program that provides financial support for summer internships has greatly strengthened career development for undergraduates.
Why was I drawn to this school? Well, the University sits atop the Cumberland Plateau between Nashville and Chattanooga, Tennessee. Sewanee's physical environment, which includes the 13,000-acre Domain (as the campus and surrounding area is known), provides a remarkable academic and recreational resource, and an unparalleled place in which to study and reflect. It invites students to engage in both a multitude of outdoor activities and careful study of the natural environment. I have always been drawn to the Appalachians. I used to dream of being a teacher like the one in the Catherine Marshall book, "Christy." I could see myself teaching grades 1-6 in a small one room school house hidden somewhere in the mountains....prime example of Karen's movie life. I also envision myself busting out into song at the right moment. Where is that reality check?
Anyways, I love the classrooms, they look like something straight out of Oxford or Cambridge in England...and reek of "Dead Poet's Society." But the thing that I love the most about the campus is the huge cross I discovered on the side of the mountain. As I was driving down a rural road in the area the sun broke through the shade of the trees and there it was...and I just had to capture the moment. It was a reminder to me that no matter where you travel...God is there. I am living proof that God has a plan for you...and it does not matter what YOUR plans were...God has a way of working them to his advantage. Remind me to tell you the story of Juliard someday...living proof that God exists.
Andrews College,
University of the South
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
My Tuesday Soapbox

Monday, July 27, 2009
Sons of Somerled and Scottish Heritage

Sons of Somerled,
Steve McDonald
Sunday, July 26, 2009
What Matters Most to You- Things, Stuff, or People?

things we own
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Frank took me to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince the other night. I am a huge Harry Potter fan. I originally bought the books for the grandkids for Christmas and when there was such a controversy about them I read them to make sure they were ok. J.K. Rowland is an awesome writer and since I read the first book I have been to England and seen many of the places that were used in filming various scene's in the movies. Half Blood Prince was, I must say one. of my favorites...but then Frank says I say that every one. I guess when you wait as long as Potter fans do to see one of the movies they can become your favorites very quickly. I am a Christian. I believe in all the things Christians believe in. I know that these movies/books are about witchcraft et.al. but I also can discern the difference between real and fantasy. True, a child might not be able to....but then...when you were little...did you have an imaginary friend? I was taught to use my imagination and always have. I feel sorry for kids today because with the video games out there....they have no reason to have an imagination. I wanted to be the sorcerer's apprentice from Fantasia when I was a child. I went trick or treating at Halloween, when I was a child. My youngest daughter, on the other hand, did not! Life is a bowl of contradictions. I went because when I was a child neighbors took care of you, watched over you, gave you good treats. My children did not because when they were children....the world had turned mean. Our church always had a Fall Festival when the other kids were trick or treating. That eventually evolved with Hurricane Katrina into Trunk or treating when the youth of our church went to the local state parks where the victims of Katrina were staying in FEMA trailers and took Halloween to the children there who had lost everything. Ok so how did I digress from Harry Potter to Halloween? Who knows. I just know that the Harry Potter movies are well made and very interesting. This one was a tad bit long...but all it all worth every penny I paid to see it. BTW....go see The Proposal with Sandra Bullock. It is wonderful. As you can tell...summer is my movie going time. Come fall I will just be waiting til they come out on DVD.
Half Blood Prince,
Harry Potter,
The Proposal,
Trunk or Treat
Friday, July 24, 2009
Aquapalooza Starts Today

Alan Jackson,
Jimmy Buffett,
Kid Rock,
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Love as a Way of Life

Gary Chapman,
random acts of kindness,
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
A Jolt From My Past in the Form of Chet Wancewicz

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Polimer Clay Creations Giveaway!

Monday, July 20, 2009
Leigh's Second Bloggerversary!

Sunday, July 19, 2009
A New Hallelujah
Sing unto the Lord a new song. Isaiah 42:10 We, the Arbor Praise and Worship Band did a new song this week. It is one we are hoping the congregation will learn. It is an awesome song done by Michael W. Smith. I have put the you tube version on here for you to hear it. If music can lift your spirits as it does mine then you will love this song. It is one of those that makes you want to just clap and jump....and sing! This you tube version has the lyrics with it. So...while you are sitting here reading this go ahead and sing. God Bless You All!
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009
Gripe Session - Small One
Today is Friday. I have three weeks left of summer vacation and I really wanted to lay out by Mary's pool today....but that is not what is going to happen. I am sitting with my dad because my mom has a little friend who is a few fries shy of a happy meal who does not drive....and even though she has family that live here in this town...my mom is the only one who seems to have time for Gay. Gay is different. She is mentally challenged and lives by herself. So, Friday...my mom told her she would take her to do her errands and get groceries. The only problem here is that my mom did not ask me if that was ok. When she does this for Gay...my dad either goes and sits in the hot car while the two women shop....or stays home with someone. Today he did not want to go sit in the hot car...he wanted to stay home and I was the only one here at the time. So all my plans...were cancelled. Now...I am sounding like a selfish brat...and perhaps I am. Gay and her family drive me nuts. I have seen my mom....sick....get up and take Gay somewhere...anywhere....Gay calls....and my mom can't get out of the house fast enough to be of service. My question is...what will she do when my mom can no longer drive????? I think she takes advantage of my mother....and that makes me mad. I think her family takes advantage of my mother...it does not seem to bother them for my mom to haul their sister around all over town....and never even offer to give money towards gas. I am feeling selfish right now....I should be delighted that someone needs my mom...and she feels she has usefulness....and I do. I just wish this one would limit her running around to one day a week...and quit calling my house forty thousand times a day....leaving the message..."Wilma, this is Gay call me." Translated means..."Get over here and be at my beck and call. I have things to do and places to go." Griping done. I feel better for sounding off. I know you are all probably thinking I am heartless....and perhaps I am....I am just protective.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

I read voraciously during the summer. It is like I am a starved individual dying for something to eat. I read anything I can get my hands on. My friend Mary loves to read too and she loaned me a book last week called the Glass Castle. It is by a contributor to MSNBC named Jeannette Walls. The book is awesome. This is a poignant memoir of her childhood. Ms. Walls grew up living in a car, cardboard boxes, doing without food, without the simple things we take for granted. She definitely learned how to pack light and strikes me as the kind of person who does not get to attached to material things. Walls parents are a free spirited couple who instilled an intense desire to be somebody in her young mind. She lived a life where survival meant being able to take care of herself. There is also a video clip on you tube of Walls and her mother. This is a must read book for the summer. If you are a woman (or anyone) and you need a swift kick in the pants to quit feeling sorry for yourself....this book is for you.
Jeannette Walls,
The Glass Castle
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Praying for Polly

Update-Polly came through the surgery fine. She will have to stay in ICU for 24 hours and then she will be moved to a private room. The doctor was very pleased with her outcome. Whooo...Guess what else? I won two tickets to see "Beehive" at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival. I won them off of facebook from Mix 103. It is one of my favorite shows...they have a husband and wife team - J.T. and Leanne and I adore listening to them. Can't wait to see the play. I will have something to post about for sure.
Aunt Polly,
J.T. and Leanne,
Mix 103
Monday, July 13, 2009
Deep Dish Review
I told you I would post something when I finished. The book is wonderful. Regina Foxton, a regional southern chef competes again the Tatester...host of Vittles cooking show in a Food Fight to be aired on national television. You have to read the rest on your own. I don't want to spoil the book for you. Just let me assure you that the ending is a surprise. As usual, Ms. Andrews makes sure there are several good recipes posted at the end of the story. My only complaint....she did not give out the shrimp salad recipe that was the twins on Eutaw Island. Sigh! I guess I will have to continue to hunt a fabulous shrimp salad recipe. I hope you enjoy the book. Happy Reading.
Deep Dish,
Mary Kay Andrews,
Sunday, July 12, 2009
One of My Absolute Favorites

For those of you who follow Tales of Bloggeritavilles Thrifty Thursday you will be delighted to know that not only does she write...she is a lifelong ""junker"" and claims to know the location of every promising thrift store, flea market and junkpile in the southeastern United States, plus many parts of Ohio. Now that is my kind of woman. She has a B.A. in newspaper journalism from The University of Georgia (but I won't hold that against her - War Eagle!), and is a guest lecturer and writing teacher at workshops including Emory University, The University of Georgia's Harriet Austin Writer's Workshop, the Tennessee Mountain Writer's Workshop and the Antioch Writer's Workshop. Her mysteries have been nominated for the Edgar, Anthony, Agatha and Macavity Awards. Mary Kay Andrews has been married for over 30 years to her high school sweetheart. She lives in the suburbs of Atlanta. So, I needed something to read and I unashamedly bribed Frank into riding to Auburn after church. I got a gift card from a student for tutoring her during the second semester and I needed a new book. I finished up the Nora Roberts I was reading this morning before church and was in need of a reading fix....so I told Frank if he would go with me...I would share and get him a book too. You have to understand...husband number 1...only read if it had pictures (preferably comic ones)....when I met Frank we both had ended up at the Firecracker 400 in Atlanta. He was there with clients and I was there with friends...or seats were side by side. I brought a book....I am NOT a NASCAR fan. I was invisioning the race as a great day in the sun....and time to read. It turned out to be a great day all around. Frank sat down and made a comment about the book I was reading...it was one of the Left Behind series...I slid my eyes over the top of my reading glasses and said, "You read?" I know...for those of you who know me...this is kind of harsh...but remember...I had been burned and was not looking to play with fire again. He laughed the biggest and sweetest laugh...and we spent the rest of the race talking about books, each other...it was awesome. I even gave him my email address...so he could contact me. He did not get my phone number for another month or so....ok...I have digressed wildly here. I WAS talking about Mary Kay Andrews. I have read, New York Times Bestsellers Hissy Fit, Savannah Blues,Savannah Breeze, Little Bitty Lies, and Blue Christmas. They are wonderful. If you love southern humor, charm, and just good fun....and she always includes a few good recipes in the back of the book. You will love Mary Kate Andrews. The one I bought today is called Deep Dish. I will let you know how good it is when I finish it. Happy Sunday and Happy Reading!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
"Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia-A Life in Poems"

If you want a glimpse of Southern life,
Come close and walk with me;
I'll tell you all the simple things,
That you are sure to see.
You'll see mockingbirds and bumblebees,
Magnolia blossoms and dogwood trees,
Caterpillars on the step,
Wooden porches cleanly swept;
Watermelons on the vine,
Strong majestic Georgia pines;
Rocking chairs and front yard swings,
Junebugs flying on a string;
Turnip greens and hot cornbread,
Coleslaw and barbecue;
Fried okra, fried corn, fried green tomatoes,
Fried pies and pickles too.
There's ice cold tea that's syrupy sweet,
And cool, green grass beneath your feet;
Catfish nipping in the lake,
And fresh young boys on the make.
You'll see all these things
And much, much more,
In a way of life that I adore.

BOOK AVAILABLE: www.reeds.ms/book.asp or www.Amazon.com
AUTHOR WEBSITE: www.patricianeelydorsey.webs.com
Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia-A Life in Poems
" a celebration of the south and things southern"
"Meet Mississippi Through Poetry, Prose and The Written Word"
Friday, July 10, 2009
San Diego part 2 - July 4th - Padres Game
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Make a Smilebox photobook |
Have a great day. My sweetie is taking me to the movies tonight to see Ice Age 3 in 3D. Ya just got to love this man...who else would let me go across the country for 8long days and take care of my parents while I am gone...He definitely earns jewels in his crown on a daily basis...and I love him for it.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Happy Birthday Momma!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
San Diego Highlights for June 30th - July 1st.
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Make a Smilebox photobook |
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Flight Home and the Mule Kick I Missed!
Monday, July 6, 2009
July 6th , the Final Day and My Utterly Incoherent Ramblings
I have been a member of the NEA/AEA/SAEA for the past 25 years and one thing that gets me is that people have such a negative misconception of the NEA. Once, many years ago, there was a new business item about abortion....and since that day it has been thought that the NEA supports abortion. That is not true. The NEA supports a woman's right to choose. I am a Christian and personally do not believe in abortion...but I do believe that it is a woman's right to choose what course of action she takes. I would rather adoption be considered over abortion but that is not always the case. I am sad when I have young students, tenth graders...who don't even have driver's licenses yet but have a baby to take care of. This choice changes their whole lives forever. When I was in high school....fifteen to be exact, my dear friend Kathy had a child. Most of the parents forbid their daughters from seeing her again...like she had some contagious disease. My parents were very supportive of Kathy and I remained her friend forever. She raised her daughter Margie and was a great mom...but her life changed. Back in my day...if you had a child...or were pregnant....you were taken out of the general population of school and put into night school. This happened to Kathy. She was no longer part of the fifteen year old scene. She was part of another scene....one I did not understand. I felt sad for her. Today, that is not the case....they stay in the school and having a child is some sort of badge of honor. I am sad for these kids too. Every decision we make has a consequence and that consequence changes the course of our lives.
The NEA delegation raised 20,000+ dollars for the Illinois delegate who lost his wife in the freak peddy cab accident. I was proud considering it was just something some states did. It is things like this that make me proud to be a part of this great organization. No! We are not a union....we are just a large body of members who gather and plot the course of the american school system.
My goodness...it is 6:30 and Bob Channin just called the last meeting of the 2009 NEA RA adjourned. How exciting. Since we ended so early we are going to ride the shuttle back to the hotel...pick up the car....and go eat on Harbor Island at Tom Ham's Lighthouse Restaurant. It is an active lighthouse. The food was fabulous, the view tremendous, and the company was out of this world. Back to the hotel for bed and then off for home tomorrow. I almost wish I could stay another day and go up the coast to LaJolla...but to be honest...I am brain dead right now. Night All!
Bob Channin,
July 6th,
March on San Diego,
San Diego
Sunday, July 5, 2009
July 5th in San Diego
July 5th,
Kansas City BBQ,
peddy taxis,
San Diego
Saturday, July 4, 2009
July 4th in San Diego
P.S. No BBQ at Kansas City BBQ tonight. WE had to park 30 minutes away, wait an hour to be seated and then would have had to wait and hour for the food after being seated. I walked back and go the car and we went to Phils....not happening...it was no longer there....burned down!...we ended up at T.G.I. Fridays....I had a salad and tomato basil soup...far cry from BBQ. Sigh!...maybe tomorrow night! Can't wait to be back in the South...that is for sure!
July 3rd
Thursday, July 2, 2009
July 2nd
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
July 1st in San Diego
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